Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

25 ratings
Rebalance Mod
File Size
11.792 MB
10 Mar, 2016 @ 10:01pm
11 Mar, 2016 @ 5:19pm
9 Change Notes ( view )

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Rebalance Mod

THIS MOD IS NOT UP TO DATE. I've used most of the code to develop my KF1 mod here

Syringe heals 35 (was going to make it 20-25-30-35 based on difficulty but too lazy since I intend on only playing hoe)
Syringe uses 50% charge on ally heal instead of half recharge time
Syringe use range increased (135 ->180)
Having knife out gives a movespeed boost (15% to normal speed, 11% to sprint speed)
Unlimited flashlight/NV

All zeds:
Teleporting removed
Rage on 5 zeds left removed for FP and Scrake
Movespeed randomness changed from +-10% to +-3% to lessen the possible negative affects of RNG (plz no random +10% speed FP....)

Individual zeds:
Cyst: No changes
Alpha: No changes
Slasher: No changes
Gorefast: No changes
Crawler: No changes
Stalker: No changes

Vomit damage 12->8
Vomit dot duration 12->8
Vomit dot scale .08333->.285714
(total damage change is 24->26, this makes the initial hit less but the dot does damage faster and more damage)
Siren: Body no longer takes 50% damage
Husk: Fireball base damage 25->20 (base + dot on hoe was 68.75 (25 *1.75 + .2*25 per second for 5 seconds) I believe for a direct hit. This should be 51 total for a direct hit on hoe)

Increase head base health to better match kf1 (600->750)
Resists fire/MWG by 50% from 100%
Increase head base health to better match kf1 (650->775)
Resist MWG by 50% from 100%

Hans: only patriarch spawns as Hans could use a rework and he's really not fun right now
Patriarch: Health 3750->3250 (I've never seen patriarch kill less than 3 people in a 6 man HOE game against him, nor have I never seen it end in any other way besides after 10 minutes of the last 1 or 2 people kiting him around the map)

All guns now have penetration for burst fire/full auto to make these fire modes actually usable on small zeds without burning through your whole ammo pool as long as they're lined up (Keep in mind different zeds have different penetration resist and the curves for penetration damage make each zed hit past the first take less damage, and support weapons have double these values or more)

AR15 given 5 penetration in burst fire, spread in burst reduced (.01->.004)
Bullpup given 5 penetration in full auto
AK12 given 5 penetration in burst, 7 in full auto
SCAR given 7 penetration in full auto

Single fire now does +35% damage.

AK12 buffed (damage 35->40, spread on alt-fire decreased 0.0085->0.003)

All commando zed time projectiles doubled speed (7500->15000)

Leadership skill reload bonus for allies increased(10%->15%)

Total and starting ammo increased by 8 on m4
Minor ammo cost reduction
Double barrel penetration (2->4)
M4 penetration increased(2 ->3)
Pump buffed(damage 20->25, fire rate 0.77 -> 0.55, penetration 2->3)
Tier 25 perk safeguard buffed (armor given 5->15)

Vampire heals increased from 4 to 8
Eviscerator penetration increased (4->20) ammo pool reduced(20->15)
Katana set as berserker weapon (since martial artist isn't out yet)
Berserker spawns with katana instead of crovel; katana has the gold skin from kf1

Reduced Recharge rate increase(8% per level with max of 300% -> 2% per level with max of 150%)
Reduced bonus armor (3% per level with max of 175 -> 1% per level with max of 125)
Regeneration increased (2 hp per 5 seconds -> 1 hp per 2 seconds)
Armament potency lost increased (-25% -> -33%)

New T3 added - Medic Grenade Launcher (launches smaller aoe versions of the medic grenades)
Shotgun ammo pool increased penetration increased (2->6); damage increased (20->25)
SMG heal amount reduced (30->23); heal ammo cost reduced (50->33); damage increase (15->20); spread reduced(.007->.005); total ammo reduced (360->200)
Assault Rifle Fire interval changed to scar's (.096); spread reduced (.0085->.007); damage increased (40->45)

Lowered minimum ammo used for caulk, flamethrower, and MWG (caulk 4->3, flame 4->3, MWG 4->3)
Added a fire grenade launcher - launches a fire grenade that explodes on impact and has all the effects of a molotov
Molotov buffed (impact damage 60->100, number of fire splashes 4->6)

All weapons have arm range reduced (3.5/4 meters -> 1.5 meters)
Starting ammo increase per level removed (all demo weaps besides c4 have starting ammo increased to compensate)
HX25 change projectile from submunition to mini grenade launcher round (150 damage, 400 radius)
Adjust RPG to match law damage/ammo/ammocost
C4 removed consecutive explosion resist, increase cost to 350 each, base cost to 800, damage increased to match pipe bomb from kf1.
M79 damage increased (225->450) and stun added on hit
Nuke changed to large aoe minor damage poison field, only capable of significantly damaging/killing small zeds(like a bigger version of medic grenade in terms of dps)
Added new demo tier 2 weapon: explosive revolver: fires explosive tipped magnum rounds (200 damage, 400 radius)

In addition to subscribing, you must put an INT file in the right spot as well.
After downloading the mod (launch the game after subscribing)
1. Download and extract the dropbox zip
2. Open your steam/steamapps/common/killingfloor2/KFGame/Localization/INT folder
3. Copy Rebalance.INT file from the zip into the folder you just opened
4 (Optional). Back up your KFGame.INT file (also in the folder from step 2)
5. Open the file with notepad or any other text editor and paste the contents of the 'Paste me' text file into the top of the file.

The int file does NOT need to be installed on a server if you're running this on a server; only the client needs it.

Without doing these steps, the perk skills and weapon names will be messed up and weapons will not appear properly in the store.

This is a gameinfo mod. To play, you must launch the game adding ?game=Rebalance.RebalanceInfo to the command line. The same goes for using this on a server.

To launch the game from a command line, if you don't already know, just go to your killingfloor2/binaries/win64 folder, shift-rightclick and select 'open command window here, type KFGame mapname?gametype (E.g. KFGame kf-burningparis?game=Rebalance.RebalanceInfo)
Star  [author] 13 Dec, 2020 @ 10:43am 
Sure, lemme know if you need anything else for it.
Dr. Smoke 13 Dec, 2020 @ 6:32am 
Thanks bro, really appreciate it..
Star  [author] 12 Dec, 2020 @ 8:06pm 
Dr. Smoke 12 Dec, 2020 @ 3:18pm 
Can you include the source code for this mod since you're not developing it? I would be grateful
Dalton 17 Feb, 2017 @ 12:09pm 
whenever i do the last step (the command line thing) it launches the game and then says: the specified command line 'mapname' could not be found, load default map instead? any ideas as to what i did wrong?
Star  [author] 17 Feb, 2017 @ 12:05pm 
This mod hasn't been updated since early EA. My KF1 mod has most of the features of this with a bunch of stuff added and that should be working with the most recent patch.
Nerve 6 Sep, 2016 @ 12:43pm 
amazing, i am not a modder but I write lots of "patchnotes" for better gameplay & such, I have over 200 pages but I stopped a long time ago but its kind of funny how a lot of these ideas I share in common with you & even your weapon ideas & weapon modifications (along with everything that I wrote down different possible changes to) I still agree with & would like to see it in game over the current shit... luckily they got rid of a lot of the horrible mechanics after a very long time of tons of complaints/concerns/decrease in playing/bitching haha, but ya I wish players could balance the game or hopefully they will make this game super customizable or ppl like you will find a way to make enough mods over time to where we can get a game that is half-way decent & doesn't need drastic changes super randomly (many of which don't help except for reverts which they simply reduce instead of eliminating (stubborn TW i.g.), great work, wish ppl like you worked for TWI
Durpy🐦 6 Jun, 2016 @ 2:21am 
Oh they do teleport more than you'd think!
Star  [author] 5 Jun, 2016 @ 4:24am 
ye sure, but zeds rarely teleport so I don't think it'd do much. Most of the so called "teleporting" comes from zeds spawning right around corners, not teleporting there.
Durpy🐦 4 Jun, 2016 @ 6:16pm 
You think you can make a quick standalone that just removes zed teleportation?