Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

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93.083 MB
10 Mar, 2016 @ 12:55pm
10 Mar, 2016 @ 4:24pm
2 Change Notes ( view )

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My first attempt at using anything with UDK, though I do have experience with Source mapping.

Somewhat of a small-to-mid sized map with almost every room coated in invisible destructible objects as well as an attempt at a hidden armor/weapon cache. Most rails and objects can be jumped up upon/over except if it could break the enemy pathing.

STORY: Was Killing Floor really about story in the first place? Fiiine... something something testing facility or drug trip? Zeds. Shoot the zeds, they want to kill you.


Destruction: Almost every wall, floor, and ceiling has some sort of invisible destructible. From bleeding ceilings to setting a place on fire. Don't make too much of a mess... unless you like that.
Lighting: Part of the destruction, almost every light is able to be destroyed. A couple exceptions to this are actually certain windows that can be smashed to produce more light.
Hidden Weapon & Armor Pickups/Risky Armor Pickup: If you are observant, you'll figure out where the hidden caches are. There is also an armor pickup that players can grab and deal with the 60-ish damage jump down to grab it.
Changing Surroundings: 'I could've sworn that hallway wasn't covered in pulsating pustules a second ago...' Various Line-of-Sight events have been placed in the map that will alter objects and areas when they aren't being looked at and when no players are around/inside.
Escher!: Okay, maybe it isn't as prevalent in the map (could certainly be too confusing), but hey, the player customization spot is all for it and even a few zeds here and there.
Don't think too deep into the logic of the map, I know I didn't.

Quite a bit of my inspiration stems from my love of the surreal hell type of designs you can see in Silent Hill or Doom.
Marsh Man 4 Oct, 2018 @ 8:33pm 
Super cool map, wish it was a bit brighter though, its really dark
Storm_at_Sea 18 Feb, 2018 @ 2:43am 
Awesome map! :tu1:
Sean Sindahl 15 Sep, 2017 @ 4:22pm 
You've got some cool ideas and parts of the map has some really nice design. Lots of detail and varying gemoetry on walls and ceilings is a BIG plus, keep that up!

Nice dark and surreal atmosphere, though in my opinion the "blood everywhere" is overdone. Sometimes less is more. I can tell you've been thinking a lot ouside of the box and not shy of exprimenting. Awesome.

Not a fan of most of the destructibles. The bleeding and burning walls look quite lame, and the flashy material on broken windows is annoying. Some actors simply vanish into thin air when broken. The bleeding lamps and rupturing pipes are cool.

Biggest issue: Map performance is atrocious. There is little to no performance optimization, and it really makes the map stutter. Even without Zeds some areas drop into the 40 FPS range on my GTX 970. That's a deal breaker.

Overall a cool first attempt. You've got a good eye for detail and once you get some more SDK experience you'll be putting out some funky stuff
Windows11 23 Jan, 2017 @ 8:13pm 
Showdonn  [author] 9 May, 2016 @ 9:23pm 
It was intentional. I wish there was a way to not make the trader arrow follow through AI pathed areas (otherwise I need to make these enemy spawns separate rather than shared).
Duke 9 May, 2016 @ 9:14pm 
Probably one of the coolest looking maps in the community right now. I love the use of pre-existing assets in new and interesting ways. The dark red and black tone makes navigating fun but frantic. My one complaint is that the doors with blood dripping through them are impassable. Whether or not this is intentional, the trader pathfinder still leads through them. Looking forward to more of your work.
Zelascelar 3 May, 2016 @ 12:00am 
Tried it alone, it was hella creepy and hectic, being so confused you can't navigate.. I played Silent Hill 2 and approve of this map! More!, if you're up for it :)
susie 11 Mar, 2016 @ 7:48pm 
I love this map and it's by far my favorite custom map! Keep up the good work!