Portal 2

Portal 2

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Soccer in Portal 2!

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Soccer in Portal 2!

The title speaks for itself. This descripition will tell you how to use this facility!

When you first enter the map, you will find yourself in a small room. Press the button you will find to enter the arena. Inside, you will see a large room. THIS IS THE SOCCER FIELD. You are allowed to use ANY MEANS to get the ball to the other goal.

When you are finished playing, put the ball onto the sphere button. It will open up a panel in the wall, leading to the map's exit. There is a button in the exit room, that goes back into the arena if:

1) You change your mind about not playing more ;)
2) Someone gets stuck in the arena

PS: It may be easier to play (and more fair) by pushing the ball along the ground rather than holding it.