Sven Co-op

Sven Co-op

389 rating
The Ultimate Sven Co-op Guide
Oleh kolaborator HEV Elite dan 2
Encyclopedia, importing custom music, creating sprays, custom content, this guide (hopefully) has it all.
Batalkan favorit
- - - - - Introduction - - - - -

What is Sven Co-op?
Sven Co-op (abbreviated as SC) being released on steam is probably the greatest milestone this mod has accomplished. However, like all free-to-play games, new players are abundant; wide-eyed and amazed taking in all SC has to offer. But what is SC? SC is a cooperative mod for Valve's Half Life 1. SC was first released in 1999, since then substatial changes have occured, with the addition of new weapons (26 in total!) and enemies. But one thing remains the fun it is to play, especially with friends!

This guide is really image heavy, if you have limited bandwidth or you're browsing on your phone or something, please refrain from doing so unless you like blowing up your internet bill.
- - - - - Foreword - - - - -

So Who Am I?
I'm just an advid Half Life 1 fan enjoying their games and expansions since I was little. About after I finished the Half Life 1 campaign and moved onto it's expansions: Blue Shift and Opposing Force, Valve moved their games from WoN to Steam, so I immediately played my first mutiplayer match in Opposing Force. Deathmatch can only be fun for so long though, so after some snooping around I found Sven Co-op 2.0. Playing through custom maps (and Half Life 1 on some servers) with friends? Sure! I've been hooked ever since, watching SC grow from 2.0 to 3.0 to now 5.0!

May Recognize Me From
  • Op4 Gunners Server Administrator
  • Synergy Xtreme Server
  • Svencoop Gigabyte Servers
  • Left 4 Dead 2 Steam Moderator
  • GTA5 Immersive Jobs
  • Messing around various gold source/source communities and mods

Why Did I Write This Guide?
The journey I've went through, and the people I've met on SC really places this game close to heart. I hope that after this guide, newer players will understand the game/lore better and perhaps start a journey of their own in the Half Life 1 series.

Now thats out of the way let's get started!
- - - - - Getting Started - - - - -
The first thing you want to do is change your name and maybe player model. As much as its nice to see all the New Players' (default name) running around, its best to have a name of your own. Afterwards, you can change your player model, which is what others will see you as. The two bars shown can be used to change colors (only on certain models). Afterwards just hit join game and select any from the list!

The View Screen
  1. Your current health
  2. Your current HEV Suit battery level (armor)
  3. Your current ammo, clipsize | total ammo type
  4. Items picked up will be displayed here
  5. Your flashlight battery level (will shut off automatically when reaching critical level, but recharge on its own)
  6. Target information: will display alignment, health and frags (score for NPCs)
  7. Crosshair
- - - - - Basic Tips & Tricks - - - - -
Crouch Jumping
Sometimes there will be an obstacle in your way that is just too high. A normal jump won't cut it here so you will need to duck jump. If you are using wasd to move, q to crouch and space to jump, pressing w + q + space will crouch jump getting you over the obstacle.

If you are using X to shout Warning, pressing X will shout TAKE COVER! with Grenade Icon on top of the player who pressed it. Warning shout mean to warn other player to take cover from incoming grenade or any other danger nearby. If you are using Z to shout Medic, pressing Z will shout MEDIC! with Red Cross Icon on top of the player who pressed it. Medic shout mean to tell other player that you are wounded, player who understand about it should come closer and heal you. Or you shouting Medic will cause nearby Medic Grunt or Scientist to run and heal you.

The Banana Bomb
If you have 10 grenades in hand, and provided the map and server allows it, pressing alternate fire on the grenade will throw a banana bomb. The damage in an enclosed area is unmatched, but out in the open it may be unreliable.

Disarming the Heavy Weapons Soldier
Hitting him with a high impact weapon, such as grenades will occasionaly cause him to drop his minigun and use his sidearm.

Mario Stomping
Falling from a height which causes damage to the player can also be hazardous to your enemies. Landing on an enemy from a dangerous height will damage the both of you.

Ledge Climbing
Introduced in 4.0, ledge climbing allows players to pull themselves up ledges by holding the jump button after jumping and approaching a climbable ledge if the map allows it. The ledge must be at about half your screen height after jumping before you are able to climb it.

Melee Pulling
If a player is blocking a door, or went AFK infront of an important location, you can use a melee weapon and smack them out of the way. Hitting them while moving backwards will drag them back with you. Don't worry there is no friendly fire, so doing this will not damage them.
- - - - - Weapons Guide (Slots 1 : 3) - - - - -
Slot 1 - Melee

Rank: Very common
Primary: Swing
Secondary: Electric swing (only for donors)
Tertiary: Throw crowbar
Damage: Low
RoF: Medium
Ammo: None

Pipe Wrench
Rank: Common
Primary: Swing
Secondary: Charged swing (hold for more damage)
Tertiary: None
Damage: Low - high
RoF: Very slow - slow
Ammo: None
  • Can repair friendly turrets and robots

Rank: Common - uncommon
Primary: Swing
Secondary: Electric swing (only for donors)
Tertiary: Throw knife
Damage: Very low
RoF: Medium - high
Ammo: None
  • Only avaliable in the Opposing Force Campaign
  • Provides an insta-kill to enemy players in PvP if stabbed in the back

Personal Medkit
Rank: Very common
Primary: Heal
Secondary: Revive (approach dead ally and hold to revive)
Tertiary: None
Damage: None
RoF: Slow - medium
Ammo (100): Medkit cells (self regenerating)
  • Can be recharged by using the health station while at full health
  • Healing ally will cost 10 medkit cells while reviving ally will cost 50 medkit cells Note that usage cost can be modified with map configs.

Personal Barnacle
Rank: Common - uncommon
Primary: Tongue Launch
Secondary: Switch between pull and rappel
Tertiary: None
Damage: Medium - high
RoF: Slow - medium
Ammo: None
  • Primary attack can be used to eat NPC's, smaller one like Headcrab will get pulled and eaten
  • Can pull player to another player or grapple surface
  • Players can slowly rappel if attached to player or grapple surface
  • Grapple surface are commonly bright green hexagonal patches on high places
Note: Good for eating crabs, this thing don't have much role. Only useful for map navigation.

Slot 2 - Small Arms

Rank: Very common
Primary: Single fire
Secondary: Rapid fire
Tertiary: None
Damage: Low
RoF: Slow - medium fast
Ammo (17/250): 9mm rounds
  • Secondary fire shoots faster but is more inaccurate
  • Shares ammo with the MP5 & Uzi
  • Able to fire underwater
  • The berreta can be the most easy-to-use accurate weapon
Note: Most common weaponry, it's pretty accurate regardless distance.

Rank: Common - uncommon
Primary: Single fire
Secondary: None
Tertiary: None
Damage: Medium - high
RoF: Slow - Very slow
Ammo (6/36): .357 rounds
  • Shares ammo with the Desert Eagle
Note: Quite powerful, but have a slight spread and very slow. An update removed the scope feature.

Rank: Common
Primary: Full auto
Secondary: Switch between single and dual uzis
Tertiary: None
Damage: Low
RoF: Fast - very fast
Ammo (32 - 64/250): 9mm rounds
  • Shares ammo with Beretta and MP5
  • Can be dual wielded
  • Donators have access to gold versions which do more damage
Note: The fast RoF makes ia good finisher weapon

Desert Eagle
Rank: Uncommon - rare
Primary: Single fire
Secondary: Switch laser on/off
Tertiary: None
Damage: Medium - high
RoF: Slow - medium
Ammo (7/36): .357 rounds
  • With the laser on the accuracy matches the magnum but fires slower
  • With the laser off the accuracy is significantly worse but fire at almost twice the speed
  • Slightly reduced damage compared to .357 Magnum
Note: Much more accurate than Magnum, not only that. It also works well in close up personal with laser off.

Slot 3 - Conventional

Rank: Common
Primary: Rapid fire
Secondary: Small zoom
Tertiary: None
Damage: Low
RoF: Fast
Ammo (30/250): 9mm rounds
  • Zooming in provides no accuracy boost
  • Shares ammo with the Beretta and Uzi
Note: Kinda spreads away, but still a good backup.

Rank: Very common
Primary: Single pump fire
Secondary: Semi-auto fire (double barrel fire only at certain map)
Tertiary: None
Damage: Medium
RoF: Medium - fast
Ammo (8/125): 12 gauge shells
  • Single pump fire is more accurate than the semi-auto secondary fire
  • Single fire pellet spread is "O" shaped
  • Semi-auto fire pellet spread is "-" shaped
Note: Most common thing and useful, most combat are close quarter anyway

Rank: Uncommon - rare
Primary: Single fire
Secondary: Strong zoom
Tertiary: None
Damage: Medium - high + DoT
RoF: Slow
Ammo (5/50): Crossbow bolts
  • On contact, the crossbow bolts poison the target giving them damage over time for 2 seconds
  • Able to fire underwater
  • Crossbow bolts will explode upon impact to any surface if not zoomed in, this doesn't apply if it impact to any lifeform
Note: Really slow, and the bolts have travel time. But the damage surely cause enemies panicking.

M16 with M203
Rank: Uncommon
Primary: 3-round burst
Secondary: M203 grenade launcher
Tertiary: None
Damage: Medium - high
RoF: Medium
Ammo (30/600 & 1/10): 5.56 rounds & M203 grenades
  • Sometimes picking up the M203 grenades will give you the m16 as well
  • Shares ammo with the M249 & Minigun
Note: Used to be one of the most useless weapon.. ever. An update buffed it, nade launcher can be a good thing if you're lazy with cooking throwable nades.
- - - - - Weapons Guide (Slots 4 : 6) - - - - -
Slot 4 - Heavy Weapons

Rank: Rare
Primary: Single rocket
Secondary: Switch laser on/off
Tertiary: None
Damage: High
RoF: Very slow
Ammo (1/5): Rockets
  • With laser on rockets launched will follow the laser
  • With laser off rockets will fire at last crosshair position
  • Able to fire underwater, but the rockets speed will be slow upon launched
  • The guided rockets only last for a while when launched, then the rocket will no longer follow the laser
Note: Once everyone get their hands on it. It'll be explosive action. Just be careful with the range and room size though. Firing this thing in a vent is just simply a suicide action.

Gauss (Tau) Gun
Rank: Rare
Primary: Rapid fire
Secondary: Charged shot
Tertiary: None
Damage: High - very high
RoF: Medium
Ammo (100): Isotope boxes
  • Charging for too long will cause the gun to backfire damaging the player
  • Charging and submerging in liquids will cause the weapon to shock and damage the player
  • Shares ammo with Egon and Displacer
Note: Aim for the head, it's damage is insane. The beam even penetrate sometimes, or bounce.

Egon (Gluon) Gun
Rank: Very rare
Primary: Continuous stream
Secondary: None
Tertiary: None
Damage: Low - Medium
RoF: Instantaneous beam
Ammo (100): Isotope boxes
  • Shares ammo with Gauss and Displacer
  • Beam will "drag" behind crosshair
  • Beam has a small AoE, be careful when firing at point blank enemies as the user can harm him/herself
Note: 'Nuff said, it'll kill everything in sight with rapid pain.

Hornet Gun
Rank: Uncommon - rare
Primary: Homing fire
Secondary: Rapid unguided fire
Tertiary: None
Damage: Low - Medium
RoF: Slow - Very fast
Ammo (100): Hornets (self regenerating)
  • Will provide no "score" when damaging enemies
  • Rapid secondary fire follows an "O" pattern clockwise
  • Able to fire underwater
  • Distract NPC such as turret where the turret will try to shoot the Hornets
Note: This is another solution to save ammo rather than whackin' crowbar

Slot 5 - Throwables

Hand Grenades
Rank: Common
Primary: Throw Grenade (hold to cook)
Secondary: Banana Bomb (see tips & tricks)
Tertiary: None
Damage: High
RoF: Very slow
Ammo (10): Grenades
  • Grenades have a 4 second fuse
  • Can be thrown underwater
Note: It's useless if you want to rush, use this as a last resort. Don't forget to cook it before throwing it against NPC's who have knowledge about grenade at their feet, they tend to dodge it real fast!

Satchel Charges
Rank: Uncommon
Primary: Throw satchel (detonate)
Secondary: Throw extra satchels
Tertiary: None
Damage: Very high
RoF: Medium
Ammo (5): Satchels
  • Can be kicked around
  • Can be picked back up after dropping
  • Can be kicked up by stepping on then jumping
Note: Good in defense situation, Momma Mesa is one of 'em. Explosive is also much more powerful. You may also use this in replacement of frag grenades.

Rank: Uncommon - rare
Primary: Plant single mine
Secondary: None
Tertiary: None
Damage: Medium - high
RoF: Medium - fast
Ammo (5): Tripmines
  • Can be used to create stairs (see tips & tricks)
  • Can plant on any stationary surface: walls, ceilings, other players etc.
  • Able to plant underwater
  • Friendlies can trigger the mine but will not be damaged, it only damage for those who planted the mine
Note: This explosive tech is rarely used, because most maps wanted you to push on and attack. Good thing is NPC's will never see this thing.
Also, this thing will give you a nightmare in Half-Life's Chapter - Surface Tension, especially in co-op.

Rank: Rare
Primary: Throw snark
Secondary: Deploy personal chumtoad (donator only)
Tertiary: None
Damage: Medium - very high
RoF: Medium - fast
Ammo (15): Snark nest
  • Donators can deploy a personal chumtoad when carrying 10 snarks and pressing alternate fire
  • Can be thrown underwater but snarks cannot swim and will float around
  • Will not seek out friendlies
Note: It's quite rare, I've never seen many players using it.

Slot 6 - Utility Weapons

M40a1 Sniper Rifle
Rank: Uncommon
Primary: Bolt action fire
Secondary: Strong zoom
Tertiary: None
Damage: Medium - high
RoF: Very slow
Ammo (5/15): .308 rounds
  • Firing all 5 shots before reloading will cause the gun to reload longer
  • Firing without zooming in will be inaccurate
  • Firing while getting damaged/shot at will be inaccurate

M249 SAW
Rank: Rare
Primary: Full-auto
Secondary: None
Tertiary: None
Damage: Medium
RoF: Fast
Ammo (200/600): 5.56 rounds
  • Shares ammo with Minigun and M16

Spore Launcher
Rank: Rare
Primary: Low angle launch
Secondary: High angle launch
Tertiary: None
Damage: Medium - high + DoT
RoF: Medium - fast
Ammo (8/30): Spores
  • Any enemy caught in the explosion radius will suffer from a 2 second poison effect
  • Able to fire underwater

Rank: Extremely rare
Primary: Launch displacer energy
Secondary: Self teleport
Tertiary: Launch fast and powerful displacer energy
Damage: High
RoF: Very slow
Ammo (100): Isotope boxes
  • Self teleport only works on certain maps, usually those in the Opposing Force campaign
  • Primary fire will cost 20 ammo, Tertiary fire will cost ??, and self teleport will cost 60 ammo.

Slot N/A - Disposable

Rank: Uncommon
Primary: Spinning fire
Secondary: Spin barrels
Tertiary: None
Damage: Low - medium
RoF: Very fast
Ammo (600): 5.56 ammo
  • Cannot be fired on a ladder
  • Shares ammo with M249 and M16
  • Player moves slower when equipped
  • Player unable to jump unless on a ladder
  • Cannot move and fire
  • Spinning barrels slowers player significantly
  • Very effective while crouching
  • Player is greatly vulnerable due to slow movement, suggest to have one player to follow and heal you wherever you go.

Shock Roach
Rank: Uncommon
Primary: Rapid shock projectiles
Secondary: Shock stream
Tertiary: None
Damage: Low - medium
RoF: Fast - very fast
Ammo (100): Shock roach life
  • Shock stream can recharge friendly players HEV suit battery/armor
  • Not recommended to fire underwater
  • Will rapidly deteriorate at 25 ammo
  • Will explode upon reaching 0 ammo, can be used as an improvised explosive by dropping the Shock Roach
  • The shock beams is effective against Robo Grunt
- - - - - Items & Tools (WiP) - - - - -
Hazardous Environment Suit
The Hazardous Environment Suit or H.E.V Suit or also can be called Hazard Suit is a suit which can protect user from any hazardous environment. The suit is the main component of the game where the H.E.V suit will show feature such as:
    Feature list maybe incomplete
  • You can see how many health. If you ran low on health look for First Aid Kit or you can shout Medic! so your friend can help you.
  • Unlock armor system. Armor allow you to resist enemy attack. Armor can be filled by looking for H.E.V charger station or picking up suit battery.
  • Enable/disable flashlight. Usually by pressing [F] you will turn on/off flashlight. The flashlight will help you to lit dark area. Flashlight have drain power, so remember to switch it off if you dont need it.
  • Store weapons and ammunitions. You can store more weaponary which is up to 6 slots as mentioned before. You can also store and check how many ammunition you have.
  • Recognize damage type. H.E.V suit will recognize type of incoming damage such as drowning, flame burn, radiation, eletrical shock, and many more.
The H.E.V suit will be always worn after the map is loaded. Certain map may start without H.E.V suit such as Half-Life campaign map.

The Long Jump Module
The long jump module allows the player to make...well long jumps. Upon picking up the item you will hear a distinctive beep followed by the "Power assist movement activated" from your HEV Suit. To use the long jump module, move forward and press both the crouch key and jump key at the same time. If you use wasd to move, q to crouch and space to jump, pressing w + space + q will activate the long jump. The long jump module is very useful to for faster movement by performing long jump repeatedly.

Suit Battery
The suit battery allows the player to increase the suit armor by 25%. Upon picking up the item you will hear a double beep followed by the "Power: Twenty-five percent" from your HEV Suit. Once you have reached 100% it'll be followed by the "Power level is one hundred percent!". The suit battery will disappear once you picked it up and it will respawn again for a while (or not only at certain map). The suit battery will give you a better chance of survival, you will need it to fight against ranged attack enemy such as Human Grunt.
- - - - - Friends & Enemies (WiP) - - - - -
Through your journeys in Sven Co-op you will come across a wide variety of enemies ranging from nuisances like the headcrab to cunning assassins. You're not alone in the fight however, almost all enemies have a friendly counterpart that will fight alonside with you. Be sure to know the enemies from the friendlies as unlike players, friendly NPCs can be damaged by your weapons! By aiming your weapon to any NPC, the info text will show up. The friendly one is using green text while the enemy one is using red text when aimed with and... eventually attack you. This list will only cover those with both friendly and enemy appearances. You may come across foes not on this list... Keep in mind these only show default model of the NPCs. Some maps customize the NPCs with different models. With more possibilities from Angelscript, their behaviour can be altered aswell.

Alien Grunt

Alien Grunts (Taxonomic designation Xenotherium myrmex, or "Alien Ant Beast") are a race of aliens that form the bulk of the Nihilanth's army.

Health: Medium - high
Attacks: Hornet gun, melee swipe, snark nest grenades
Weak Spots: Unarmored exposed areas
  • Will eat dead enemies to regain health out of combat
  • If you can try to aim-for-the-head. Magnum or sniper can kill this monster easily.. If you are good at shooting.. (Depends on server difficulty really)

Apache Helicopter

The AH-64 Apache is a US military attack helicopter used by the HECU and the Black Ops during the Black Mesa Incident.

Health: High
Attacks: Chain gun, rocket pods
Weak Spots: Cockpit, rotors
  • Will create a large explosion upon destroyed, remember to move away once destroyed
  • The cockpit and rotors can be damaged with small arms
  • Cannot fire rockets directly under it
  • Will spew black fumes when damaged by any source

Baby Garg

Unlike the regular Gargantua, the Baby Gargantua is smaller and hasn't developed a full shell yet. This makes it vulnerable to bullets.

Health: High - very high
Attacks: Small flamer, small shockwave stomp
Weak Spots: Head, entire body
  • Shockwave stomp affects for those above or under it
  • Flamer can still damage players underwater

Security Force (Barney & Barnabus)

The Black Mesa Security Force is the main component of Black Mesa's support personnel force.

Health: Low - medium
Attacks: 9mm handgun, desert eagle, mp5, shotgun, 357 magnum
Weak Spots: Head, arms and legs
  • Wears a bulletproof vest and helmet
  • Heavy damage weapons such as the gauss or sniper rifle will penetrate the armor
  • Friendly security forces will attack the player if fired upon or harming friendlies (although player won't be damaged at all)


The Barnacle (Taxonomic designation Cirripedia donaldsonia, or "Donaldson's Barnacle") is a stationary ceiling-dwelling alien creature. There is less to none friendly encounter to this kind of creature in throughout the gameplay. Although its possible to spawn the friendly counterpart.

Health: Low
Attacks: By touching it's sticky tongue, it will grab and pull its victim using its tongue through victim's neck. Once it reaches the mouth it will continuously bite its victim until completely consumed
Weak Spots: Main body
  • In Sven Co-op, being pulled by Barnacle will result player's neck being grabbed, resulting loss control of his/her firearms. Only way is to yell for help by spamming "Medic" key or chat for help (default "y" key). Map configs can alter to disable barnacle ability to lock players mp_barnacle_paralyze 0
  • Can be easily spotted making it less threatening to the players. Unaware players and dark areas however, will throw in a surprise for the players
  • Only seen in Ceiling area
- - - - - Advanced Tips & Tricks - - - - -
Wall Running
Holding the forward key + the key of the wall you are running along side will provide you with a substantial speed boost. For example if the wall is on your left, and you are useing the wasd keys, pressing w + a while along the wall will enable the wall run.

Ladder Sprint
Similarly to wall running, the ladder spring allows you to climb ladders faster. Once you are on the ladder, look up and if you are using wasd keys, press either w + a or w + d.

Simple Bunnyhopping
This is in no way a comprehensive guide on how to bunny hop, but if you wish to get a little speed just jump constantly, and while in the air, move your mouse tracing a "U" shape.

By Pass Weapon Reload
If a weapon has a long reload time, for example the m249, you can speed it up by switching to another weapon and switching back the moment you see your ammo counter change in the bottom right.

Trip Mine Steps
If you have spare tripmines and a location you can't reach, you can place tripmines and use them as steps. Be sure not to try jumping on the tripmine until after the laser is activated as there will be no collision.

Artifical Scope
Adjusting FoV closer allows you to "zoom in" similarly to the mp5's alternate fire. By opening console (~ key) and typing default_fov 40, your screen will zoom in. Typing default_fov 90 will return it to the original view. Typing that out each time is a chore so you can bind it to keys by opening console again and typing bind "MWHEELUP" "default_fov 40" then typing bind "MWHEELDOWN" "default_fov 90". This will allow you to zoom in when mousewheeling up and zoom out when mousewheeling down. You can replace MWHEELUP and MWHEELDOWN with any key you desire.
- - - - - SCXPM Information - - - - -
The great thing about Sven Co-op is that there are plenty of fun maps and gamemodes to choose from. You may come across some servers that have SCXPM Version # in their gamemode rather than Sven Co-p 5.01. SCXPM stands for Sven Cooperative Experience Mod, where the more damage you do to enemies the more XP you gain to level up. (Obviously doing damage to friendlies gives you negative XP values). In total SCXPM has 1800 levels, 9 different skill paths and 15 medals you can earn.

As you gain levels, the XP needed for the next level rises. Upon reaching a level you automatically gain 1 skill point to use.

  • Gives you 1 point of HP per level
  • Treated as a steroid/overcharge meaning going over 100 HP will cause your HP to slowly drain back to 100
  • Counteract the drain with the regeneration skill

Superior Armor
  • Gives you 1 point of AP per level

  • One HP every (150.5-(Regenerationlevel/2)) seconds + bonus chance every 0.5 Seconds
  • Will return health back to its maximum value

Nano Armor
  • (150.5-(Nanoarmorlevel/2)) seconds + bonus chance every 0.5 Seconds
  • Will not recharge your armor to 100

Ammunition Reincarnation
  • Regens ammo for your current weapon in hand
  • If your current weapon is at maximum capacity, it will regen ammo for other weapons

Anti Gravity Device
  • Lowers your gravity by 1.5% per level
  • Takes effect only if you hold the jump button

  • Average skill that increases all other skills by 0.35 per level

Team Power
  • Regens HP and AP for you and your teammates around you

Block Attack
  • Chance on fully blocking any damage to the plater of (Blocklevel/3)%
  • Affected my positive values as well, can block some healing from health or armor chargers

No way to gain unless the server admin gives them to you. Medals increase all other skill points by 0.75 per medal which is slightly better than the Awarness skill.

Player Commands
Typing in the following into chat will display information.

/playerskills = Displays other Players Experience, Level, Rank and Medals
/selectskills = Open Menu to select Skills
/skillsinfo = Displays Help about Skills
- - - - - Creating a Custom Spray - - - - -
  • Download HL tag convertor (Click Download On the Bottom[])
  • Click open image
  • Select the image you want for your spray, click open
  • Click Adjust Image
  • Click auto size or adjust it yourself
  • [Optional] You can add transparency to solid colors by using the transparency tool
  • Click apply changes and convert to 256 colors
  • Save Tag
  • Export to Wad file
  • Name file tempdecal and save somewhere
  • Right click and make the file read-only (otherwise if you change your player model or name in the future your spray will reset)
  • Go to the folder where you installed svencoop mine is (D:\Games Extension\SteamApps\common\Sven Co-op\svencoop)
  • Replace if asked
  • Enjoy!

Your custom spray will not show up in your in-game options settings, which is natural. Join/start a server and spray to see it!
- - - - - Adding Custom Music - - - - -
  • Navigate to your Sven Co-op folder. Mine is (D:\Games Extension\SteamApps\common\Sven Co-op\svencoop)
  • Find a program called PlaylistEditor inside and open it
  • Go to the item tab or click on the green cross symbol
  • Navigate to your favorite song and add it
  • Click save and open Sven Co-op
  • Once ingame, press the Home key (default music player button, changeable in options)
  • Enjoy your custom music!
- - - - - Installing Custom Content - - - - -
Thanks to Qwazzy, its even easier to install custom content! Navigate to your SC addon folder, mine is (D:\Games Extension\SteamApps\common\Sven Co-op\svencoop_addon). Treat this folder like the original SC folder, except here you don't need to worry about replacing anything. Models, maps, sounds here will be loaded after the main files meaning the changes will be there, but without needing to backup the originals! Be sure to place the files in the correct folders, if they are not there you can create them.

  • Have your downloaded map zip/rar open
  • Navigate to your SC folder, mine is (D:\Games Extension\SteamApps\common\Sven Co-op\svencoop_addon\maps)
  • Drag files in
  • If your downloaded file does not have folder hierarchy, .bsp and .res file belong in the map folder, .mdl belong in the model folder and .wav belong in the sound folder

  • Have your downloaded skin zip/rar open
  • Navigate to your SC model folder, mine is (D:\Games Extension\SteamApps\common\Sven Co-op\svencoop_addon\models)

  • If your skin is a player model, inside the models folder look for a players folder so (...svencoop_addon\models\player)
  • Each player model must have its own folder, if your skin does not provide one, create it yourself

  • If your skin is a weapon model, it will either have a v_model, p_model, w_model
  • The v_model is your first person view model, the p_model is the third person model and the w_model is how it will look on the floor
  • If named correctly you can replace i.e v_mp5 with your downloaded v_mp5
  • If not named correctly you can rename it yourself, v_mp5 ----> v_shotgun will replace the shotgun with the mp5...
  • Drag and drop your custom weapon file to (...svencoop_addon\models)

Sven Co-op may be on the same engine as Half Life 1, but many of the models have new animations meaning you cannot replace many Sven Co-op models with those downloaded for Half Life 1. Be sure to download a model viewer[] to see if the animations are shared!

  • Have your downloaded sound zip/rar open
  • Navigate to your SC sound folder, mine is (D:\Games Extension\SteamApps\common\Sven Co-op\svencoop_addon\sound)

  • If your sound is replacing a NPC, find the matching folder (agrunt being alien grunt, hgrunt being human grunt etc.)

  • If your sound is replacing a weapon sound find a folder called weapons
  • Find the sound you wish to customize with the one you downloaded

EDIT: Sven Co-op use heavily modified GoldSrc engine which also modified sound processor too. You should be able to use high quality sound for example INS weapon sound.
- - - - - Conclusion - - - - -

I hope you found this guide useful, whether you are a new or returning player to Sven Co-op. I would appreciate feedback and of course if you click the thumbs up and favorite button =]
If there are any typos/errors please point them out to me. I will be changing some pictures in the future to nicer ones as well as adding videos and such. If you wish to help me or make edits, please add me and I'll make you a contributor (meaning you can make edits)!

Special Thanks

Sven Viking
Thank you for creating the best Half Life mod out there! A shame we never got to meet, perhaps some other day!
The -=[CNC]=- Clan Members
Thank you for introducing me to Sven Co-op and being great companions throughout the years, without you I probably would not have stuck around the Half Life community for so long.
The {MSC} Clan Members
Thank you for hosting the greatest Opposing Force server and providing me with years of fun deathmatch experience.
The Winged Tavern Members
Thank you for providing a great place to play, relax or just mess around in Sven Co-op 3.0 - 4.0. Rest in peace.
Thank you for being the best partner anyone could as for in Sven Co-op, I still remember the days when we tackled Sc_reflux together!
Thank you for bringing fun custom content to Sven Co-op, hope to play with you again!
Thank you for providing a great server that is almost identical to the one I used to play on, I really appreciate it!
Last but not least, thank you for taking the time to read this guide. Hopefully it helped you in some way or form. Feel free to add me on steam and we'll play sometime!
105 Komentar
Shock-Wave 22 Sep 2023 @ 3:23am 
Albert Lollipop 13 Mei 2023 @ 1:50pm 
+rep thx
Komo 23 Okt 2022 @ 7:31am 
i need help with the custom spray thing. because i dont know what you mean by "read only"
ℚ𝕫𝔻𝟛 15 Mei 2022 @ 3:51pm 
to use the long jump you don´t need to press all together, run,crouch and then jump
NativeOne 26 Apr 2022 @ 4:37pm 
Doblo 19 Okt 2021 @ 10:57am 
Death 13 Agu 2021 @ 11:02am 
hey i followed the instructions for player models but they still dont show up in the player model list, any suggestions?
Le 29 Jul 2021 @ 3:47am 
This is good i rate 420/69
Car Insurance 14 Jun 2021 @ 11:58pm 
amazing guide :piku:
v2 13 Feb 2021 @ 9:54pm 
Best guide 10/10