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Tharsis - Module Abilities
By Killermarmot
Understanding each of your 7 module abilities is crucial for mission success. Below are descriptions of each module, along with tips and tricks to use them most effectively.
Flight Control
Drop a 5 or higher into the module and you will be able to pass through events without injury to your character. This comes in very handy when you need to get to another module, or if you need to get the best possible character to an event. This room can also free up your characters' movement to get them to Flight Control on your final turn.

Add a 5 or 6 to activate NO MOVEMENT DAMAGE
Ultimately, the Greenhouse is more about the psychological benefits of tending to a slice of earth. That being said, it does provide small portions of food when module ability is performed.

You will need a matching pair of dice added to the module ability to receive 1 food or three of a kind to get 2 food.

Each food replenishes 3 dice in the "Food Distribution" phase.
Life Support

The center of the ship, Life Support is a powerful room. Add any die to this module to get 2 dice in return, make a pair and you will have 4 dice on your next turn.

Life support is a good way to get dice for a character without food.
The long voyage to Mars can get lonely. Being able to contact Earth and correspond with your friends and family helps take the edge off. A 5 or higher in this module will reduce stress.

High stress will drastically affect the choices presented to you by the crew during the Side Project phase. A character with low stress will suggest options with a better outcome. High stress options can even make a character suicidal.

5 or higher reduces stress.
5 or higher will get you 3 extra Assists. Being able to block Hazard dice with an Assist will get you out of sticky situations.

For example, if you have an Event with a 5 Injury and a 2 Void and you roll 2 fives, you will get 2 Injury to your character. If you had an Assist, it would block the Injury and you would live to tell the tale.

You never know how wonderful an Assist is until you need it.
When you need to repair your Ship, do so here. Adding a pair will get you 2 "Ship" and 3 of a kind will get you a total of 3 Ship.

If you run out of Ship you die. It's a good idea to keep a character near or in this module.

Can't have a ship without ship! Sometimes beefing up the Ship is easier than fixing an event.
In extreme cases, the Medbay can act as a morgue. It's also where the only toilet is.

But hopefully you'll be using this module to restore your health to full, If all systems are operational.

Add a five or higher to recover all health.
CANIO 6 Jun, 2018 @ 10:19am 
Thanks, this helped me figure out what putting only 1 or 2 or 3 dice in a matching module will gain. This is not explained in the game.
Lionel 10 Jun, 2017 @ 10:20am 
Lacking the tips section, this info is already easy to find in-game.
Captain Frosty 14 Aug, 2016 @ 9:37am 
You put the picture of the module ability for the Medical Bay in the Greenhouse section.
Killermarmot  [author] 2 Feb, 2016 @ 10:27am 
Woops, thought the ship felt light. Fixed
modality 1 Feb, 2016 @ 10:57pm 
You're missing the Medical Bay,:steamsad: