Don't Starve

Don't Starve

608 ratings
My Map? +Revealer +Minimap UP !
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117.538 KB
9 Dec, 2015 @ 7:56pm
17 Dec, 2015 @ 4:13am
5 Change Notes ( view )
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My Map? +Revealer +Minimap UP !

In 1 collection by ⎛⎝Soo⎠⎞
Made by Soo
3 items
Originally posted by Soo:

This mod is too many improvement to map for you

1. In the configure mod, You can be setting to display Minimap or no display Minimap.

In addition, It is possible to setting the size and position of the Minimap.

2. It is possible to setting the Map Revealer in the configure mod.

3. This mod is almost shows more map icon on the map.
(For example Things Parts, Whale, Whale Bubble, Ox(water beefalo), Sea Fireflies(bioluminescence), Obsidian, Fishbone, Mushroom, Skeleton, Gold Rock, Rabbit(Crab)hole, SeaShell and others...)

And if you is hope, it is also possible to be able to display a Wall and Sandbag icon.

If you don't like many show icon on the map, You can be setting the show only Eyebone & Fishbone

4. Lastly, You can be seen around the PigKing and Yaarctopus and Eyebone & Fishbone reveal without the Map Revealer (Eyebone & Pigking Revealer On, Off)

Be compatible with Reign of Giants and Shipwrecked.

Configure Mod description

== Minimap Setting ==

Minimap - On, Off [Show Minimap. Default "ON"]

Minimap Size - Tiny ~ Giant [Customizing Minimap Size]

Position - TopRight ~ BottomLeft [Customizing Minimap Position]

Horizontal Margin - None ~ Giant [Customizing Minimap Horizontal]

Vertical Margin - None ~ Giant [Customizing Minimap Vertical]

== Reveal, Icon Setting ==

Map Revealer - On, Off [Use Map Revealer. Default "OFF"]

Wall Icon Display - On, Off [Show Wall and Sandbag Icon. Default "OFF"]

Others Icon Display - On, Off [Show Others Icon. Default "OFF"]
(Jellyfish, Dogfish, Flup, Mussel Spot(No Stick)(Soon), Snake(Soon))

Eyebone & Fishbone Only - On, Off [No more show Custom Icon on the map, Only Eyebone & Fishbone. Default "OFF"]

Eyebone & Pigking Revealer - On, Off [Show Eyebone & Pigking around Reveal on the map. Default "OFF"]


이 모드는 게임의 맵관련 환경을 많이 개선시켜줍니다

1. 모드설정에서 미니맵을 껏다 켰다 할 수 있습니다. (기본적으로 켜져있습니다)

덧붙여서, 미니맵의 크기와 위치도 조정할 수 있습니다.

2. 모드설정에서, 맵 밝히는(Map Revealer) 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다. (기본적으로 꺼져있습니다)

3. 이 모드는 대부분의 많은 아이콘을 맵에 표시해줍니다.
(예를들면 띵 부품들, 고래, 고래거품, 물소, 바다반딧불, 흑요석, 생선뼈, 버섯, 해골, 골드 바위, 토끼(게)구멍, 조개 기타 등등...)

또한 원하신다면, 벽과 샌드백도 맵에서 볼 수 있습니다. (모드 설정에서 설정하시면 됩니다. 기본적으로 꺼져있습니다)

만약, 본인은 "많은 아이콘이 맵에 표시되는게 싫다!" 그러면 모드설정에서 체스터 눈뼈와 팩킴 생선뼈만 보이게 사용할 수 있습니다.

4. 마지막으로, 돼지왕과, 문어왕, 체스터 눈뼈와 팩킴 생선뼈주변은 맵이 밝혀지는걸 옵션에서 설정 가능합니다.(살짝)

모드 설정 설명

== 미니맵 설정 ==

Minimap - On, Off [미니맵을 보여줍니다. 기본값 켜짐]

Minimap Size - Tiny ~ Giant [미니맵 크기 조절]

Position - TopRight ~ BottomLeft [미니맵 위치 조절]

Horizontal Margin - None ~ Giant [미니맵 가로 조절]

Vertical Margin - None ~ Giant [미니맵 세로 조절]

== 맵밝힘, 아이콘 설정 ==

Map Revealer - On, Off [맵 밝힘 기능을 사용합니다.. 기본값 꺼짐]

Wall Icon Display - On, Off [벽과 모래주머니 아이콘을 맵에서 보여줍니다. 기본값 꺼짐]

Others Icon Display - On, Off [기타 다른 아이콘을 맵에서 보여줍니다. 기본값 꺼짐]
(해파리, 개물고기, Flup(?), 키조개(깃발안꽂힌상태)(준비중), 뱀(준비중))

Eyebone & Fishbone Only - On, Off [오로지 눈뼈와 생선뼈 전용버전으로 사용합니다. 기본값 꺼짐]

Eyebone & Pigking Revealer - On, Off [눈뼈와 돼지왕, 생선뼈와 문어왕 주면을 맵에서 밝힙니다. 기본값 꺼짐]


Update Log
2.1-> 2.2
1. Add Eyebone & Pigking Revealer Option

2.0-> 2.1
1. Change mod name

2. Change thumbnail

1.1 -> 2.0
1. Add Icon
(things parts(4), whale blue(no carcass), whale white(no carcass), gold rock, gold magmarock, wall option (+sandbag), other option)

2. Add Minimap ON, OFF Option
(minimap source code from

3. Add Map Revealer ON, OFF Option

4. Add Chester Eyebone & Packim Fishbone Only ON, OFF Option

5. Add Map Reveal around the PigKing, Yaarctopus, Eyebone&Fishbone without the Map Revealer

6. Some icon modify size and quality.

1.0 -> 1.1
1. Modify mod infomation

Update Schedule

1. Add Musselspot(no stick)

2. Add RoG Icon !!

How to install
1. Click Subscribe
2. It activate the [Where's my Map?] from mod tap in the game.
3. And configure mod if you want
4. Enjoy!

My other mods
That's my Fire! (+RoG,+SW)
- Every items or structures that creates light has more durability than the original

That's my Animal! (+RoG,+SW)
- You can build animal den where you want
couchcactus 25 Mar @ 5:19pm 
Cinna 14 Jun, 2019 @ 11:35pm 
Is this HAM compatible?
TutoredSpider12 11 Jun, 2019 @ 10:22am 
I have noticed that some things don't spawn when this is used
TutoredSpider12 10 Jun, 2019 @ 5:29am 
I love this thing! Really helps!
Vin 30 Apr, 2019 @ 8:48am 
What button is it ?
like idk
POPCORN 24 Mar, 2018 @ 9:04am 
i have this bug in this mode where swordfish and the Suspicious Bubbles stop showing up
0xField 7 Dec, 2017 @ 8:45pm 
Good mod, but it generates too much lag, needs to be optimized.
小萌物 1 Nov, 2017 @ 11:23pm 
用了这个mod ,打开大地图以后就回不到游戏界面了
屿 3 Oct, 2017 @ 9:38am 
very good think you
溪风 9 Sep, 2017 @ 4:40am 