This War of Mine

This War of Mine

234 ratings
Locations Guide
By Leuthar
You can't choose where to go first nights? Don't you worry! Here is a guide to show you the lootable items in locations and which equipment you need to get those items. There will be some little tips for the locations you are going to visit.
1. Introduction
Here we are! This guide will help you with the locations in the game. For now, it will include a couple of locations which you need to go in early game and I'm gonna add all the locations when I get them ready to publish. So, you will probably get what you need if you are new in game or have some troubles choosing where to go for first weeks of the game. I'll also add some tips for each location, so you won't be caught off-guard.
2. Basics of Looting
Now, let's move on to the main part. When the day ends, you will choose a location to loot at night to get items you need to improve your shelter. You'll find food and other supplies like bandages, medications which will keep your characters alive and you'll also find coffee and cigarettes which your characters need to get over these hard times.

Each location have a different building type, item placement and obstacles you should overcome. Things you will face are mainly as follows; locked doors and cabinets, pile of debris and metal bars. You have some options to choose what you gonna do when you face them, but it is easier than it looks if you have some basic equipments to help you. You can choose to remove a pile of debris either with your bare hands -and it will took a really really long time- or with a Shovel which is much more quicker. Locked doors and cabinets can be unlocked either with a Lockpick or with a Crowbar. For the metal bars, you have only one option and it is the Saw Blade.

Here is a list of equipments you need and components you will need to make them,

Saw Blade
Saw BladeComponentsWeapon Parts




How to Loot
You can loot the items in the building by clicking the Hand Icon icon above a lootable item such as a pile, fridge, cabinet etc. Sometimes they will turn out to be empty, but mostly you will find plenty of items in these piles or cabinets.

Looting Tips
When you go to a location at night. You will have a limited time to loot this place, when the clock turns to the 5 AM, you will be forced to get out of the building and if you are still in the building at 5 AM, your character will come home late and there are some possibilities for your character to lose items or get wounded. So, time is your enemy when you loot. If you are not in a place too dangerous, actually the time will be the only enemy for you. In order not to lose time in a place, you should bring your equipments needed with you. There is a simple strategy you can use in all empty places and even in some places with people. When you arrive to the target building, look for a lootable item very close to the exit. Do not empty that item! You will use it to collect all the items in a single place. Then, bring your equipment with you, do not look for any item in the building until you have found where you gonna use your equipment. After that, use them one-by-one to reach blocked parts. Then start to fill your backpack and go back to the first lootable item you see when you first came in the building. Drop all the items from your backpack into this item. Don't worry, they will be kept safe unless there is someone in the building looking for items to loot. Collect every single lootable item in it. When you finish doing this, take the items you need for your shelter or characters.
  • Tip: Noting down the remaining materials like components, wood, parts and electric parts will help you a lot for the following days. You will know how many you need and how many left in the places you visited.
  • Another Tip: There will be some places you can easily steal from people, but I don't recommend it unless you are in a bad situation like lethaly wounded or severely sick characters. Believe me, it is not worth it. Having characters depressed or broken is much more harder than you would think. If they remain broken for 2-3 days, they will left the shelter. Shelter Improvements can wait 1-2 days more, but your characters wouldn't.
  • Economy Tip: Since it is harder to find Parts than finding Components, I suggest using Crowbar for unlocking the objects, it can be used around 10 times which means 1 Component consumed for each use. If you are not in a very dangerous place, you can easily unlock objects with Crowbar. Craft your Crowbar in the first day of the game, so you have no trouble unlocking objects. Trading your Lockpicks found in the shelter for materials or food is another good idea.
  • Safety Tip: Do not collect all the items in your shelter in the first day. You can just unlock the objects, have a look and leave the items not needed for now inside. It will prevent raiders to get your items at nights. You will be able to get them from the cabinets when you need them.[/list]
3. Lootable Locations
Here you can find all the lootable locations and their difficulty ratings.

  • Easy Locations
    • Abandoned Cottage ★
    • Decrepit Squat ★
    • Garage
    • Looted Gas Station ★
    • Old Town ★
    • Ruined Block of Flats
    • Shelled Cottage ★
    • Shelled School ★
    • Supermarket
  • Medium Locations
    • Brothel
    • City Hospital
    • Central Square
    • Hotel
    • Quiet House
    • Ruined Villa
    • Semi-Detached House
    • Small Apartment Building
    • St. Mary's Church
    • Warehouse
  • Hard Locations
    • Construction Site
    • Military Outpost
    • Sniper Junction

    The places marked with ★ sign are extremely easy locations which you will never face any trouble different than piles, metal bars or locked cabinets. There are some people in some of them too, but they are nothing but poor homeless people.
4. Abandonned Cottage
Location Profile
It's the first place you should go, because it is easy to reach all the parts here. You will need to unlock 1 locked door, 1 locked cabinet and remove one pile of debris, but you don't need a Shovel for it. You can take all the items in Abandonned Cottage to the first lootable item standing in the outside of the building just in one night.

Equipment Needed
Shovel 2 Lockpick Crowbar

1 Pile of Debris, 2 Locked Object

Items in Building
Basic Items
BandageCoffeeHerbal MedsHomegrown TobaccoRoll-Up CigaretteQuality Roll-UpRaw FoodFertilizerVegetablesHerbs

Shell CasingsComponentsPartsClean WaterWeapon PartsWoodGunpowderElectric PartsBroken Pistol


5. Shelled Cottage
Location Profile
After the Abandonned Cottage, second best loot option is Shelled Cottage. There are no people around here as well. You need to get through two piles of debris here. Taking a Shovel with you will ease your job significantly, but you can loot the place without a Shovel just in time if you be quick enough. I recommend taking a Shovel with you, because there is no need to take risks in the first days of the game. Your early game development will affect the late game a lot. More efficient you loot, more easier you win.

Equipment Needed
Shovel 2 Lockpick Crowbar

2 Pile of Debris, 2 Locked Object

Items in Building
Basic Items
BandageHerbal MedsHomegrown TobaccoRaw FoodFertilizerVegetablesHerbs

Shell CasingsComponentsPartsSugarClean WaterWeapon PartsWoodGunpowderElectric Parts
6. Decrepit Squat
Location Profile
You cleared out the needed items in Abandonned and Shelled Cottage, now you should be looking for more supplies and materials. You have two different and good options to choose. If you are doing fine with the food you collected before, you should definitely go to Decrepit Squat first. If you have troubles with hunger or starvation, then you should simply move on to the next place, Looted Gas Station. You can find plenty of building resources in Decrepit Squat and here is the thing, you only need a Lockpick or Crowbar and a Saw Blade. There will be only a homeless man asking for food there. So you don't need to be quiet at all, but you can choose to take a Lockpick to save some space for loot. You probably won't have an Improved Metal Workshop -or you shouldn't have- when you go there, so you won't be able to open the metal bars, but don't worry. It's just a couple of valuable items like Broken Helmet and Broken Pistol which you don't need at the moment. By the way, if you give the homeless man food, he will give you a gift. I will note down the gifts at the end of items.

Equipment Needed
Saw Blade Lockpick Crowbar

1 Locked Object, 1 Metal Bars

Items in Building
Basic Items
CoffeeRoll-Up CigaretteTobacco

Shell CasingsComponentsMedical IngredientsPartsSugarClean WaterWoodGunpowderElectric PartsBroken HelmetBroken Pistol


Special Case
If you give the homeless man food, he will take it and then he will say something like he has something special for you. Then he will take you to the basement floor, behind the barrels,another lootable item will appear and you will find the items listed below.
Giving Homeles Man Food
Pure AlcoholJewelry
7. Looted Gas Station
Location Profile
If you have troubles with the food supply in the first week of the game, this is the place you should go. There are 5 Raw Food in this place and it's a huge amount for such an easy place to loot. Looted Gas Station is much more bigger than the other ones you visited so far. Even there is just 1 Pile of Debris to get through, it's hard to collect everything in one night if you don't have a Shovel. I suggest taking a Shovel when you loot there. If you have got your Improved Metal Workshop ready by now, you can easily collect all the items in this place to the lootable pile where you start looting. There is nothing specific to this place, it's an empty, quiet looting place for you to go.

Equipment Needed
Shovel Saw Blade Lockpick Crowbar

1 Pile of Debris, 1 Locked Object, 1 Metal Bars

Items in Building
Basic Items
BandageHerbal MedsRoll-Up CigaretteMedicationsQuality Roll-UpRaw FoodFertilizerTobaccoHerbs

Shell CasingsComponentsMedical IngredientsPartsSugarClean WaterWoodGunpowderElectric PartsBroken PistolBroken Shotgun

8. Ruined Block of Flats
Location Profile
This is the place you would want to visit in your second week. When you out of food and medical supplies, it will help a lot. You can choose to go here in the first couple of days, but remember you need Saw Blades to reach out the valuable items, looting Ruined Block of Flats in second week is a much more wiser decision I guess. This is a place with no one inside as well. You have no troubles with looting this place if you have the equipment needed.

Equipment Needed
Saw Blade

2 Metal Bars

Items in Building
Basic Items
CoffeeHerbal MedsHomegrown TobaccoRoll-Up CigaretteQuality Roll-UpRaw FoodFertilizerTobaccoVegetablesHerbs

Shell CasingsComponentsMedical IngredientsPartsSugarClean WaterWeapon PartsWoodPure AlcoholGunpowderElectric PartsBroken PistolBroken Shotgun


9. Old Town
Location Profile
Here we are in the last easy as pie location. Different than the others, there is a guy in this building who rules it for now. He thinks this is his house, but let's be honest we are in the middle of a war, there is no place belongs to anyone. So don't worry at all if you took his items, because even the game does not count him as house owner. Anyways, he will try to stop you from taking items in the building. If you make any sound he will follow you and if he manages to see you, he will try to fight. There are two options to loot Old Town, you can either be quiet and don't let him hear you or just simply fight with him and then loot the building. I strongly suggest being quiet and not engaging with him at any cause. Even if you need to fight with him, at least don't kill him. Because he has nothing to loot and it will only cause your characters to be sad.

Equipment Needed
Saw Blade Shovel Lockpick Crowbar

1 Metal Bar, 2 Pile of Debris, 2 Locked Object

Items in Building
Basic Items



10. Notes
Right now, I'm working on the randomness of the locations' item spawn. Here is what I get from couple of different tries;

  • Seems like, basic items like Bandages, Herbal Meds, Medications, Fertilizer, Raw Food, Vegetables and Herbs always spawn in the location if they originally exist, but the quantity changes from game to game.
  • Basic items like Coffee, Homegrown Tobacco, Roll-Up Cigarette, Quality Roll-Up and Tobacco spawn is totally random.
  • Materials like Components, Parts, Wood and Electric Parts never changed so far.
  • Materials like Clean Water and Gunpowder spawn in the location, but the quantity changes again.
  • Materials like Sugar and Pure Alcohol spawn randomly.
  • Other items like Book and Jewelry are a bit tricky, I'm trying to figure out what's the deal with them.
  • Weapons like Ammunation exists in the location, but the quantity changes again.

Please rate and favorite the guide if you liked it. If you think there is wrong information or missing contents in the guide, please let me know. Leave a comment for new ideas, suggestions etc.

Thanks for reading this guide!
11. Changelog
  • 23.11.2015 - Guide Created
  • 24.11.2015 - New Locations Added
    • Shelled Cottage
    • Decrepit Squat
    • Looted Gas Station
  • 25.11.2015 - New Location Added
    • Ruined Block of Flats
  • 27.11.2015 - Notes Updated
    • Item Spawns
  • 13.12.2015 - Location Added
    • Old Town
Rickarus 18 Dec, 2020 @ 12:18pm 
Old Town does contain a person once you look around enough, and he attacks if you don't leave.
durky 28 Mar, 2020 @ 12:56am 
durky great info thanks a lot leuthar just bought game from steam piease add more locations.
laggy gameplay 10 Oct, 2019 @ 4:48am 
My character just got shot when I opened the door to the military one in Supermarket. Why did they do that? I only brought a knife and I didnt even show it.

RIP Marko

RealPeterM 4 Jul, 2017 @ 4:32am 
Can you update this again? If so, fo the Supermarket, if you get the military one, you can kill the soldier and get 1 moonshine, 20-ish bullets and an assult rifle and your characters don't get sad.
Strelka 20 Mar, 2017 @ 1:47am 
Will you update this guide? It's amazing! Keep up the good job!
Hairy towel 28 Dec, 2016 @ 6:35am 
in Central Square, i have a man down
Hairy towel 28 Dec, 2016 @ 6:33am 
yeah i like you :steamhappy:
Leuthar  [author] 28 Dec, 2016 @ 5:54am 
I will add more locations as soons as I have the time for it
Hairy towel 28 Dec, 2016 @ 5:49am 
please update more locations...:steamfacepalm:
Rizako 5 Dec, 2016 @ 11:04am 
Basket Case, you don't