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[AiF] "Purifier" Assault Corvette
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26 Oct, 2015 @ 7:15pm
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[AiF] "Purifier" Assault Corvette

Aurorad Industries
Let’s Build Tomorrow, Today

Aurorad Industries Steam

This ship design and model is approved by Aurorad Industries for field usage. Models are now being put through final testing phases, and are sought to be in production within the upcoming week. (Survival Ready)

Technical Specifications

Name ----------- Purifier
Class ------------ Escort / Assault Corvette
Role ------------- Anti-Strike Craft / Anti-Corvette
Manufacturer -- Aurorad Industries

Structural Specifications

Total Mass ----- 9 754 079 kg

Length ---------- 127.5 m
Width ----------- 17.5 m
Height ---------- 45.0 m

Weapon / Defense Systems

5x 23mm Anti-Air Point Defense Guns
2x 50mm Quad Flak Cannons
3x 122mm Assault Cannons

Support Systems / Modules

1x FTL Jump Drive Unit
1x Programmable Access Console
2x Medical Ward Bays
4x Reserve Oxygen Tank Reservoir
--- Hard-connected Oxygen Dispense System

Indsutrial Systems / Modules

1x Refinery Unit (Cap 2)
4x Assembler Units

Manufacturer Description

The Purifier is one of the newest developments from Aurorad Industries’ naval research laboratories. Featuring dual-layer nano armor plating, the Purifier Corvette serves as one of the main assault ships in the Aurorad Fleet. Tasked with escorting larger ships and engaging light to heavy enemy forces, the Purifier is equipped for combat scenarios. The main role for the Purifier is for providing Anti-Strike Craft fire, and redirecting assaults from the vital vessels in the fleet to it. Thanks to dual layered armor, the Purifier is capable of standing through a heated firefight, and features a reinforced hull against explosive and armor piercing weaponry. Equipped with a total of five, quad barrelled 23mm Anti-Air Point Defense Autocannons, two 50mm quad barreled HE Flak Cannons, and three 122mm single barrelled Assault Cannons, there is more than enough firepower to engage and eliminate any enemy unit that poses a threat to the fleet.

Manufacturer Notes

If you have any comments, concerns, suggestions, or edits that you believe may need to be done; please leave them in a comment below. All of your feedback does help me out in making sure Aurorad Industries is producing and manufacturing quality designs for your fleet or use. Thanks!
Akea  [author] 26 Oct, 2015 @ 8:27pm 

Of course. I am already underway on constructing the frigate model actually, started today. That is due to release next week, hopefully.
jimlore78 26 Oct, 2015 @ 8:22pm 
i will say again however, it is a design i wish to see in the future, maybe in more renditions for different roles, possibly even a future frigate?
Akea  [author] 26 Oct, 2015 @ 8:18pm 

I will take that in mind, thanks! As for the Gravity Drives, for the Purifier specifically, I believe the use of a Gravity Drive is rather runneded, and in the event of direct energy there is a FTL Jump Drive available. Also.. I do know that yes. It has been brought to my attention I do have a rather large use of heavy armor, making the ships not only heavy and less effienct, but also -much-, much less practical in a survival scenario. I do plan on altering and updating both ships when possible, as I will be replacing the heavy armor setup with a combination of heavy and light armor, heavy being used for the exterior armor shell. In no way is the advice and feedback an issue, I enjoy receiving it as it does help me provide better productions not only now, hut the future as well! Thank you!
jimlore78 26 Oct, 2015 @ 8:03pm 
with illumination, turning the lights themselves to 10m and .5 intensity has worked quite well in lighting up more than enough, even on my large ships, as for the grav drives, its not a main propulsion setup, but rather a suppliment, if something needed to be moved or if a nimble opponent was to show, thered be little that could be done. if i may offer a suggestion on the interiors,consider using interior blocks (only for aesthetic appeal at the current moment) but these extra points would give this ship a functional and usable feel to it. ive noticed some shortfalls in your ships in general, their not terribly big, but they have a hefty weight. the use of light armor under the carapass would do well for this ship style, protecting the major components, and allowing for less materials to be required, i hate to break it to you, but this is one expensive ship, even so in comparison to my choice in ships. sorry for burning your midnight oil, but just tryin to help out a fellow engee
Akea  [author] 26 Oct, 2015 @ 7:57pm 

That could work, yes. Though the LCDs will be rather suspectible to damage during a firefight, compared to the letters. But that is a good idea to try, thanks. This is mainly a combat ship, and that is true. However it can handle light industrial fairly alright. As for the lights, I tried to illuminate as much of the interior as possible, me being one for not enjoying a dark interior. Though I could see on limiting the light usage. On the Purifier, the use of a Gravity Drive may nor be sufficient, however I can test to see if that can be a possibility. Gravity Drives are currently only in development for Capital-Class ships in the AiF Fleet. I have considered decoys, however not planned an extensive requirement for them at the exact moment. Exterior lighting was planned, however that was a detail that was forgotten in the contruction phases, thanks for the reminder.
jimlore78 26 Oct, 2015 @ 7:53pm 
also, the use of so many Interior Lights could be cut down, but at this point im just proffering constructive criticism, any chance of a grav drive or perhaps another form of defense? such as merge block decoys? exterior lighting? just ideas should you choose to use it
jimlore78 26 Oct, 2015 @ 7:52pm 
In that respect, consider LCD panels, at max they do a mediocre job and accomplish the same job, but as for interior, minimal is good, but at first glance it is not meant to handle any more than fighting and repairing
Akea  [author] 26 Oct, 2015 @ 7:49pm 

Thank You! I did try to compact everything within the interior as best as possible, though I have been notified about the lack of interior setup. This is something I do have planned to fix in a future update of the Purifier, as it does seem to be lacking quite a bit in interior design. I also have thought about a vanilla version, however that will only thus remove the weapons and letters on the side. So because of that I did not decided to make an entire seperate model, simply due to it being a block add-on (weapons).
jimlore78 26 Oct, 2015 @ 7:44pm 
Very nice exterior, the interior is slightly lacking, but other than that, i would love to see a vanilla version