Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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Grid based Item Sorting
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17 Oct, 2015 @ 4:08pm
14 Jul, 2016 @ 5:41pm
6 Change Notes ( view )

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Grid based Item Sorting

"Yet another one of these sorting scripts ..."

And it's broken thanks to API changes :(

Yes, basically.
Besides the usual sorting thing it can handle different Grids. This means you can ignore/blacklist an entire grid from getting touched. E.g. you could tag an connector of yout Weldership to blacklist its grid.
Or you just tag containers to be blacklisted.

----------------- FEATURES ------------------

  • sort items by category and optionally depending on grid
  • exclude specific containers or entire grids (e.g. ships)
  • cleanout Assemblers from leftover ingots
  • automagically turn on/off Refineries and Assemblers if they're idle
  • manage maximum Uranium amount in Reactors
  • a hidden featuer you'll never find out!
----------------- YOU NEED -----------------

1 Programmable Block
1 Timer Block (1-3 seconds delay)
And ofc. some Containers.

-------------------- SETUP -------------------

Edit these name tags and tag your containers

const string ORE_CONTAINER = "ORE"; const string INGOT_CONTAINER = "INGOT"; const string COMPONENT_CONTAINER = "COMPONENT"; const string AMMO_CONTAINER = "AMMO"; const string WEAPON_CONTAINER = "WEAPON";

Use this tag on a Container to ignore it.
Or use it on a connector to ignore the entire grid which he belongs to. (see the next setting)
const string IGNORE_TAG = "IGNORE";

Set this to false so the above tag will only ignore the connectors with that tag instead of the entire grid.
const bool bUseGridFilter = true; // default is true

Set this to false if you, let's say, want your components to be sent from your base to your welder (which has the COMPONENT_CONTAINER tag on a Container and NOT on a connector in this case).
const bool bChkDestGrid = true; // default is true

Remove unused ingots when idle:
const bool bHandleAssemblers = true; // default is true

Turn idle assemblers/refineries off to save power and back on if they have something to do:
(take a look at the top left box and klock on update 3 if you have problems with that)
const bool bSavePower = true; // default is true

If set to true, it checks if the source and target inventories are actually connected through a conveyornetwork.
const bool bChkConnection = true; // default is true

Remove all Uranium except of 'UranRemain' from all not ignored reactors and put it into an INGOT container
const bool bHandleReactors = true; // default is true

Set here what amount of Uranium will remain in your Reactors. Set higher values if you use a higher delay on your timer or high energy needs. A value of 3 means, if the amount dropps under 2 it reenables the usage of the conveyorsystem until it reaches your desired amount.
VRage.MyFixedPoint UranRemain = 5; // default is 5

In the script itself is a more detailed version of which line does what so look into it.

And finally: this version is NOT a final one. I'm still working on some parts. So refresh your scripts Ingame from time to time. Scripts won't update itself like mods do, you have to do this manually ;)

If you're interested take a look into the Changelog (top right tab) for further information about the Updates.
Popular Discussions View All (1)
14 Jul, 2016 @ 5:46pm
PINNED: Bugs & Problems
yokmp  [author] 7 Dec, 2016 @ 5:10pm 
It's from July so yes it's outdated. Now like every other InvManager like Taeldens support Grids and other features.
MrFox 7 Dec, 2016 @ 6:29am 
really far out of date...
yokmp  [author] 14 Jul, 2016 @ 5:43pm 
This can happen if the Script cant find any Container/Tag. Did you set up the Names correctly?

Small Update:
PowerSave bug should be solved. It was a dumb thing -.-
Devlah 5 Apr, 2016 @ 7:07pm 
SE v1.28: "Caught exception during execution of script: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
KraziYeti 7 Feb, 2016 @ 7:48am 
The problem is the /sort faction isn't working on our dedicated server and no one is commenting on their forum even though I've asked for help. Hence my looking for alternatives. I'll see about trying yours out and see if it works for a faction on a dedicated server. Thanks for responding though.
yokmp  [author] 7 Feb, 2016 @ 6:26am 
Im not shure about this. I only used it in Singleplayer but it _should_ work.
Thyrsis wrote about his script: " Currently, you may only sort cargo between holds you own directly unless you use the /sort faction chat command. " So you could try this too. Let me know if my Script works or not.
KraziYeti 6 Feb, 2016 @ 9:54am 
Hi does this script handle factions? For example does it have a problem if an owner of a simple production system (cargo containers, conveyors, refineries,assemblers) is not on a dedicated server but someone from his faction is, would the script not work until the owner was back in the map? We currently, have this problem with the automatic inventory sorter mod by tyrsis and are thinking of a change.