Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

577 ratings
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Map
Addon Tags: Build, Fun
File Size
10.007 MB
16 Oct, 2015 @ 3:42pm
22 Dec, 2016 @ 4:31am
12 Change Notes ( view )

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Go on an expedition and experience the adventure of your lifetime

A brand new Minecraft Map for the Trouble in Terrorist Town Gamemode.
Check out the new version of this map.

=== Feature List ===

Theme: Expedition

Location: on top of a jungle mountain ledge/plateau

Map size: Medium/Large

Unique locations:
  • The explorer camp
  • Jungle area
  • Old hollow tree
  • Lake
  • Cave system
  • Mysterious mines
  • Anchient temple
  • The Nether

Recreations: Many minecraft objects and mechanics have been implemented, such as falling sand, torches, doors, pistons, item crafting, sounds and explosion particles.

Traitortester: Requires two testsubjects as well as another player to activate the machine. Traitor has multiple ways to go aggressive, escape and/or confuse. The tester enables after 3 minutes.

Objectives: The Nether can be entered through a portal inside the temple. The nether contains an objective (block) which can be used to bypass the 3 minute delay and activate the traitortester immediately. Traitors can either shutdown the portal or enter the nether via a traitor-only portal to contest the objective.


=== Missing Features (To-Do List) ===
  • More interactive elements?!
  • Trailer video
  • remove Herobrine

=== Credits ===
Maps (i used some brushes from these):



Feel free to leave some feedback and/or suggestions. I will keep improving this map with your help.
Have fun playing.
Popular Discussions View All (1)
2 Feb, 2023 @ 8:33am
easter eggs
Chris From Hell 10 Dec, 2022 @ 1:25am 
Can you make it so that out of bound areas actually kill you? People have been able to get off the cliff and chill out of bounds at the lower cliff in the starting area
Shumellier 9 Jul, 2021 @ 10:50am 
@jokycrazz do minecraft realms the end is there
unobtanium  [author] 6 Oct, 2019 @ 3:45am 
Creating Maps has become too time intensive for me. The Source Editor is a real pain. But hey, you can always try yourself. Its not that difficult, there are great YouTubers that teach you everything you need to know. For example TopHattWaffle and 3kliksphilip Hammer tutorials are a great source.
JockyCrazz 5 Oct, 2019 @ 6:31pm 
Could you create a map of the "End"? I need it for my series
unobtanium  [author] 12 Aug, 2018 @ 9:24am 
Hab auch noch ein Bild mit den Credits in der Map hinzugefügt :)
unobtanium  [author] 12 Aug, 2018 @ 9:15am 
Credits sind in der Map, müssen aber mithilfe eines kleinen "Easter Eggs" aktiviert werden. Ist wahrscheinlich nicht so schlau, jetzt wo du mich darauf hinweist. Werde es mit in den Beschreibungstext packen.
Fr3acky 7 Aug, 2018 @ 10:52am 
Ich würde noch vorschlagen ennergy credit zu geben, wenn du schon seine Texturen verwendest. Hat er sogar extra über den Download geschrieben. Möchtest ja auch nicht, dass jemand teile oder sogar die ganze map klaut und dir kein credit gibt.
The birds may be hecking dead. 31 Jul, 2018 @ 6:53pm 
The preview has fucking comic sans.
unobtanium  [author] 18 Feb, 2018 @ 9:35am 
No. You cant interact with chests. I know some Minecraft maps do that, but i went a different approch and just put the items directly on top or near the chest for players to pick up.
Professorsmartypants 17 Feb, 2018 @ 5:27pm 
are you not sopose to open chests