Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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30.112 KB
8 Oct, 2015 @ 9:25am
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Yellow begone! Clean, clear days and deep, dark nights. And crisp contrast without bleaching out whites.

I created this LUT for my own use and am sharing it here, as I was very frustrated by the murky, yellow days of post AD gameplay and suspect others are as well.

I tried to bring back the bright, clear days seen in-game before After Dark, and particularly didn't want to bleach out the near-whites and highlights, creating glaring over-exposure. So darks and shadows have been re-enforced but color saturation has actually dropped a bit from default after having cleared out all the jaundice.

Also, a great deal of attention was paid to keeping the color palette of concrete and asphalt balanced and realistic, since these materials are so common.

Nights are deep and dark and tend to blue -- kind of like the night, come to think of it!

Arhison 10 Sep, 2016 @ 5:52am 
Пока самый лучший LUT, который я встречал. Правда ночи уж слишком тёмные, мешает геймплею, приходиться переключаться. Но вцелом - 10 из 10.
LIDL 15 Jun, 2016 @ 2:21am 
will try it out many thanks thumbs up :steamhappy:
Seed5050 20 Feb, 2016 @ 2:20pm 
for me the best snow lut thanks
crylive 15 Dec, 2015 @ 4:59am 
thanks, nice LUT:steamhappy:
ez1  [author] 18 Oct, 2015 @ 5:38am 
Wow what a gorgeous map, amazing work! Just beautiful what you've managed to do there. And thanks for making MyLUT a "required" asset, that's a real compliment :)
MrMiyagi 17 Oct, 2015 @ 4:29pm 
Hi ez1. Your LUT really knocked this map out of the park. Yellowey brownish snow and ice was replaced with icy, cool, beautiful bluish tones! It sets the scene and atmosphere magnificently and made a huge difference in all areas: natural areas, roads and city itself. I made it a required item, because it should be lol
ez1  [author] 15 Oct, 2015 @ 2:51am 
@Jock o Strap
Good luck with it, and thanks for the compliment on the LUT; hope you get things sorted quickly.
Jock o Strap 15 Oct, 2015 @ 2:24am 
Thanks again. I was thinking along the same lines. Have just unsubed all my assets/mods. Will now try your lut with the game on its own. Fingers crossed it will work cos i really do like the look you have got with this.
ez1  [author] 15 Oct, 2015 @ 1:59am 
@Jock o Strap
No problem, sorry to hear you've got this problem. Try disabling all mods, assets and custom content, just running vanilla on a vanilla map, and see if the LUTs load. If not, you've got a problem with the base game. If they do work, then you've got a bad file somewhere and have to find it. somehow. Mesh up may help you, it's on the Workshop, it shows assets that are resource hogs, which usually means they are broken. Otherwise, you've got to load half your assets, etc., and do triage. Good luck with it!
Jock o Strap 15 Oct, 2015 @ 1:41am 
Thanks for the reply. Yes im enabling them on the content manager panel before i start the game. I tested it by downloading 3 diff luts made no diff on the game for any of them, so i dont think there is a problem with any of the actual mods. Ill go check the bug forum, thanks. Its so daft all i want is no yellow saturation and the better bulldozer lol.