DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin

DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin

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How to: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Souls - Link Cosplay/RP
By Archaureous
What would the Hero of Time look like in the world of Dark Souls? What pieces of his arsenal would he bring? Do you do want a great cosplay of Link from Oot, but dont know where to start? Do not fret, I have done all the work for you! A comprehensive list and explaination of every piece of equipment Adult Link uses, how to pull of Links swag and how he would fair within the world of Drangleic!
General Information
After the defeat of Ganon, Link and Navi attempted to return to their proper time. As Link plunged the Master sword into its pedestal, a dark force pulled them to a strange land, I believe they call it.. Drangleic.

How to look like, fight like and be Link within the world of Drangleic. All of his equipment that allowed him to conquer Hyrule will help him within the world of Drangleic. His variety of weapons makes him very versatile, a weapon for every occasion and even a couple gear pieces to switch around for different situations while staying true to the cosplay! A detailed comprehensive list and explaination of each aspect of Drangleic Link.
Tunic, Gauntlets and Boots
Kokiri Tunic: I chose the Manikin chest piece, which drops from Manikins in Earthen Peak. There are alternatives that look close, such as the leather armor. However this piece is an actual tunic, with similar belt strap and diagonal strap to Links. Requires normal Titanite to upgrade.

Kokiri Hood: I chose the Nahr Alma Hood, which drops from Titchy Gren, or given from him at rank 3 Blood Covenant. It is the only hood in the game that has the look of links hood, how it still shows hair and has a tail. A few pieces such as the tattered cloth hood come close, but Grens helm is the end all. Requires normal Titanite to upgrade.

Golden Gauntlets: I chose the Engraved Gauntlets, which require you to Complete Pate and Creightons questlines, then grab them out of the chest near the spiked bridge in Brightstone Cove Tseldora. There isnt a pair of gloves as close to Links gauntlets of any type, than the Engraved Gauntlets, down to the sectional plates. They also give critical hits occasionally, which may somehow translate from the extra strength of Golden Gauntlets in Oot. Requires Twinkling Titanite to upgrade.

Kokiri Boots: I chose Benhearts Boots, which require you to either complete Benhearts storyline, or kill him and buy the pieces from Merchant Hag Melentia. I cant find a more suitable set for his main boots, although the leggings are black not white, the boots are almost perfect shape to be the Kokiri Boots. Requires normal Titanite to upgrade.

The whole setup looks great together, the colors match although they are not green and white. I give you the Drangleic Tunic.

Goron Tunic: Be a Red PhantomZora Tunic: Be a Blue Sentinel.

Iron Boots: I chose the Havel Leggings, which are located near the Upper Gutter bonfire, up a ladder past a Forgotten Key door in a chest. For the most physical likeness to Benhearts boots but metal, it would be the Royal Soldiers Boots. However they are of lower defense and weight of Benhearts, the Havel leggings function similar to the Iron boots. Higher poise, but alot more weight and it looks like they are plates strapped to black leggings(benheart boots). Although they are supposed to be stone, they sure look metal or "Iron". They are useful for a poise and defense boost, but they are very heavy and may throw you over stamina regeneration and/or roll length breakpoints. Requires Twinkling titanite to upgrade.

Hover Boots: I chose the Sanctum Knight Leggings, which drop from Sanctum Knights within Dragons sanctum. Although again not a direct physical likeness, but they function similar to the Hover boots. They silence your foot steps, have an aura on your feet(sorta like wings), make your falls hurt less and again look as if plates are strapped onto black leggings(Benhearts Boots). The butterfly skirt would technically be closer in function to the Hover Boots, but Link doesnt look good in a skirt.. They are a bit heavier than Benhearts boots, one less poise and different arays of defense. Overall a bit better, but not always do you want to be silent and at times builds can be very close on burden breakpoints. Not to mention changing up your looks, adds variety. Also requires Twinkling titanite, alot of my chosen pieces do and they begin to add up to upgrade them all to max.
Weapons, Shields and Equipment
Master Sword: I chose the Sun Sword, which is given by reaching rank 2 in the Heirs of the Sun Covenant(20 medals). There are a few swords that look a bit closer to the Master Sword, I think the Blue Flame is very close, however its moveset is lacking as a main weapon. The Sun Sword is well rounded and has a great moveset that resembles Links Style in Oot. Its a great weapon for precision and quick recovery attacks, with moderate damage fitting a one handed weapon. Requires normal Titanite to upgrade.

Biggorons Sword: I chose the Majestic Greatsword, in Brume Tower which is located at the bottom of a cursed tower, across the chain bridge. There are a few swords that resemble Biggorns pretty well, including the Bluemoon Greatsword and a handful of others. However the Majestic greatsword gets a bonus on left handed wielding and gets an amazing moveset. The one handed L2 gives Link his spin attack that knocks down, the two handed R2(left hand) gives a flip strike that flattens enemies. The spin attack is wonderful to use, but beyond that for cosplay and roleplaying sakes should mostly be used two handed. A nice amount of damage and poise damage, longer reach and a unique moveset, its a valuable weapon to have in your arsenal. Requires Twinkling Titanite to upgrade.

Megaton Hammer: I chose the Drakekeepers Warpick, which drops from the Tower Shield Drakekeeper at Dragon Shrine. Beyond the Blacksmiths Hammer that somewhat matches the Megaton hammer and fits its size, there is only the Warpick. Although it is larger than the Oot version, its shape is nearly identical, certainly alot closer than any other hammer. It should be wielded two handed, not only for cosplay but I find its one handed moveset awkward and leaves you more open than it already does. Its damage and reach is higher than the Majestic Greatsword, if you hit its sweet spot at longer range. Has a wide reach spin attack two handed L2, running attack and backstep attack. Very useful against heavy armor and to get distance between you and them, a solid two handed weapon. Requites regular Titanite to upgrade.

Hylian Shield: I chose the Drangleic Shield, it is located down the hole after the Pursuers Main boss room on a corpse. The only other shield that really comes close to the Hylian shield in shape is the royal kite shield, its not as practical in comparison and the theme isnt quite right. If he wears the Drangleic Tunic, it makes sense he would use the Drangleic Shield. The Drangleic Shield is both almost the same shape and has similar paint themes, along with being an over all sturdy shield. Has 100% block for normal damage and decent block for magics. Requires Twinkling Titanite to upgrade.

Mirror Shield: I chose the Shield of the Insolent, it drops from the Insolent Cleric red phantoms in the Undead Crypt after lighting the braziers. The first thought anyone has for the mirror shield, is the Mirror Knights shield. While yes it is a mirror and reflects spells, it does not resemble the Mirror Shield in size or shape and is very heavy for your large arsenal. The Insolent Shield both matches its shape, is the same weight as the Drangleic Shield and functions much like it. It has spell parry for swag and to scare mages, as well as a stamina boost to help with dodging spells and in general. But it cant be relied on for emergency blocks. Requires regular Titanite to upgrade.

Fairy Bow: I chose the Bow of Want, which is made out of the soul of Nashandra at Weaponsmith Ornifex. The composite bow looks the most like the Fairy Bow in shape, but isnt as practical in general use with its shorter range. The Bow of want looks similar beyond the bell on the top, as well as having built in light arrows as its special and lightning damage baseline. So with magic arrows and fire arrows equiped, you could emulate all three special arrows without switching. Requires Petrified Dragon Bone to upgrade.
Arrows: Iron arrows sold by Steady Hand Mcduff.
Fire Arrows: Fire arrows sold by Weaponsmith Ornifex.
Ice Arrows: Magic arrows sold by Chancellor Wellager.
Light Arrows: Lightning arrows sold by Chancellor Wellager, and Bow of want special.

Long Shot: I chose the Puzzling Stone Sword, it is located at the bottom of the trapped stairs in Shulva Sanctum City in a chest. The only item in the game that comes close to what the Long Shot/Hookshot does, its heavy attack whips the blade around and then forward as it extends. It happens to be blue like the Long Shot, but alot longer. However it emulates it the best it can be. Its very useful for catching your enemies off guard especially in pvp, its longer range and strange motions track its target well. Its two handed heavy attack does a nearly spammable spinning attack, its damage is moderate but id imagine you could do that with a Long Shot, or it can be just another spin attack variation. Should only be used for its unique attacks, for cosplay purposes. Requires Twinkling Titanite to upgrade.
Spells and Items
Navi: Cast Light, sold by Darkdiver Grandahl and Straid of Olaphis. Link cant go anywhere without Navi. She gives him helpful tips, allows him to lock on and annoys him with "hey!' "LISTEN!". Can be casted with the Blue Flame to not break Cosplay. Cast light emulates her look the best possible, the light from it actually helps in a number of places and hurts in a couple as well.. Always needs to be on before battle!

Din's Fire: I chose Outcry, which is gained by collecting all of the Soul of Nadalia and trading it to Weaponsmith Ornifex. Although any variation of Firestorm will do, Outcry matches dins fire the most because of its initial pulse that closely resembles Dins Fire from Oot. Its tougher to get and is a one-two trick pony, but it can be used easily with a parry or guard break and setup aoe situations.

Nayru's Love: Magic Barrier, sold by Felkin the Outcast and Head of Vengarl. Great magic barrier also works, located in Aldias keep, Drangleic Castle(ng+) and sold by Chancellor Wellager. It doesnt block all damage like in Oot, but it raises magic resistance in all schools and provides a similar aura. Useful for heavy magic damage fights, and mage like phantoms.

Farore's Wind: Aged Feather, Homeward miracle or Homeward bones. Sadly nothing too interesting to do with this spell how it was in Oot, it warped you between points.

Ocarina of Time: There really isnt too many things that it could be in Dark Souls, you could tingle around a chime. So I improvised using the Channelers Trident as it does make music, gives a buff to nearby allies and makes Link do a lovely dance!

Bombs: Black Firebomb, sold by Magerold of Lanafir in Iron Keep. Looks most like it in icon and does more damage than normal firebombs. They do a nice chunk of damage in an area they hit and stagger enemies a bit. A useful thing to throw into your arsenal.

Deku nuts; i chose to use Lloyds Talismans, sold by Sweet Shalquoir. They somewhat imitate the Deku Nut, stunning certain enemies, players and phantoms from healing for a bit of time. You could also use Holy Water Urns as the color is somewhat close for the explosion, and a different kind of damage.
How to play as Link
The first and foremost aspect to truly stand out as a Link cosplay is.. To have primary weapons in your left hand. Yes it removes your ripsotes, backstabs, buffing and slightly increases stamina consumption on weapon swings. However, the different angle of attack throws some people off. Link himself never needed to use those techniques, why should you? Its not only a tad more challenging and fun, its also more rewarding especially in pvp combat. To overcome your enemy without any 'lucky" backstabs, or one shot ripsotes. Those can be fun yes, but I find longer conflicts to be more enjoyable. Not to mention there is almost nothing a player can use as an excuse for losing to you, almost... Guard breaking can still be a great time to set up an Outcry cast, or a Majestic Sword spin attack to another knock down. Youre not helpless, just need to use a bit more strategy.

There are many useful ring setups to use, one that is required really is the third dragon ring and perhaps Chloranthy Ring. The rest don't feel too tied down and switch it up. More mobility and stamina regen rate from royal soldiers ring(equip burden breakpoints), more damage from ring of blades, more defense from ring of steel protection and etc. Blue tearstone and Red tearstone rings can be useful for clenches, expand your Linkage.

Be Honorable, Link himself would be. Taunting emotes are for the less civilized, Links Sword and Shield raises even in the face of cowardice, speak louder than any taunt.

Item box all unrelated armor and weapons, you will want to switch out pieces and setups on the fly. Reducing your clutter helps make that easier, and faster.

Always have all weapon slots full, switch up your arsenal depending on your situation, with the large variety theres something for every pickle you get yourself into. If you pvp switching up also keeps your enemy guessing, and never let them get parrys. They will be prepared for the Master Sword, and you pull out the Megaton Hammer and wreck their timing. Not to mention the varied ranges, use the bow, the bombs and the hookshot to get pokes in on your enemy.

Coop often, Link would help those around him out at any time he could. Not to mention you gotta show off the goods :).

Don't try to rescue any princesses here, they're all evil gold digging Abyss ladies, think Ganon in a skirt.. Except for one, shes nice.

Always, use Navi. Or she will bother you endlessly.
Link can get through the entire game quite easy with his array of items, and fair well in the pvp enviroment. Out of all the cosplays ive done over time, this has been the most successful over all. He just can do so many things, he would most certainly become the next Monarch. I wanted to share it all with you to see more Links out fighting within Drangleic, Ill leave a screeny of my current stats as of creating this. Yours can vary beyond the base required equipment stats(my str/dex/int/faith/attn), I recommend high Vitality for your heavy load to keep you light. Keep on Praising that Sun people! Thank you for reading!
ZeroKelvin 10 Feb, 2016 @ 6:03pm 
The Legend (of Zelda) Never Dies.
THE SKELETON 10 Sep, 2015 @ 6:27pm 
Oh my fucking god I fought you in the arena!

You rekt my shit though lol.

I was having such a nerdgasm when I saw how you fought, lol.
vivi 8 Sep, 2015 @ 11:17am 
I feel like Ruler's Shield might be a bit more appropriate as the Hylian Shield because the symbols on it vaguely resemble a triforce. I get its shape is less close to the Hylian Shield than Drangleic Shield, but the symbols on it might make a little more sense.
Archaureous  [author] 7 Sep, 2015 @ 1:33am 
Hah thanks, yeah im not the best at making faces on here. Maybe im too impatient or something, i did one hell of a King Leonidas face though, the beard must be epic... Thanks for the read :D
Hello darkness 6 Sep, 2015 @ 10:09am 
I like it all except the face you make for the character! I think the default male face it's ultra-linkish xD but as a human. And you can play with it a while just to make the "determination" expresion of link
Archaureous  [author] 6 Sep, 2015 @ 2:07am 
Indeed by all means :)
Hadewych 6 Sep, 2015 @ 1:14am 
i guess its just personal preference
Archaureous  [author] 5 Sep, 2015 @ 1:52pm 
Well the cales set is sort of breastplate-y with a cape, the normal leather set chest piece comes close. But the Manikin set has the belt, straps and random different doodads on it, along with matching the rest of the pieces in color and theme. Thanks for the read!

And wow its up to Over 400 views, thank you for the reads all!
Hadewych 5 Sep, 2015 @ 5:46am 
wouldn't cale's leather armor suit the tunic better?