Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

155 ratings
Roundabout Earth 10x10
Assets: Park
File Size
3.029 MB
16 Jul, 2015 @ 4:32pm
15 Dec, 2015 @ 5:20pm
2 Change Notes ( view )

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Roundabout Earth 10x10

In 1 collection by Elias
Roundabout Decoration / Kreisel Dekorationen
28 items
This unique building was my base-modell. Thanks to Kliekie.

I reduzed the size of the building a lot, so the original unique building will still look impressive and unique in your city!

As you can see in the pictures, you can plop this roundabout-park everywhere. It doesn't need to be attached to a road and that's why I kept it from producing garbage and it can't burn, so it won't cause any trouble.
It is just for optical purposes and has no entertainment effect nor will it attract tourists:



Die Größe des Originals wurde deutlich reduziert, so dass das einzigartige Gebäude immer noch eindrucksvoll in eurer Stadt aussieht.

Wie man auf den Bildern sehen kann, kann man den Park überall platzieren und er muss keine Straße berühren. Daher habe ich die Werte so gesetzt, dass kein Müll produziert wird und kein Feuer ausbrechen kann, denn Müllwagen/Feuerwehr könnten den Park nicht erreichen. Der Park dient nur der Optik, d.h. ALLE WERTE SIND AUF NULL (AUSSER DEM PREIS VON 3000) und es werden weder Besucher noch Touristen angezogen.
Mr. Xuan 22 May, 2023 @ 4:57am 
Your assets are amazing!!! I have to admire you!
Mr. Xuan 22 May, 2023 @ 4:56am 
Thank you, boss. If you can try, please teach me. Thank you very much!
Elias  [author] 22 May, 2023 @ 4:44am 
It is indeed complicated. You will need the mod "Mod Tools" in the first place. After loading an asset you need to open Mod Tools and navigate to a certain setting, which I mself don't even remember exactly where to find that after all those years. I can try to figure that out again.
Mr. Xuan 22 May, 2023 @ 2:53am 
Hello boss, how can we create a park that doesn't rely on roads? Can you teach me something? Do you want to use MOD?
yurusei - human pipebomb 18 Oct, 2015 @ 5:36am 
Amazing stuff! Roundabout props don't get enough credit!
gujiangjiang 16 Jul, 2015 @ 8:25pm 