Cities in Motion 2

Cities in Motion 2

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Sarnia (ON) + Port Huron (MI)
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13 Jun, 2015 @ 2:55pm
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Sarnia (ON) + Port Huron (MI)

Eine reale Karte mit 10x10km Größe.
A real map with 10x10km size.

Sarnia ist eine Stadt in Kanada im südwestlichen Teil des Bundesstaats Ontario an der Grenze zu den USA und befindet sich am östlichen Ufer des Lake Huron gelegen am südlichsten Punkt, welcher in den St. Clair River mündet. Die Umgebung ist relativ Flach und reicht von 169 bis zu 281 Metern über dem Meeresspiegel. Die Stadt ist kein Teil vom Canadian Shield. Die Stadt liegt ca. 290 Kilometer westlich von Toronto und ca. 106 Kilometer nördlich von Detroit. Auf der anderen Uferseite befindet sich die US-amerikanische Stadt Port Huron.
Port Huron liegt am südlichen Ende des Lake Huron und ist zugleich die östlichste Gemeinde in Michigan (USA). Sie gehört zu einem Gebiet Michigans, das als the Thumb bezeichnet wird. Durch die Blue Water Bridge ist Port Huron mit Sarnia, Ontario in Kanada verbunden. Diese überquert den St. Clair River und bindet den kanadischen Highway 402 an die US-amerikanischen Fernstraßen Interstate 69 und Interstate 94 an.

Sarnia is a city in Canada in the southwestern part of the state of Ontario on the border with the United States and is located on the eastern shore of Lake Huron at the most southern point, which empties into the St. Clair River. The area is relatively flat, ranging from 169 up to 281 meters above sea level. The city is not a part of the Canadian Shield. The city is located about 290 kilometers west of Toronto and about 106 kilometers north of Detroit. On the other side of the river is the American city of Port Huron.
Port Huron is located at the southern end of Lake Huron and is also the easternmost municipality in Michigan (USA). It belongs to an area of Michigan, which is called the Thumb. By the Blue Water Bridge Port Huron is connected in Canada with Sarnia, Ontario. This crosses the St. Clair River and binds the Canadian Highway 402 to the American highways Interstate 69 and Interstate 94.

Es wird dringend empfohlen das Stadtwachstum zu deaktivieren, in dieser Version wurden keine Gebäudeblocker verbaut. Wer mit Städtewachstum spielt zerstört leider das gesamte Aussehen der Karte.
It is strongly recommended to disable the urban-growth, in this release were not used building-blockers. Unfortunately Who plays with urban growth destroys the whole look of the map.

Zur besseren Spielweise liegt der Karte ein Ruleset bei (Einwohner 200%, Verkehr 50%, etc.)
For better play the map, please use the ruleset (population 200%, transport 50%, etc.)

Diese Karte wurde erstellt mit Hilfe von maps4cim[http//%27http], mit Daten aus der OpenStreetMap[http//%27http] (© OpenStreetMap Mitwirkende) und der SRTM[http//%27http].
This map was created using maps4cim[http//%27http], with data from the OpenStreetMap[http//%27http] (© OpenStreetMap contributors) and the SRTM[http//%27http].

Ein Upload der Karte auf anderen Webseiten ist ohne meine Zustimmung nicht gestattet!
Uploading the map on other websites is not permitted without my agreement!

Hier gehts zum Thema rund um die Karte:
Sarnia (ON) + Port Huron (MI)[http//%27http]
DragonFire 7 May, 2022 @ 12:59pm 
Hey I made a video about your Mod I hope this is ok
Garfield88 15 Jan, 2019 @ 7:49am 
First off... Ontario, is NOT A STATE!! It's a PROVINCE. Personally, I take offence to my home area, (Ontario, Canada), being associated, in any way, with the u.s.a. In particular, being called a State. Ontario, has never been, and never will be, a "State".

That being said, Kudos on the map. It looks good. Thank-you for including a small bit of Canada in an otherwise largely YANKEE and European landscape.
Whiskers 9 Oct, 2017 @ 7:57pm 
Unless you mean the most southern point of Lake Huron.
Whiskers 9 Oct, 2017 @ 7:54pm 
Not the southern most point of Ontario becasue further south (and a bit south of Detroit) is Windsor, Ontario and to the south east of there is Pelee Island, Ontario in Lake Erie which is the most southern point of Ontario and Canada.
Synthtronic  [author] 22 Dec, 2015 @ 10:24am 
Thank you, have fun.
ccidesaf 21 Dec, 2015 @ 11:29pm 
Thank you. Its nice to play CIM2 with a map of my home!
Synthtronic  [author] 25 Nov, 2015 @ 2:37pm 
Ah, okay. A little bit south to Port Huron. I hope the map is mostly real for you.
I live in Germany, but my aunt lives in London nearby Sarnia. My last visit in Sarnia was about 25 years ago, I love the impressive landscape there.
Aleczaender 25 Nov, 2015 @ 2:16pm 
FYI, Marysville is right next to Port Huron
Synthtronic  [author] 25 Nov, 2015 @ 11:59am 
I hope you all enjoy the map and have fun.
The map is very hard tricky to play with tunnels, I know. But it is possible with a little bit sensitivity.

At the moment I'm working on a real map called Goderich (Canada).
Work Process by 20%
Aleczaender 19 Nov, 2015 @ 1:21pm 
Lol I live in Marysville! This is Amazing!