DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin

DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin

64 ratings
How To Host A Fight Club
By Blue
What is this guide about?

This guide will briefly explain what a Fight Club is and how to host your own, it will also cover what items you'll need, best rings to have and hosting an arena accordingly.
What is a Fight Club?

Ever seen this situation on the Iron Keep Bridge?
That is a Fight Club.

For those of you who don't know, a Fight Club is an arena in which people take turns to battle each other in a consistent flow, all while the host continues to summon in new participants. Brotherhood of Blood members love it and Invading Sentinels enjoy it as well, but do you want to host your own? Well Hopefully this guide will help you.
Part 1. Items You Should Have
What are the items I need?

There are a number of items that are required for you to run a consistent and flowing Fight Club, whilst not all are 100% mandatory, we'll start with the most important one first.


Warmth is a small area of effect healing pyromancy that will restore your injured combatants after they have finished their fight, this is CRUCIAL as most participants will have almost no ways of healing themselves after a duel, it's your duty, as the host to heal your guests so they can be ready for the next fight.

A Pyromancy Flame is required to cast it, it can be easily acquired by defeating the Flexile Sentry Boss in No Man's Wharf and opening a chest in the room ahead of the boss area.

Warmth is sold by Grave Warden Agdayne in the Undead Crypt for 5,200 souls, should you not have access to the Warden, you can also farm Warmth off of Rats in the Grave of Saints, although a rare drop, it can still be acquired very early on.

Attune as many of these as you can, 2 or 3 is a healthy number and more is even better, the last thing you want to be doing is having to restart your Fight Club due to not having anymore Warmths to cast, but this is where the Amber Herb comes in.

Amber Herb

Amber Herbs can be consumed to restore a number of spell uses allowing you to cast more Warmths without having to rest at a bonfire, these can be brought from Merchant Hag Melentia and Weaponsmith Ornifex for 1,600 souls in very limited quantities, which is why it is important to attune as many Warmths as possible, Use these absolutely sparingly and only if you need to restore some casts of Warmth. Amber Herbs can also be dropped off of a number of monsters in the game.

Dried Fingers

Dried Fingers are used to reset the cooldown on your invasion timer, allowing you to be invaded by potential participants more frequently. They can be obtained in the Undead Crypt in an area near the bonfire at the Undead Ditch. Special thanks to Kurulily for pointing them out and informing me of their purpose.

Prism Stones

Prism Stones are used to outline the areas where your non combatants stand when waiting for a fight, they are also used for decorative purposes to help new participants to understand they are in a Fight Club, they're not really needed, but they're good to have, just try not to overdo the placements of the stones. They are sold by Sweet Shalquior in Majula for 300 souls, Unlimited once you have entered Drangleic Castle.



Part 2. Suggested Rings
Which Rings are helpful?

Rings can help make your experience hosting a Fight Club much easier, I'll cover which ones I'd recommend you use here and what it is they'll do to help you.

Southern Ritual Band

This Ring will allow you to attune additional spells, allowing you to cast even more Warmths, very helpful and handy to have. The regular version of this ring can be acquired at Belfry Luna in a chest following the Gargoyles boss fight.

Northern Ritual Band

This Ring will give you more uses of your spells, meaning more Warmths and more restores you'll get from consuming Amber Herbs, the downside is that this will GREATLY reduce your overall health, however this should not be an issue, provided your guests are friendly and cooperative with the rules of Fight Club. The regular version of this ring can be acquired in the secret room following your immediate right when you enter the water area of Sinner's Rise.

Lingering Dragon Ring

This Ring will increase the time Warmth will last for, again, helpful and handy. The regular version of this ring can be brought for 2.500 souls from Straid of Olaphis in the area above the bridge before Sinner's Rise, he'll be petrified so be sure to have a Fragrant Branch of Yore on hand.

Optional: Agape Ring

The Agape Ring will consume the souls of the participants of your Fight Club leave when they are defeated, some people are quite touchy about their SM, so if you do want to host a Fight Club around a certain tier, be sure to wear this ring. Once again purchased from Straid of Olaphis for 5,000 Souls.
Part 3. Hosting
Okay I feel prepared, What now?

Once you feel ready, head to the Iron Keep Bridge PvP Hotspot, place your Prism Stones in appropriate places and begin summoning Dark Spirits, No offence to any Dragonbros out there, but you must not summon any Dragon Covenent Members, as these are strictly 1v1 Summons that will also prevent you from summoning anybody else.

Try to get two people summoned at the same time so the two will immediately be able to fight one another, as their swords clash, try and be fast and summon any new red soapstone signs as soon as they appear on the ground, do your best to avoid getting in the way, if a marker is on the spot where the two participants are fighting, it's best to let it go. People can also join you through invading normally, due to the location and setup of the area, it should be easy for them to notice it's a Fight Club. Try to keep a steady flow of new fighters coming in and greet them accordingly, With Scholar of the First Sin it is now possible to have up to 6 people in a single world.

When your surviving guest has finished a fight, you should put a new Warmth up immediately so that they can begin healing and getting ready, DO NOT put Warmth anywhere that isn't the backrailing on the middle of the keep bridge, as that would make it very easy for a combatant to accidently get a small, yet significant increase in health, somewhat tarnishing the current fight.

Your ideal situation would look something like this

Optional: Have a Sin level high enough to summon Arbiter Spirits

Arbiter Spirits are Blue Sentinel Members that can invade into your Fight Club, they don't really gain anything from Fight Club, some still enjoy participating in it, so long as they don't try to kill you, which is why there are they in the first place. Arbiter Spirits are unlikely, but can still be possible.
Part 4. Dealing With Troublemakers
Someones attacking me! What do I do?

Not every Brotherhood of Blood Member or Blue Sentinel is honorable or respectful, some will obviously want to kill you and get their invasion over and done with, should you find yourself under attack, simply run and heal, your participants will be smart enough to realize that if the host dies, the Fight Club is finished, so they will likely unite quickly to dispatch of the troublemaker, should you try and fight back, be aware that you can hit or be hit by other Dark spirits attempting to kill the disruptor.

Once dealt with, do your best to remember their name or appearance and avoid summoning them again, for the safety of yourself, the Club and it's combatants.
Well, There It is!
Closing Comment

Thank you for reading and I do hope this brief guide has, at the very least, helped you somewhat, Fight Club is a surprisingly fun place, filled with respectful bows, gestures and fun fights to watch and learn from. Should you ever find yourself in a Fight Club, remember that the host is giving his or her free time away so that you and others may enjoy yourselves, I think that deserves a nod, that or a Have Mercy!

All the best and have fun.


I'd like to apologize for the quality of the images, they were taken using a low resolution because I'm stupid.
rparham685 13 May @ 11:09am 
Another option, for those with the DLC: The Crown of the Iron King has a passive that regenerates spell casts. It's bit slow, but it'll save you a couple of herbs in the longer run, might be useful if you're just hosting. o7
Rosminn 12 Nov, 2019 @ 8:37pm 
Just farm the herbs off of the Desert Sorceresses. They drop like candy and are far more potent than the amber herbs.
Polaric 25 Jun, 2017 @ 11:27am 
How to deal with troublemakers: climax or sanctum crossbow. Easy and simple
Sanguine Regis 2 Jul, 2016 @ 7:44pm 
Fight clubs actually have a bonus for hosts: more or less free effigies
Tired 16 Oct, 2015 @ 2:00am 
Fight clubs also seem like a good way to farm humanities.
Negão do GOL Branco 2 Oct, 2015 @ 7:33pm 
Chaseung 10 Aug, 2015 @ 8:30pm 
@Hinth That's... actually a really good point.
Blue  [author] 4 Aug, 2015 @ 6:22am 
@Caramel Frappe
Haha, well hey! I remember seeing your execellent guide after I had posted this one, just to see if someone had made one for Vanilla DS2, I have a friend who PvPs very often and express his displeasure when entering a club where the host doesn't have Warmth, It is rather obsurd.
Karamell 4 Aug, 2015 @ 3:09am 
Ha, I made a Guide like this for the old Dark Souls 2 version. Thanks for reminding people to obtain Warmth ... you wouldn't believe how many forget that crucial spell.
Hinth 2 Jul, 2015 @ 9:11pm 
A very in-depht guide on how to level up on Company of Champions Covenant.