Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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4 Way combined HighWay and Rail Exchange
Assets: Intersection
File Size
436.048 KB
5 Apr, 2015 @ 8:39pm
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4 Way combined HighWay and Rail Exchange

I like to run rail down all my highways for easy access to the track when needed all over town, so I created this for high traffic areas as I was having a hard time finding a layout I liked where both highway and rail intersected in a 4 way pattern.
It's a 4 way celtic knot exchange with elevated highway, with rail down the middle of each direction.
I usually raise the rail back up after the intersections so it is level with the highways, it gives a nice uniform feel to long stretches of the road.
Professor Hardknocks 30 Jun, 2015 @ 7:17am 
Icon Please. This is one of the few 4 way with single rail.