Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Oil Power Plant Rebalanced
Assets: Building
File Size
9.983 MB
17 Mar, 2015 @ 8:47pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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Oil Power Plant Rebalanced

Oil Power Plant Rebalanced:

In the base game fossile fuel power plants not only produce pollution, they aren't cost effective compared to wind. They are entirely pointless to build in their current state. This new version of the Oil Plant (does not replace the original) attempts to make them worthwhile to build.

Some stats:

In the base game wind power (advanced and regular) calculates out to a best case scenario of 10 per MW. Oil is a whopping 16 per MW, plus the cost of low land value and pollution. This new Oil Plant costs about 8 per MW. However it also has had some downsides tweaked further to balance it more.

The new Oil Plant produces 50% more garbage, 35% more noise, and has a 50% larger noise radius. Further it produces ~40% more pollution and 50% further reaching pollution. It also now requires water and sewer connections and consumes 1600 m^3 of each.

Please see its companion, the Coal Plant Rebalanced as well here in the Workshop.
roberto tomás 28 Mar, 2015 @ 10:01am 
you might check out variating wind mod.. it lowers and limits wind power