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27 févr. 2015 à 9h20
13 avr. 2015 à 17h30
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Recycling Center


Ya ever seen an alien’s garbage day? I suppose not, you look like yer kinda new ‘round here. Well, they might be galactic overlords or whatever, but they still take out the trash like the rest of us, and it ain't pretty.

Lemme ask you a question. Ya ever wonder what happens when you reset one of them factories they’re always makin’ us build? And I don’t just mean that reset solution button neither, but just like, something goes wrong so you cancel the production run, and everything just up an disappears on you. Now how the heck does that work? Our benefactors might have space travel down pretty good, but time travel is a whole ‘nother story. Well I’ll tell ya, they just up an teleport you to another factory site set up jus’ like yours in the blink of an eye, and leave the old one behind. Wasteful as heck, but if they was any good at figuring out things like that I reckon they wouldn't have much use for us.

Course, sooner or later, they run out of space, so they have one of those big ol’ ships come along and rake up all those busted up designs, and anythin’ else that happens to be lying about. That’s where you come in. Ya see, one of them there garbage collection ships is unloadin’, and your job is gonna be to sift through the junk lookin’ for anything useful. And by that I mean factory pieces that can be recycled, welders don’t just grow on trees after all.

Actually… ya reckon the do? Grow on trees, I mean. I ain't never seen anyone buildin’ ‘em… Ya think maybe they gots some real tiny alien captives on itty-bitty factories assemblin’ them parts that we use… Huh? Or right, I gots distracted for a sec...

There’s just a few things you need to know before you get started:

First, you've probably never seen factory blocks in the output teleporters before, and, well, some of the holograms they use to display them are a tad busto. Just so you don’t go gettin’ confused, here’s what they’re looking for, starting by the door and continuing counter-clockwise around the room: Conveyor, Welder, Conduit, Sensor, Blocker, Eviscerator, Rotator, Lifter. Maybe I'll stick some notes on the wall or somethin' jus' so you don't go gettin' confused.

Oh, and any Pusher or Blocker blocks that you see rollin’ in won’t actually push anything, even if you were to wire them up. Dunno why. Maybe they got gummed up with somethin’, or maybe their batteries’ just run down.

And don’t go thinkin’ you can just feed your own parts into the receivers and call it a day neither, because they’re all tagged with a special block when they come in to make sure you’re actually doin’ the job.

Now where was I? Oh yeah. Second, you’re gonna wanna turn down the input speed on the garbage chute. I recommend starting on the absolute minimum, and maybe workin’ your way back up if you’re really good at handlin’ the mess that comes out. But if that trash gets backed up because you ain't takin’ care of it then you might find yourself SOL.

You should be able to figure out the rest on your own. Last I heard they were workin’ on settin’ up one of them ‘tutorial projectors’ in there to give you an idea of what to expect comin’ at ya, so you might even get lucky with that.

This here's just a warm-up for ya, though. Once yeh feel like yah've got the hang of it, you can get started on the real work.

2 commentaires
Lyshkami  [créateur] 13 avr. 2015 à 14h29 

No, uhh. The level files Infinifactory uses are fairly straightforward. The short answer is that I placed a 'standard block' where I wanted it, then swapped the block type to that of another block in the game (and hoped it didn't crash). Thanks in part go to Alex .

I deliberately tried to include 'callbacks' to every campaign level, or at least as many as I could fit. And, of course, the ever-so-helpful tutorial projector. Hope you enjoyed solving it!
Manabender 13 avr. 2015 à 13h58 
Alright, I have to ask.

How did you get all these non-standard blocks into the puzzle? I see dang-near every block ever used in the campaign. I even hear those little gopher-like things that you turn into meat. Also, there's the obvious fact that you have factory blocks in inputs and outputs. And lastly, the tutorial projector.