Mount & Blade: Warband

Mount & Blade: Warband

83 ratings
How to be a Ferocious Flag-Bearer
By Don Capybara
So now that there are so many dope beat makers out there in the world, I have thought that the flag-bearers (The scrubs that hold flags) could use some love. These babies compliment dope beat makers very well when making your very own rockband. This guide will help you on your way to holding a piece a cloth attached to a stick properly.

If you wish to find me in-game, my name is [34th-MR]Musical_Mustache
I am the master of killer tunes on the battlefield.
So, you want to hold a flag?
So if you are reading this right now, then you are probably interested in holding a piece of cloth attached to a stick. Well then, here I will train you to a be cloth-attached-to-a-stick-holder man and you will do so ferociously to the sound of dope beats being made by musicians all around the server that you are trapped in.

Here is a great example of a strong man holding a piece of cloth attached to a stick

(By the way that is me, because I am so strong and ferocious when holding a piece of cloth attached to a stick)
The flag and you
If one is to hold a flag, a piece of cloth attached to a stick, then one must know the fundamentals behind it.

1. The structure of a flag
Here you will see a very well made diagram of what exactly this so called "flag" is. You will see that it is a very complex piece of machinery that can only be handled with proper instruction, such as this guide.

2. The components of the flag
So now that you know the structure of this flag, you should know what is inside each part of the flag

a) The stick
The stick is made out of stuff, usually. Usually this stuff is wood. The only proper wood for such a complex piece of machinery, such as this flag, is mahogany wood. This type of wood is very fine and is only meant for the higher up people in life. Here is a photo of what you peasants probably don't have.

b) The cloth
The cloth is not made of cloth. Yeah, I know. It is what everyone wants you to think. The government is trying to make you believe that cloth is made out of cloth. HA! That is completely illogical. Only a simple peasant with his peasant brain would believe that cloth is made out of cloth. Cloth is not made, but born out of the ferocity and bravery of those who carry it upon a stick. You could be one of those people that may hold a stick with this so-called "cloth" attached to it.

3. You
You, in this case, would be me. I am you. You are me. Let that settle in before you go insane and get put into a nice, plush room that they call isolation. Anyways, you are a person. As a person, you are just another meagre and sub-par human being that wants to accomplish something which is why you are probably reading this right now. You can be shaped into the kind of fantastic man that holds such an amazing tool by simply reading this guide. Now, continue reading so that you may turn yourself from this
into this
Proper attire for a piece-of-cloth-attached-to-a-stick holder man
Clothes. You wear clothes. I can't really see what else you would wear but flag-bearer clothes, but that is basically clothing. I would just wear whatever you are handed by your superiors. Even if you are handed only a bikini, you wear what you get with pride you brave soldier.
Some tips and tricks of the trade
As a flag-bearer, you will notice that you have a flag that you can't sheathe. This means that you must carry it with you for eternity, otherwise you will wither away with shame. Anyways, here are some pointers on holding a stick with a pretty picture on it.

1. Drop your so-called "weapon"
The ferocity of a flag-bearer is unmatched when it comes to times of war. You will have to set your flag down for a moment, but that is only to discard of the pointless "weapon" that you have been handed. The flag is all you need. You can block and shout while holding it, so you do have the ability to stop people with pointy objects that hurt you.

2. Run. Run over there. Yeah.
Running will help keep you alive and in shape. Maintaining your healthy lifestyle is important as a flag-bearer. You should really work on your thighs, because they are in need of work. You can work on those by running around the field and waving your adorable flag while you do so.

3. Use your voice!
By pressing "c" or whatever key is set for you to shout, you will release a VERY manly war-cry. This will surely dishearten the cowards who dare stand against a ferocious flag-bearer such as yourself. If you press the keys F1-F5, there should be additional commands. Sometimes these work and they will give you even more variety of things to scream at your sub-par enemy.

4. Find dope beat makers
By finding a couple of dope beat makers, you have increased you chance of survival by 46.74329743242367786969%. This is very good because you will live longer and be able to enjoy some dope beats while you are at it. It is a win-win situation here, and the dope beat makers will enjoy the pretty pictures on your flag.

(These men were dope beat makers, along with the guy playing the piano. It is just that my ferocity scared them into peeing in their trousers.)
I think that is about it
I could add more later to this, but you now have the basic information that you need to wield a piece of cloth attached to a stick. Go, fufill your destiny. Go hold your mahogany stick with a pretty piece of cloth attached at the end. Carry it onwards to the cowards who simply can not do that same job as you can with the knowledge that you now posesse. CHARGE!

By the way, you could always join my fantastic musical regiment of the honorable 34th. I am trying to make it more active as we get more members to do fun stuff, such as make dope beats. It is public for anyone to join in on the fun!

Also, if you guys have reccomendations on things that I should add to the guide that would be fantastic to aid any future piece-of-cloth-attached-to-a-stick holder guys, let me know in the comments. I'll check to see what I have from you guys.
AttilaLaDank 7 Aug, 2015 @ 11:02pm 
Going to join music reg
OFGWKATB 6 Jul, 2015 @ 6:39am 
I prefer my shaft rubber as to conform to my arse I MEAN HANDS better... O.O
Don Capybara  [author] 9 Mar, 2015 @ 4:43pm 
Dicey 9 Mar, 2015 @ 12:27pm 
ozzytudor 9 Mar, 2015 @ 9:30am 
Is that Craig Feldspar?
Bucky14 8 Mar, 2015 @ 6:37pm 
11/10 its ok:retreat::sheriffsbadge::lampoff::blueteam::postcardf:
Garmo 7 Mar, 2015 @ 6:15pm 
Don Capybara  [author] 7 Mar, 2015 @ 6:09pm 
United states of Weenis
Garmo 7 Mar, 2015 @ 6:06pm 
Don Capybara  [author] 7 Mar, 2015 @ 4:38pm 