Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

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More Civilisations' civs
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"I saw our people spreading throughout the land and across the oceans, expanding our kingdom, discovering new people and great riches in faraway lands"

A collection of the civs produced by the More Civilisations project, including packs which split up conglomerate civs from the base game into more accurate historical entities. Unless otherwise stated, all mods require at least Brave New World. Each will also have different authors and support different mods, so please check the relevant pages for each civ to find more specific support details.
Obiecte (64)
MC's Aceh
Creată de Pouakai
Once the most powerful state in the eastern Indian Ocean, the Aceh Sultanate was a powerful trading nation from the north of Sumatra. It grew rich off the proceeds of trade through the straights of Malacca and the Islamic faithful passing through whilst on...
MC's Afsharids
Creată de Pouakai By the dawn of the 18th century, the once-great empire of Persia had grown weak under the rule of the latter Safavids. Plagued by rebellions, it yearned for the command of a great leader to return it to the heights of power ...
MC's John F. Kennedy
Creată de Pouakai
Favoured son of the prestigious Kennedy family, John F. Kennedy came to power as president of the United States during a period of great turmoil. At home, America was facing increasing unrest over civil rights and societal divisions which polarised the cou...
MC's Ashanti Civilisation
Creată de Pouakai
Based in West Africa, near modern day Ghana, the Ashanti Empire was a powerful state which constantly proved a staunch opponent to European colonisation of the region. The Empire (or Kingdom) grew out of the smaller state of Kumasi and grew to encompass mu...
Ayyubid Civilization
Creată de Pouakai
The Ayyubid dynasty was a sultanate centred in Cairo between the 12th and 14th centuries. At its peak, it rules swathes of North Africa and the Middle East, from Sana'a to Tunis to Damascus. The dynasty was founded by Saladin, a man known throughout the wo...
MC's Brazil (Vargas)
Creată de Pouakai See the full collection! One of the most iconic figures of 20th century Brazil, Getulio Vargas reigned for nearly twenty years as President, including the turbulent years of the Great Depression and World War II. Reforming a...
MC's Buccaneers
Creată de Pouakai
A name that struck fear into all within the Caribbean, the Buccaneers were the most feared pirates of the age of sail, plundering ports of friend and foe alike. They sought only bounty and glory, and frequently became the enemy of those who sought to use t...
Sukritact's Burmese Civilization
Creată de sukritact
This mod adds the Burmese Civilization to the game, available for anyone with Brave New World. Yama Zatdaw: Receive (100 on Standard) Great Writer Points (GWP) when a city that Burma has never owned is conquered. Conquered ci...
Sukritact's Calusa Civilization
Creată de sukritact
This mod adds the Calusa Civilization to the game, available for anyone with Brave New World. The Calusa were a Native American people of Florida's southwest coast. They are notable for having developed a complex culture base...
Sukritact's Chinookan Civilization
Creată de sukritact
This mod adds the Chinookan Civilization to the game, available for anyone with Brave New World. The mod comes with native support for Events and Decisions, YNaEMP, Cultural Diversity, Piety and Prestige, ExCE and Ethnic Unit...
MC's Crimean Khanate
Creată de Pouakai Breaking boldly away from the Golden Horde which had ruled over the region for centuries, the Crimean Khanate sought to forge a new path for the peninsula - one rooted in the traditions of all those who had claimed Crimea fo...
Sukritact's Egyptian Civilization (Narmer)
Creată de sukritact This mod adds the Early Dynastic Egypt under Narmer to the game, available for anyone with Brave New World. Narmer was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh of the Early Dynastic Period. Many consider him...
MC's Gallic Civilization
Creată de sukritact
This mod adds the Gallic Civilization to the game, available for anyone with Brave New World. Master Metalworkers: May discover metal-based Luxury Resources when a Mine is constructed. Silver, Gold, Copper, Iron and Aluminum ...
MC and DuskJockey's Goguryeo
Creată de Pouakai At a time when what is now Korea was divided, one empire - Goguryeo - stood supreme as the peninsula's hegemon. The empire reigned across the majority of the peninsula, extending from deep into South Korea through to modern ...
MC's Greek Civilisation Split
Creată de Pouakai
Throughout antiquity, the regions surrounding the Aegean Sea were home to some of the greatest city-states and empires of the civilised world. Though never unified, and often hostile to one-another, these city states came to collectively be known as the Gr...
MC's Haida (Koyah)
Creată de Pouakai Legends across the Pacific Northwest for their adept warfare and seamanship, the Haida are stalwarts of the region and one of the most famous first nations. They quickly became feared by Europeans encroaching on the region f...
MC and Leugi's Inca (Tupac Yupanqui)
Creată de Pouakai Between the Earth-Shaker and the Mighty One, there was the Noble Accountant. Yet despite this humble name, Tupac Yupanqui was not to be trifled with. Before his ascension, Yupanqui led his father's forces to victory in the n...
MC's India Civilisation Pack
Creată de Pouakai
The Indian Subcontinent was home to many empires and countless cultures which rose and fell throughout its recorded history. Nestled between the Indus and Ganges rivers, Indian civilizations developed a unique culture of unparalelled grandiosity, majesty a...
MC's Jerusalem
Creată de Pouakai
Born out of a sacred desire on the part of the Christian nations of Europe to liberate the Holy Land from those whom they perceived to be heathens, the Kingdom of Jerusalem was the largest of many Crusader states established in the levant by the armies of ...
DMS' Civilizations (with MC) - Kanem-Bornu (Idris Alauma)
Creată de DMS
This adds the Kanem-Bornu Empire led by Idris Alauma to Sid Meier's Civilization V. For full support, please see the Civfanatics Homepage. This Civilisation is a collaboration between DMS and More Civilizations. Installation ...
Sukritact's Khmer Civilization
Creată de sukritact
This mod adds the Khmer Civilization to the game, available for anyone with Brave New World. Great Barays of Angkor: Choose between a Food and a Faith boost upon the completion of a World Wonder. +1 Great Engineer Point from ...
Kilwa Sultanate
Creată de Pouakai
Centred on the island of Kilwa, the Kilwa Sultanate was an East African trading empire stretching from Somalia to Mozambique borne out of betrayal and warfare. It dominated trade throughout the west Indian Ocean, with trade routes spanning the ocean that s...
Kongo (Brave New World)
Creată de Tomatekh
Adds Kongo to the base game. The Kingdom of Kongo was an African kingdom located in west central Africa in what is now northern Angola, Cabinda, the Republic of the Congo, and the western portion of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. At its greatest ext...
MC's Lenape
Creată de Pouakai
When Europeans first arrived on the shores of what would become the United States, in many places it would be the Lenape that greeted them. Masters of vaste swathes of woodlands across the Eastern Seaboard, which they knew as the Lenapehoking, they would c...
Sukritact's Maasai Civilization
Creată de sukritact
This mod adds the Maasai Civilization to the game, available for anyone with Brave New World. Once known as "The Lords of East Africa", the Maasai are a collection of ethnically related groups who live primarily in the grassl...
MC's Makuria
Creată de Pouakai Long after Egypt had fallen to foreign invaders, the proud Nubian kingdoms continued to flourish. Makuria was the most powerful of these kingdoms, absorbing its smaller counterpart Nobatia in the early 8th century before resi...
MC's Maori (Te Kooti)
Creată de Pouakai
At the height of the New Zealand Wars, where Maori and Pakeha fought for control of the islands, few names were as evocative as that of Te Kooti. After a daring escape from Wharekauri, an island hundreds of kilometres from the New Zealand mainland, Te Koot...
MC and Leugi's Mayans (Lady Xoc)
Creată de Pouakai Throughout the Mesoamerican world, the Mayans were famous as both fierce warriors and devout scholars. They built vast cities with enormous complexes dedicated to the study of the heavens or in honour of the gods. And yet wi...
MC and GE's Mercia
Creată de Pouakai
Following the fall of the Roman Empire, Britain was divided. Numerous Celtic states fought between themselves for supremacy over the isles, oblivious to outside threats. Germanic invaders saw this lack of unity as opportunity, and swarmed the islands, crea...
Mexican Civilization
Creată de Pouakai
Located at the boundary between North and Central America, Mexico has experienced drastic territorial changes since gaining independance from Spain in 1821. The political composition of Mexico has ranged from empire to republic, and has on times threatened...
MC's Minoans
Creată de Pouakai
Centered on the island of Crete, largest island of the Aegean, the Minoan civilisation was both technologically and culturally one of the most advanced nations of its age. Renowned across the eastern Mediterranean for the quality of their frescoes and pala...
MC and LITE's Moorish Civilisation
Creată de sukritact
This mod adds the Moors to the game, available for anyone with Brave New World. The Iberian Peninsula today is owned completely by Spain and Portugal, with the exception of the British rule in Gibraltar, but for years they ha...
MC's Motu
Creată de Pouakai
For centuries, the Motu have been renowned across the Gulf of Papua and beyond as expert craftsmen of pottery and as navigators of the tradewinds. These skills were borne of necessity, for the Motuan homeland is too harsh for the crops which sustain others...
MC's Mycenae (Agamemnon)
Creată de Pouakai Before the Greek city states, there were the Mycenaeans - a proud and warlike people which stretched across the Aegean. These people existed at the height of the Bronze age, expanding their might across the Mediterranean and...
Sukritact's Nabataean Civilization
Creată de sukritact
The Nabataeans were an Arab people who inhabited northern Arabia and the Southern Levant, and whose settlements, most prominently Petra, are famed throughout the world....
MC's Nazca Civilization
Creată de Pouakai
Widely known for the enormous geoglyphs of animals and other designs which they created in the deserts of their empire, the Nazca culture existed for approximately 900 years in the high Andean deserts of what is now Southern Peru. From what little is known...
MC's New Zealand
Creată de Pouakai
Despite being a small archipelago in the South Pacific, New Zealand is never one to back away from a fight. Upon the outbreak of World War Two in September 1939, New Zealand declared war on Germany alongside the United Kingdom while under the rule of its m...
MC and LITE's Nubia
Creată de Pouakai South of the fertile lands of Egypt lay the mysterious land known as Nubia. Nubia went by many names, often given to them by the Egyptians to the north who dealt with them in both peace and war - one such name was Ta-Seti, or...
MC's Oman Civilisation
Creată de Pouakai
The Sultanate of Muscat and Oman (Oman for short) was a 19th century power in the Indian ocean, ruling large swaths of land across East Africa through to southern Iran from their centre of power in the eastern Arabian peninsula. Under the leadership of Sai...
MC's Ottomans (Orhan)
Creată de Pouakai From their origins in the Anatolian heartland, the Ottomans set their sights on bigger goals. Though it was Osman who first saw the future of the Ottomans as a continent-spanning empire, it was his son - Orhan - who set abou...
Sukritact's Phoenician Civilization
Creată de sukritact
Phoenicia was an ancient Semitic civilization situated on the western, coastal part of the Fertile Crescent and centered on the coastline of modern Lebanon and Tartus Governorate in Syria. It was an enterprising maritime trading culture that spread across ...
MC's Polynesian Civilisation Pack
Creată de Pouakai
Polynesia is the term for a cultural region in the Pacific Ocean spanning from the three extremities of Hawaii, Aotearoa / New Zealand and Rapa Nui (Easter Island), and including well over one thousand islands. These islands are full of vastly differing an...
MC's Qoyunlu
Creată de Pouakai
Long before the rise of the Ottomans, the gradual migration of Turkic tribes into the Middle East brought with it a vast array of new states and powers. Two of the most powerful of these, following land grants from Timur himself, were the famed Aq Qoyunlu ...
MC and GE's Romania
Creată de Pouakai
Formerly split between the great empires of Europe and Asia, and the battleground for the frequent wars between them, Romania proudly rose from their shadow in the 19th century and inherited the mantle of the great kingdoms of the past which had inhabited ...
Sukritact's Sami Civilization
Creată de sukritact
This mod adds the Sámi Civilization to the game, available for anyone with Brave New World. Siida Culture: Founding cities reveals all tiles within its working radius. Cities founded on or adjacent to Snow or Tundra receive a...
MC's Scotland
Creată de Pouakai
An ancient kingdom in the north of the British isles, Scotland has been through many political and cultural changes over the years. Though it has been part of the United Kingdom for 300 years, it has retained its status as a cultural and industrial powerho...
MC's Seleucids
Creată de Pouakai
Born out of the tumultuous period following the death of Alexander the Great, the Seleucid Empire was the greatest of the successor kingdoms, having inherited the vast majority of Alexander's eastern empire. Under the rule of their first Basilieus, Seleucu...
MC and Neirai's Seneca
Creată de Pouakai As the westernmost tribe of the Haudenosaunee, the Seneca held a crucial role in the security of the Iroquois people. Known to themselves as the O-non-dowa-gah, or Greeat Hill People, they were known wider as the Keepers of ...
MC's Serbia
Creată de Pouakai
First founded centuries ago when Slavic peoples crossed the Danube, Serbia is a proud kingdom situated in the heart of the Balkans, on the crossroads of Europe and Asia. For centuries Serbia flourished in the shadows of empires far greater, until the Ottom...
MC and Leugi's Shoshone (Washakie)
Creată de Pouakai When the Shoshone took to the Great Plains, it was the Eastern Shoshone - those of the Buffalo Eaters and the Sage Grass People. Washakie was a paramount chief of the Eastern Shoshone, and a respected figure across the conti...
MC's Slavs
Creată de Pouakai
Since their origins as a significant faction within the multi-ethnic confederacies of the Eurasian continent, the Slavs have come to dominate Eastern Europe as a result of migration and conquest. First originating with the mass migrations of the fifth and ...
MC's South Kasai
Creată de Pouakai
In the turmoil that followed Congolese independence from Belgium in 1960, the fledgling state quickly devolved into strife and civil war. The mineral-rich southeast declared independence as Katanga, and the remainder of the country was split between two co...
MC's Soviet Union (Nikita Khrushchev)
Creată de Pouakai
At the height of the Cold War, when nuclear annihilation loomed, cities were blockaded and the world was quickly carved into two global alliances. From its place at the top of Eurasia, the Soviet Union exerted its influence over much of the world and used ...
MC's Thrace
Creată de Pouakai
The Thracians inhabited what is now known as Bulgaria for centuries, both by their military might and their cultural prowess. Though a tribal people, the Thracians were occasionally united under the one king, the most successful of which was likely the Odr...
Sukritact's Three Affiliated Tribes
Creată de sukritact
This mod adds the Three Affiliated Tribes to the game, available for anyone with Brave New World. The three tribes are comprised of the Mandans, Hidatsas, and Arikaras. Although the first two had long-established friendships,...
MC's Tibetan Civilization
Creată de Pouakai
The Tibetan Empire was a political entity based in what is now the Tibetan plateau of Central Asia. From its foundation in the seventh century by Songtsän Gampo, Tibet grew to occupy an area from the Indian Ocean to Pakistan and central China, threatening ...
MC's Trebizond
Creată de Pouakai In the twilight of the great Byzantine empire, many far corners of the empire took the opportunity to break free from the shakles of Constantinople in search of their own destiny. Among these was the Black Sea empire of Treb...
MC's Tuareg
Creată de Pouakai The Tuareg are a proud and fierce people found across the Sahara, in places few others would last more than three days. Famed for their mastery of the sands and the skill at which they could navigate the vast expanses, the T...
MC's Tunis
Creată de Pouakai
From their seat of power in Tunis, the Hafsid dynasty rose from the ashes of a unified rule across the whole of the Muslim world to become a powerful kingdom on the North African coast. Their shores brought wealth, both legally and less-so, from all corner...
Sukritact's Tuscan Civilization
Creată de sukritact
This mod adds the Tuscan Civilization to the game, available for anyone with Brave New World. Today a region in modern Italy, Tuscany is known for its landscapes, traditions, history, artistic legacy and its permanent influen...
MC's Vijayanagara
Creată de Pouakai
While the north of India was progressively conqured by invading Islamic armies and a series of sultanates, the expanses of the Deccan Plateau to the south was far beyond the reach of any muslim ruler - for this was the realm of the Vijanagara Empire. For c...
MC's Xinjiang
Creată de Pouakai At a time of great upheaval across the world, one man saw an opportunity to turn one of the most remote corners of the Republic of China into his personal fiefdom. Quickly seizing power, Sheng Shicai ruled Xinjiang through c...
Sukritact's Zimbabwean Civilization
Creată de sukritact
This mod adds Zimbabwe to the game, available for anyone with Brave New World. Zimbabwe is a landlocked sovereign state located in southern Africa, between the Zambezi and Limpopo Rivers. Since the 11th century, present-day Z...
MC's Yanomami
Creată de Pouakai
Deep in the northern Amazon, the Yanomami people continue to fight to preserve their way of life. Resolutely they have stood in the face of genocide at the hands of national governments, illegal logging and miners seeking to exploit the region's resources,...