Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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side table playthings
get bored when not your turn?
play with these!!
Items (9)
Assorted Cheetos!!!!!!!
Created by Tiddlydoopins
*Update* YA I FINALLY GOT AROUND TO FIXING THIS ARE YOU PROUD ME??? lol Exactly what it says on the tin... I saw that banana and I knew what I must do!!! For best results, import it as both a mesh AND a collission cage. Also wood looks best as plastic and ...
Created by VahidSlayerOfAll
Now With Real Simulated Spoons Props to Huggy Bear for the Spoons Goal To be the first to collect four cards of the same suit. If an opponent beats you to that goal, to not be the last to realize it. Setup For each player in the game, you need four cards o...
Marked Incompatible ]  Space Jam VHS
Created by StarRingGoat
A VHS copy of space jam....
Reverse Jenga
Created by Teh_Bucket
After failing to safely remove any piece at all ever, I resolved to call it "Reverse Jenga" and give up. Ruleset A: Players take turns building a jenga tower from scratch, piece by piece. The player that knocks the tower over loses. Ruleset B: Each player ...
Monopoly Pieces
Created by Andy
Player Pieces to be used in Monopoly Games...
Fedora Model
Created by Runkly
M'lady... (Or is it a trilby?)...
Created by Papa Durkins
You know how to use it ;)...
Created by Captain Bigfoot
its just a banana (for scale) but feel free to use it however you wish. model- texture-
Wooden Building Blocks
Created by JunkMale
Six basic wooden blocks. Square, rectangle, arch, arch positive, round pillar, and square pillar. There are two different arch blocks included. They look identical but one allows things inside the arch, but doesn't stack on itself. The other can stack on i...