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Crystarium Reference Build (Balance Str/Mag)
От Fei Long Huang
This build is not meant for "Max STR Noel" or "Max MAG Serah". It's a reference for those players who wish for a balance of Str/Mag from crystarium large nodes.
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Brief Intro
This build is only a reference for those who wants a (near) balance of STR/MAG crystarium bonus. However, do note that the natural growth of Serah and Noel will be biased to MAG and STR respectively.

For those who wish to know the details of natural growth values, you guys can refer to the excel sheet prepared by LewdDolphin21.

Besides aiming for a balance offensive bonus growth, this build allows early acquisition of offensive nukes (-ga spells). Force multipliers support spells (SAB/SYN) gain levels around early mid stages. Crystarium stage bonus unlocks focus on maxing ATB slots and unlocks all roles early on. The rest is up to you guys to decide which unlocks have more priority over others.

I'll need to emphasize that this build only serves as a reference. You're free to tweak the values according to your needs (perhaps you want slightly more MAG for Noel, etc...).

*As all the other builds advised, save your progress BEFORE and AFTER you manage the crystarium growth. Always plan ahead what you gonna do with them.
Basics and Maths
Availability of large nodes
9 large nodes in each stage, total of 22 stages:
9 x 22 = 198

Of the 198 large nodes, 1 is initially used for both Serah and Noel. As a result, only 197 large nodes available for us to invest.

Role bonus from large nodes
+2 STR
+2 MAG
+6 HP
If leveling from an odd level to an even level: +2 STR
If leveling from an even level to an odd level: +2 MAG
If leveling from an odd level to an even level: +6 HP
If leveling from an even level to an odd level: +2 MAG
+6 HP

The plans and calculation
49 COM == 98 STR
49 RAV == 98 MAG
49 SAB == 98 STR (odd to even)
49 SYN == 98 MAG (even to odd)
Total: 196 STR, 196 MAG, with 1 extra node for investment in any attributes.
*Be aware that for SAB/SYN, you'll need 2 role levels to get the same attributes you want. So there's only 49 chances out of 99 total level!!
Crystarium advancement table
The left table indicates the amount of levels to be invested in each crystarium stage.
The right table indicates the amount of levels to be specifically invested into large crystal nodes.

Example (Serah):
Stage 1 [Excluding the 2 initial COM + RAV]
COM: 8 (4 in large nodes)
RAV: 8 (4 in large nodes)
SEN: 1
Expansion bonus: Unlock ATB+1



Due to the nature of SAB/SYN bonus effect, great care must be taken when investing them. As Stage 8 and 9 has only a total of 20 nodes available each stage, it is a bit tricky to manage the SAB/SYN investment. The following tables demonstrate an example how you can do it (there are other ways to do it too, all you need is plan ahead):

*Blue cell indicates a large crystal node.
*The number values indicates the role level before you invest to the node.
*Take note how the SAB/SYN levels are invested in pairs for the tables below.

Example (Serah):
Before you invest Stage 8 Node 1, your SAB role level is 1.
Before you invest Stage 9 Node 6, your SYN role level is 11.

