Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut

Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut

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Valley 6 Drive-In
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30 Nov, 2014 @ 8:59am
12 Dec, 2014 @ 8:04pm
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Valley 6 Drive-In

Here is the Valley 6 Drive-In, Auburn, Washington. WIP, no story, no actors, sandbox entrance/exit framework and day night system(thanks Southwind). Added screens. Added interiors. Now just have to add some detail to the maps. Feel free to use in your content if you like (suggestions: Drive-In Lore: The place was fraggin haunted. Like, for real. Also only place in Western Washington I know that European Mantises have established themselves, maybe use Valley 7 for an arena or something untoward...we always did ;) ). Fixed triggers so they retain, sorry bout that. First attempt at the editor.
Baldy 23 Oct, 2016 @ 11:02am 
I didn't live there , but i had some friends who did. I lived in the closest apartment complaex in Kent, on the other side of the north farming fields, by the old court house. I DO recall the Didgeridoo guy, but that is all i recall. Probably because musical instruments always fascinated me. But the eagles still come back , they roost amongst our trees now. I do see them go into the valley in the late summer. There are at least 3 different generations , as I have seen two females and 1 male. And that is a shame there was no backlash for those ecological disaster. And your house being tore down, along with you having to help..... that is a shame =( BUT you got the memories still, and those were the best parts of said house, the memories made, so profound you can recall them at a whim. It's all gotta come down someday...:snaggletooth:
tHAsWAPmEETpIMP  [author] 22 Oct, 2016 @ 12:42pm 
lol during the time that you lived across the street do you remember seeing a guy with button up anime shirts, a weed leaf bandana, a black power fist shaped half-cane/club or maybe a didgeridoo on his back and a blue pimp hat walking down Auburn Way? if so that was me :)
tHAsWAPmEETpIMP  [author] 22 Oct, 2016 @ 12:38pm 
Whatever they do there, I hope they enjoy the ghosts. Because that place was hainted. Take it from someone who had been there his entire life, whose parents met there, who was conceived there, who almost died there a time or two. Haunted as shite. Aso, it had been there long enough to be a landmark, at last half of it had, the other half my dad and cousin built in the late 70s. Hehe, they gave my cousin the screens and projectors and everything else they couldnt sell. We had to help him gut it, my dad and I, broke my fraggin heart. Still cry when I go by it and realize my home is gone, and I had to help tear it down.
tHAsWAPmEETpIMP  [author] 22 Oct, 2016 @ 12:38pm 
Messed up thing about it, is that those newts, the salamanders that were there, the bald eagles that nested there (every year, same tree, and when they cut that tree down when the eagles came back, they just circled around where it was, almost as if in disbelief), the gold finches, all protected because they are either endangered or state and national birds. And they suffered no repercussions for destroying their homes. The Mantises are still there I am sure, they lived in the wetlands surrounding it. I only ever saw one, they are VERY well camouflaged, yellow like the dry grass and small unless you catch them and feed them, they then get big and green (i caught the only one I ever saw, but Jeff, my old day crew supervisor, saw them all the time over the twenty or so years he was there).
Baldy 22 Oct, 2016 @ 10:38am 
That and it was the first place I came across an actual newt! I think the mantis have all but died out now honestly. And that copper, they are sitting on, for when they need it. Unfortunate. I drive by it ( use to on a daily basis inbetween my house and work ) every now and then. And think about those particular memories. It's such a history-buried memorable artifact now. It's a shame too. I think I went to the last set of shows down there as well. Pretty sure it was the last week it was open. Glad I did as well.
tHAsWAPmEETpIMP  [author] 21 Oct, 2016 @ 9:36pm 
Man its been forever since I messed with it too....I built it all from memory, so its not exact of course. Plus the assets didnt completely fit. Same with the Midway (and those are memories from when I was a little kid, so 29 years ago or so, spending time there with my Grandpa and Grandma, who ran the place and lived in a house under the screen). But I did my best. I gotta dust them off, update em in Hong Kongs level editor, see what I can do then. Then maybe finally make a campaign or two. Bug city style, since the Valley 6 is the only place in Western Washington that I know of that had Mantises....Did you know that? You lived across the street from an invasive European Mantis colony.....Might still be there in the wetlands, but the Drive-In itself is gone...All thats left are the speaker poles, gonna be hell getting rid of those, they are all connected by a couple miles of copper :) serves the bastards right for getting rid of my Drive-In, my home
Baldy 21 Oct, 2016 @ 11:17am 
Man I use to live literally across the street form this place too ( I saw your swap meet mod and came here ). I use to have friends who lived in the house across the street, we would hook up some kind of contraption so that we could get the audio for the most north eastern screen, as it faced us , as we sat on the roof and watched it form there. Gonna have to check this out too !
SilverDragun 3 Sep, 2015 @ 5:29pm 
this was the first date i had with my gf like 6 years ago :)
s4ndm4n2006 7 Feb, 2015 @ 11:04am 
ahhh. well I graduated way back in '85 so... went to the one downtown in the middle of the town. :) Can't wait to see what you do with This!
tHAsWAPmEETpIMP  [author] 7 Feb, 2015 @ 10:00am 
I went to the other one, Riverside, the first newer school, not the one on Lea Hill, Mountanview, which as far as I know is the newest school. Will be cooler when I get the gumption to add some story and the like, just been bushed from my new job. Soon, though.