This War of Mine

This War of Mine

973 hodnocení
Achievement Guide (DLC included)
Vytvořil: BossJC
Achievement descriptions and helpful hints to unlock them.
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Intro & general tricks
This is a guide made possible by community effort and might contain SPOILERS. I'd highly recommend anyone to experience this great game once before starting the achievement hunt with this guide.

As of version 1.1.0 (Nov, 2014), the save occurs between scavenge and the beginning of day. This means you could "load" the game if your character die during scavenge if you quit the game before it goes to day phase. Moreover, since some events (which person joins, goods of trader, results of raids, rat trap, sickness, wound) are calculated AFTER the beginning of day. You could simply quit the game and roll the disc again. Some things that can't be re-roll are door events including trader, the event of raid and the calculation of robber force vs yours. You could only reload and vary what items will be taken or who will get hurt.

As of version 1.3.1 (Apr, 2015), a new mode "write your own story" has been introduce. You could get various achievement by customizing the play through.
Base game
How to get it
Diary: Hostel's open!
get enough bed for everyone staying in the base at night
Diary: Shooting for five stars
cook a hot meal for everyone
Diary: Finished ransacking
loot everything in your base
Diary: Day 7
everyone alive on day 7
Diary: First Blood
Getting in a fight will be enough to get this achievement, doesn't need to hurt others or get hurt
Note: Bless the radio
Get a radio
Diary: Traces of lives
Explore locations and interact with story-items (those with magnifying glass icon)
Note: Doubled the watch
Have 2 person on guard duty for a night.
note: A bit of indulgence
Have enough supply to fulfill the addictions of all your characters for 1 day.
Note: Distilled gold
Build Moonshine Still from Simple Workshop(lv1) and use it to distill Moonshine.
Note: Creature comforts
The goal is to reach a certain level of comfort, you can check it when you open the inventory screen in base. The orange text tells you the current comfort and the wall of text below gives you hints on how to improve it.
Here are a few things that increase comfort:
  • Build Enough bed for people
  • Armchairs
  • Guitar will help
  • Have a radio
  • Decent amount of books
Diary: Effing Snow
Whenever it starts snowing, you'll get this on the second day of winter.

One easy way to get this is keep restarting the game until you get snow on day 1, then you'll get it on day 2
Diary: We've been everywhere
Visit all possible location in game.

It should be doable across multiple playthroughs. I personally did it across three different playthoughs.
Diary: Miraculous recovery
Get a lv4 sick(Terminally sick) person back to normal. Besides keeping the sick warm and well fed, I'd recommend stocking up massive amount of medical supply and have a dedicated bed for the sick before attempting.
Diary: Patched up and ready to go
Get a lv4 wounded(Lethally wounded) person back to normal
Diary: Back from the brink
Get a broken character back to depress state or above with only talking and good deeds. It'll be award at the start of next day after the talk/good deed. It doesn't matter if character dies at the exact same time (such as wounds).

killing 3 or more people should bring a character from normal to max "depressness"(broken).
Epilogue: War is over
Simply beat the game(it's very hard actually XD). The amount of days you have to wait until the war ends is randomize, so far players report it can vary between 25 days and 46 days. The radio will announce the war will be over soon a few days in advance.
Diary: We made A Stand
Get through the crime outbreak period without getting robbed, getting rob before that period will not affect it.
*community reports deaths of initial dweller(s) before/during outbreak will fail the achievement

A few hints about raiding:
  • When you upgrade workshop to lv2, you'll find a board up options(up to 3 times), the more you board up holes on walls the less you get raids.
  • Having people on guard at night will have a greater chance of stopping stuff being stolen if raid happens. 2 or more people on guard when the crime rate spike.
  • Having weapons/armors in your base stockpile will affect how well your in-base character defend themselves and not get hurt. Note that things like shovel and crowbar counts as weapons, and are great for early game defense
Diary: We Have Wintered
Get through winter without deaths
*community reports deaths of initial dweller(s) before winter will fail the achievement

mini tips:
If you do not have access to lv2 heater, try building two lv1 heater instead. It will burn more wood but it is probably better than getting sick.
Epilogue: We made it!
Every initial dwellers survive the whole war.
Epilogue: Exodus
Safe at last, I looked back at the burning city and wept. I wished that all who wanted to leave it could do so. Escape from Pogoren.

After you met a person in the "Port" location, he'll offer you a chance to leave the city for a price of 8 diamonds. A quick way to get diamonds is to include "sniper junction (sniper event)" in a custom game. Saving the father will reward you with 5 diamonds.
War Child Charity DLC
How to get it
Note: Helping children
Simply start the game with the "War Child Charity" DLC.
Note: Street Art
They can be found in specific locations, entering the location alone is not enough, the character has to be near it. From top left to bottom right of the list:
1 - Shelled cottage (First room from entrance)
2 - Abandoned Cottage ([locked] locked room second floor)
3 - Ruined Block of Flats (First floor right-most)
4 - Super Market (right-most outer wall facing cargo container)
5 - Shelled School ([shovel recommended] underground first floor, right of elderly couples)
6 - City Hospital ( top floor right-most room)
7 - Brothel (rooftop between 2 buildings, on the wall facing left)
8 - Garage ([saw blade] room with staircase & window)
9 - Warehouse (basement left-most room)
10 - Semi Detached House (ruined building second floor middle room)

*Some user did not get the achievement when they should. One possible fix is to start a new game and view any graffiti once more. Another user suggest that it has the be the same character the visit all of them.
The Little Ones DLC
How to get it
Note: Avoid the worst
Attacking a place that shelters a kid… Atrocious! We stand together to protect our little one!

Successfully repel a raid while a child is in the group, without any injuries.
Diary: Our own playground
We wish we could be kids again and have fun with practically nothing.

Let the child craft a toy at the workshop.
Note: Better days
Kids… they sometimes seem to be far away from this war. It’s heartwarming.
*Best done in conjunction with [Note: No More Tears]

The goal is to make the child's mood to be "Content". Making sure the child is well fed and healthy, talk and play with the child as much as possible. The child as well as adults can build toys to play with.
Note that certain action/event will decrease the child's happiness:
  • Have the child work.
  • Dweller dieing.
  • Stealing or killing during scavenging.
  • fail to repel raid.
  • Events that results in suffering of others.
Note: Everybody got to learn
Solidarity. That’s the first thing we have to teach to our children.

Have the child learn a few skills and preform the learnt task, you can teach at work stations. It seems like you'll need to need to teach around 5 skills, just keep teaching and asking the child to work will eventually award the achievement.
Diary: Our future
We made it! Schools will reopen soon. From now on, kids will live a normal life again.

Keep the child alive till the end of game.
Diary: Bond for life
At least the kid has a new playmate. Maybe it will even be a break from our daily routine here.

Create a bond between a child and another person. There seems to be mutiple version of how to unlock this reported by different players.One of them is to just keep interacting with the child, preferably the same person and the achievement should be rewarded. Note that this is a slow process, a very vague reference duration would be around 5 days.
The other reported way is to have a new person joins the house and have the new guy be friendly to the child.
Note: No more tears
Nothing is more beautiful to see than a child smile and play again.

Have the child's mood goes from "Broken" to "Normal" or above. Refer to the [Note: Better days] achievement guide and do everything in it in reverse to get the child to broken status rapidly.
Note: The school of life
It’s crucial that kids learn to survive on their own. What if we don’t come back one night?

Have the child learn every teachable task in game. This is more time cosuming then its difficulty. Recommend to attempt this in a custom game with war duration set to something you are comfortable with or you might risk the war ending before you can teach everything. For anyone that played through the game a few times, 40 days might be enough. I personally ran out of standard things to teach at around day 25. Winter is not required.
Stories DLC - Father's Promise
How to get it
Home Shelled Home
Finally found a way back to the old apartment. Or whatever was left of it.

Build the makeshift bridge from your workshop.
The hoodie meant the world to Amelia, but war turns everything upside down. This piece of cloth was crucial to this woman's health. Maybe life.

Once you reached the hospital, there's a patient on the third floor that you could talk to. After asking about the hoodie, do not loot/take the hoodie.
The Doctor
The stakes were high, but I could not stay idle. I killed those soldiers but I saved the doctor.

In the abandoned toy store, get rid of the soldiers and save the doctor. Make sure to bring weapons.
The Truth
Faced my demons and learned the truth of that horrible night.

Unmissable Story related achievement, won't spoil it here. Awarded when you reach the church.
Stories DLC - The Last Broadcast
The Last Broadcast
How to get it
Note: Malik on duty
Learn and broadcast all the news

There are 16 news to broadcast and 10 radio messages to be receive. Here are my general order of getting it.
Scavenge location
(1) Sniper
Gas station
(2) trader at your door - coffee price down
(3) walk near the grate of gas station basement - fuel
(4) army supply truck
Central square
(5) prisoners
{1} park sniper gives up
Ghost house
(6) home front door - threat letter
{2} thank you for sniper warning
Toy store
(7) boradcast fight intensify
(8) guy trapped in basement
{3} thank you for fuel
{4} fight intensify
{5} central square prisoners rescued
(9) informant
(10) broadcast getting cold
(11) military attacks hideout
{6} getting cold
{7} informant lost
(12) homebase visitor - free water at brewery
(13)bombing at brewery*
*I have to hold off broadcasting bombing or Milik will die, I broadcast it on day 20
{8} thank you for warning military attack
(14) broadcast getting warm
{9} getting warm
(15) trader at your door - cigarett price down
(16) broadcast gun fight
{10} gun fight

*Just know that a lot of user reporting this achievement is a bit buggy and might not reward it when you reach 26. I simply quit and reload day 20, and rebroadcast them fixes it for me.
Diary: You are a liar
Lie to Malik on two or more occasions.

Have Esma lie to Malik about what she knew
Diary: Thruthful
Tell Malik the truth at least twice

Have Esma tell the truth to Malik
Epilogue: Heir
Finish the game as Malik's successor.

Keep telling the truth until Malik dies. After that, visit the music station and retrieve the radio part from there. Repair radio station with it and broadcast with it.
Epilogue: Remorse
Finish the game apologising to Malik

Keep lieing until Malik leaves. After that, trader at your door will offer radio parts in exchange of his photo album. Retrieve the photo album for him and wait for him next visit. Repair radio station with parts and broadcast with it.
Note: He is back home
Let Adem return to the shelter.

Adma will return after all three major story broadcast has been made
Note: Roll-up master
Make one hundred cigarettes

roll ups will do, no need to go for high quality
Stories DLC - Fading Embers
General tips
  • You'll relocate to another shelter "Museum" quite early on, don't invest on building any structures in the first shelter. A single bed plus a stove should be enough.
  • Don't over-scavenge before moving to Museum. You can only bring 16 backpack slot worth of items from old shelter to Museum. Items left in the old shelter are destroyed.
  • Although the game says keeping it above 10 degrees will be optimal, I have been keeping the house barely above 0 degrees the whole time. Having more fuel in the heater seems to burn through them quicker, so what I usually do is to ignore the temperature during the day and start adding fuel around 5 pm to boost the temperature up for the night.

How to get it
Diary: My dear Ruben
We faced the harsh winter together and made it to the Museum, our new shelter.

Milena the museum worker will visit the second time on day 5, bringing meds and food for Ruben. Use the meds on Ruben until he heals, then the shelter migration option will be available at night.
Diary: Good Neighbor
The winter was severe. I knew Tito used to help my father frequently. I decided to help him too.

Tito will ask for 6 fuel the first time, and 1 food(meat, not can) the second time. This can be done within a single visit. He'll then give a saw blade, med(pills), and some components as reward.
Note: The truck is ready
We finally managed to repair the truck. Now we can move our heritage to safety.

Story achievement
Diary: Innocent children
They had only their adoptive father - Adam. Now they have a glimmer of hope to survive this war.

You might not want to complete this event yet, see Epilogue: All the way
Complete the event chain that starts from speaking to the child in "Supermarket".
1) Bring 10 fuel to "Orphanage"
2) Talk to girl in "Orphanage", steal books for her.
3) Talk to Adam to obtain information about smugglers in "Railway Station".
4) Steal item for the man at "Railway Station".
Diary: The Custodian
Milena's wish came true. We saved it all - our precious heritage.

Secure every art item. You can turn them into fuel afterwards.
List of items:
  • Tito's Vinyl records. Unlock after giving him 6 fuel at "Neighbor's house".
  • Ruben's backpack. Day 4 at original shelter. size 3.
  • Anja's collection. Day 4 at original shelter, remove 2 debris to reach it. size 4.
  • War crime documents. Second floor at "Samuel Institution".
  • Nenedian vase. Basement of "Samuel Institution".
  • Everything in the "Museum". 1 pile on top floor next to the damaged pillar, 2 piles on basement 1, 1 pile at the front door that are brought from Anja's house .
Diary: Fool the Crow
We acquired the truck parts without giving up Anja's necklace.

Talk to the mechanic when he is is in the garage, listen to him talk about his car, then steal the car's battery when he eventually walks away. Talk to him again and he'll be distracted and the engine parts are up for grabs.
Note: The Fence
We gave the case files to Taras the fence. Our heritage should be safe now.

You might not want to complete this event yet, see Epilogue: All the way
Bring the case files the trader asked for to "Construction SIte"
Note: The Colonel
We gave the painting to Colonel Markov. Our heritage should be safe now.

You might not want to complete this event yet, see Epilogue: All the way
Bring the painting the colonel asked for to "Army Base"
Diary: The Janitor
Zoran's destiny is fulfilled. We didn't burn any of our legacy.

Secure every art item and hand the files to Taras.
Note: Fortify
Our place was damaged in the bombing. We decided to reinforce all the pillars to buy us as much time as we can.

After moving to the Museum, it'll be bombed occasionally, keep repairing the pillars whenever there's an option.
Note: Burn'em all
Some people just want to watch the world burn.

Turn 30 art items to fuel. Does not need to be a "significant" item.
Epilogue: All the way
Complete the game with all the alternate endings.

There are technically 7 endings according to different combination of the Colonel(C), Fence(F), and the Innocent Children(I) event. However some of them only have slightly different flavour text with the same "ending", making 3 of the 7 endings pointless for this achievement.
The combinations:
I + C
I + F

For those who have no intention to go through the story 4 times, having a day 19 backup save file that hasn't complete any of the above events would be very helpful. You can find the save files storiessavedgames, storiessavedgames.alt under \Steam\userdata\<your id>\282070\remote. To reload a save, start a new game and replace its save file with the backup.
Počet komentářů: 228
Daisy 16. srp. v 16.00 
Diary: Patched up and ready to go
This achievement must begin with the status 'Lethally Wounded' (it cannot start with 'Severely Wounded'). The achievement will be awarded on the morning when the person recovers to 'Slightly Wounded'—there's no need to reach 'Normal' status.
Daisy 8. srp. v 0.48 
Can Achievement 'Diary: Patched up and ready to go' be triggered by DLCs?
Can anyone please confirm if they have successfully triggered the 'Diary: Patched up and ready to go' by playing DLCs?
Daisy 6. srp. v 20.00 
Achievement 'Diary: We Have Wintered' and 'Diary: We've Been Everywhere' can be unlocked in DLC as well
I've successfully unlocked the 'Diary: We Have Wintered' and 'Diary: We've Been Everywhere' achievements in the 'Father's Promise' DLC.
Léna Lénouille 13. kvě. v 8.22 
This helped me so much with the Fading Embers endings !!
Thank you so much :LIS_pixel_heart::LIS_pixel_heart::LIS_pixel_heart:
El Birri 11. lis. 2023 v 21.17 
i manage to unlock 10 achievement from "Fading Embers" in 1 run so i get the I + F + C ending. awasome story a very good job.

now i have to play again for "note: the janitor", "note: fortify" and other ending so thanks for this guide dude :guardian:
BossJC  [autor] 7. říj. 2023 v 19.59 
nah, you can't get everything in one playthrough. The official way to get "Epilogue: All the way", is to play through the entire game at least 4 times to get all the different ending. The point of the day 19 backup trick is to save you from going through day 1~19 4 times.

"Note: The Fence", "Note: The Colonel", "Diary: Innocent children" will be unlock naturally during your process of unlocking "Epilogue: All the way".
crpzh 7. říj. 2023 v 10.22 
I have a question about the Stories DLC - Fading Embers part of this guide.

sooo, there are these warnings within the guide: "You might not want to complete this event yet, see Epilogue: All the way" .

my question before i start the questline is, if its possilbe to do one playtrough? Play till day 19, ignore everything marked with this text i meantioned above, get my backup-savefile and do every achievement that is left (the ones with: "You might not want to complete this event yet, see Epilogue: All the way" ) afterwards? after i got my "Epilogue: All the way" achievement.

or are some of them missable achievements that i cant get afterwards with my "day 19 backup file"?
Nickwilli 30. zář. 2023 v 20.18 
Can confirm that you need to use the same character to view all the graffiti for it to count. Figuring out which of your characters saw what art and where would be pretty annoying so stick to 1 character only.
Nickwilli 30. zář. 2023 v 15.22 
The janitor achievement may be glitched as it took me a few tries reloading an older save to get it
Twitch 25. úno. 2023 v 17.32 
Do you want the screen shot too Mr. Purist Completionist?