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Recruitment changes: Bring Back The Mid-Game (BBMG)
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29 Jan @ 1:23pm
10 Feb @ 3:38am
13 Change Notes ( view )

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Recruitment changes: Bring Back The Mid-Game (BBMG)

This mod Brings Back The Mid-Game!

Irondrakes at T2???
Sisters of Slaughter from the same building as corsairs???
Cairn Wraiths from the ghoul/corpse cart chain rather than the spirit chain???
Handgunners at the same tier as Crossbowmen??
Hammerers at T3????
Swordmasters by turn 40???


This mod operates under the concept that in vanilla there is a frequent lack of motivation to continue playing campaigns and levelling cities, as you have already unlocked all of the faction's fun-toys by turn 30.

Recruitment building changes
This mod shuffles where units are recruited for various factions where it does not make sense (per above examples) - revising their recruitment tiers.
Obviously this is tailored to my personal taste, but I know others have been burnt out by the recent power-creep and unit-tier changes too

Population surplus changes
This mod also slightly increases the growth/population threshold required per development point and exponentially increase the gap between each settlement level. This is not by a crazy amount, but it should mean that it will take you about 20 turns longer to reach tier 5 than vanilla.

ROR recruitment changes
To compensate the other changes, this mod spreads out the Regiment of Renown recruitment levels between 5-50 for each faction. This allows for a more gradual access to the units rather than getting a bunch of units at once, way before you would have access to them, which meant that it was no longer exciting when you finally unlocked the generic version of the unit. This change should result in a more rewarding progression system where you unlock the ROR units at a similar timescale where you can get the generic versions.

Legendary Hero changes
It also alters the unlock level for legendary heroes. I found that I would unlock multiple legendary heroes at once, which was a bit overwhelming and would result in a crazy power boost to my faction, trivialising my campaign battles as I would run over the ai. So this change spreads them out a bit to make their arrival more significant. Where a faction has multiple heroes, the quests will become available between lvl 20-30.

Other Notes
This mod also removes access to the mortal units from Daniel's roster to maintain parity with his multiplayer roster (he is supposed to be DAEMONS of Chaos after all). And also removes access to Things in the Woods and Incarnate Elemental for Kislev factions (Except Mother Ostankya) as it is jarring to see Kislev armies full of chaos beasts.

TLDR: The aim of all of these changes is to allow the campaign to naturally progress for longer without having to handicap yourself consciously or with unit-caps mods. It also gives the opportunity, and provides a reason, to recruit and use mid-game units - outside of the fact they are thematic and cool.

Feedback, suggestions and bug reports are welcome in the comments below!

Check out my other mods here:
Raise Dead Changes:
Tailored Garrisons:

If you wish to support the mod and contribute towards my next pint, please click the link below:

Save compatible.
Should be compatible with most that do not edit:

Thank you and enjoy :)
PIXY_UNICORN  [author] 18 hours ago 
@Prodigy. There are changes to Malakai's airship, Changeling's trickster cults and Nakai's horde. All to complement the new changes for their race's settlement buildings. I just have not gotten around to uploading them yet.
Prodigy 20 hours ago 
No changes to Malakai's airship for dwarfs?
Trepen0004 4 Feb @ 2:30pm 
yea that makes sense
PIXY_UNICORN  [author] 4 Feb @ 1:04pm 
@HTG Most welcome man. It started out as a personal mod, but a saw a lot of people on reddit disliked the recent building/unit change. So I thought I might as well polish it and upload it.
PIXY_UNICORN  [author] 4 Feb @ 1:02pm 
@Trepen it was a lot of work to make this mod and I was concerned about the upkeep of having multiple versions. So if you want to edit the .pack, I am happy for you to make a personal version. You just have to delete "campaign_mercenary_unit_character_level_restrictions_tables" :)
PIXY_UNICORN  [author] 4 Feb @ 12:50pm 
@guvenoren I thought it accurately summarised how I felt ahaha
HTG 4 Feb @ 11:27am 
Love this new idea, its gonna make the game more "slow" pace like to develop, but stil remain to hold elite units alive! Thanks for sharing and the mod! cheers!
Trepen0004 4 Feb @ 11:14am 
Love the look of the recruitment part but not personally as keen on the slower growth and Ror recruitment
Guvenoren 4 Feb @ 8:31am 
Ok that thumbnail hits right haha
PIXY_UNICORN  [author] 3 Feb @ 11:37pm 
yeah it definitely does!