Serious Sam Fusion 2017 (beta)

Serious Sam Fusion 2017 (beta)

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Seriously Stupid
Items (17)
New Ammo Icons for BFE
Created by Soulmyr
Replaces the ammo icons for BFE...
New Health & Armor Icons for BFE
Created by Soulmyr
Replaces the health and armor icons with something more in-line with BFE's tone...
New Kleer Projectile
Created by Soulmyr
New model for the BFE and HD Kleer projectile, with the chain being a mesh instead of a texture. Also a new model for the BFE Hard+ attack...
Moving Bullet Particles
Created by Soulmyr
Modifies the bullet particles for the BFE pistol, assault rifle, single shotgun and minigun, as well as the HD Tommygun, so that the bullet particle will change depending on your movement direction. Also adds a bit of random launch direction to some weapon...
BFE New Health Pickup Models
Created by Soulmyr
Subscribe for a chance to win a free trip to Swtizerland Replaces the respective model files....
Additional BFE Destructions
Created by Soulmyr
Adds several destructions that are seemingly missing from the game. Major Biomechanoid - Added proper Mutilator destruction - Extra gore for C4 destruction - Added new Cannon destruction Scrapjack - Added proper Mutilator destruction - Added proper Devasta...
New Key Icons
Created by Soulmyr
Replaces the icons for the keychain, keycard and god seals with new ones, made by me...
BFE Minigun Bullets Reskinned
Created by Soulmyr
Replaces the minigun bullets box Credits: - DICE for the model and textures...
BFE Bullets Reskinned
Created by Soulmyr
Replaces both versions of the assault rifle ammo pickups. Credits: - DICE for the model and textures...
BFE Shotgun Shells New Model
Created by Soulmyr
Replaces the Shotgun Shell pickup items with a more colorful and visually distinct cardboard box full of shells. Modifies Shells.mdl and Shells_Closed.mdl Credits: - Capcom for the box mesh - bench for helping me get said mesh...
Kleers with Glowing Eyes
Created by Soulmyr
Adds glowing eyes to both the HD and BFE Kleers Bloom is recommended for extra effect...
Revolver Ocelot (Revolver Ocelot)
Created by PikaCommando
Revolver Ocelot REVOLVER OCELOT...
Serious Sam 3 Harpy Behavior Adjustments
Created by Biomechanoid
A mod that adjusts the behavior of the harpies in SS3 to make them behave more like the ones in SS1/SSHD. The mod greatly increases the range where they can fire their projectiles at you and it also makes them fire their projectiles at you more often. Addi...
[BFE] Reanimation Pack
Created by ChrysaLis
Reanimation Pack Replacement for all weapons from Serious Sam 3 BFE. Includes new animations for: -------------------------- -Sledgehammer -Pistol -Single Shotgun -Double Shotgun -Assault Rifle -Minigun -Rocket Launcher -C4 -Devastator -Sniper Rifle -Laser...
BFE Rocketeer Attack Improvements (Replacement)
Created by Seriously Stupid
Replacement version of the upgraded BFE Rocketeer mod. Replaces puppet parameters, character behavior, and the homing projectile files for BFE's Rocketeer. For a Resource Pack version of this enemy, see here:
Golden Bikini Armored Serious Sam 3 Harpy
Created by Biomechanoid
A mod that adds golden bikini armor to the SS3 harpy. Overwrites "Harpy_SS3.bmf", "Left_Torso.bmf" and "Right_Torso.bmf". Credits goes to Croteam for the model....
Spider Bloodmap And Blood Trails Restoration
Created by Banebladerunner
This mod adds compability for blood map and blood trails restoration mods for both SS3 spiders variants. Credit: Serafettin for blood maps restoration and doktor_hayden for blood trails...