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Midiradial Engineering
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17 Nov, 2024 @ 12:02am
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Midiradial Engineering

A submod for the mods 'Gigastructural Engineering and More' and 'The Supermassive Eternal Soulsphere'/'Ancient Cache of Technologies'.
May work with only gigastructures, but untested - if it doesnt crash the game, it shouldnt cause any issues.


This mod is in development, new and existing features may or may not be added and changed further.

The edicts contained in this mod are balanced around an unlimited cap of megastructures. If the Dyson Sphere cap is left at 1, you may have some issues running the edicts.


- New Edicts
New edicts costing various resources such as basic Alloys and Volatile Motes, all the way to Negative Mass, Sentient Metal, and Nanites. All of them, however, require a lot of energy to upkeep, as well as impacting all energy income heavily. Better get some Dyson Spheres running first.

- Extra Ascension Perk Slots
42 new Ascension Perk slots, accessible via late game Statecraft technologies. The cost of these techs quickly scales into the millions before empire size calculations; you are not intended to finish this tech line until late game, if at all.
WARNING: These new slots do not appear in vanilla, if you wish to use them, you will need to use a UI mod such as UI Overhaul Dynamic.

- New Ascension Perks
Eight new Ascension Perks providing various bonuses:

Perfected Ship Designs: Increases your orbital bombardment damage by 75% and your overall ship fire rate by 50%. Noticably increases ship upkeep (25%), be careful if you already have a large navy when you take this perk. Requires the Supremacy tree completed.

Technological Renaissance: After taking Technological Ascendancy, this is the next step. A flat 75% boost to research speed.

The Second Industrial Revolution: Master Builders' older brother. Increases your megastructure build cap by 5 and your megastructure build speed by 400%!

Mass Drone Production: An ascension perk solely for Machine Intelligence empires. (Unsure how this will work with Machine Age as I do not own the DLC) Increases your pop build speed by 75%, but increases robot upkeep by 15%.

- Biological Mastery: Increases trait picks and points for genetically-ascended empires, at a cost of increased pop upkeep.

- Genetic Godhood: Effectively unlimited trait picks and points for those who find Biological Mastery insufficient for the amount of traits in their modlist. Be warned; comes bundled with 1000% additional pop upkeep. Do not take this perk lightly, it is volatile, but powerful in the right hands. (And with the right mods.)

- Synchronized Instant Raiding: A far better version of the Raiding bombardment stance, which is not restricted to Authoritarian/Xenophobe empires. May be slightly overpowered, AI is set to never use.

- Superb Materials: Bonuses to ships, extensive bonuses to all kinetic weapons, and boosts to Alloys, Minerals and Motes production. Requires Perfected Ship Designs and The Second Industrial Revolution, as well as the Macroengineering and Gigaconstruction tradition trees finished, and Tetradimensional Engineering researched.

- New Megastructures

Artificial Asteroid: Just what it sounds like, you can artificially construct an asteroid in orbit of any planet within your borders. This is mostly useful for then upgrading into a strategically placed Asteroid Artillery, but I am unsure if the asteroids formed by this will be candidates for Asteroid Industrial Sites. Available once Terraforming and Asteroid Artillery techs are researched.

- Improved Scaling for Alderson Disks and Birch Worlds

Alderson Disks have been given a 10x job modifier, to make them actually worth building compared to ringworlds or ecumenopoli.
The Birch World, for the same reason, has been given a 25x job modifier. The Void Birch and Soul Birch each respectively increase this boost by an order of magnitude. This means a Soul Birch has a 2500x job scaling modifier. (Balance? Nevah heard of it!)