

"♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, this alien hand-gun actually works!"
Drugo⚸a  [author] 1 Nov @ 11:41am 
Exactly! Not even that, more like, standing in a corner and firing those live missiles all around, hoping something finds and hits them :lunar2019crylaughingpig: And their little footsteps all around me suddenly stopped... So I sneaked out to see where they at, and saw this :lunar2019deadpanpig: I didn't even hear shit. Seems they die silently. True ninjas :Hanzou:

This batch of feminjas was much more challenging than the first one. I managed to defeat them before by basically running around and throwing grenades at them when I spotted them. This time, that overhead catwalk was the death of me. I tried everything, even sent those cute living bombs at them (one of them came back to literally bite me in the ass :erune:) Then I remembered I have this *handy* weapon, indeed xD
alyusenka 1 Nov @ 4:41am 
Strategically hiding in a container Waiting for the enemies to come to you, with a HANDY weapon! :lunar2019grinningpig:
Drugo⚸a  [author] 31 Oct @ 1:04pm 
I wish! It's kinda weak, compared to other guns, so I didn't even use it. Until these female ninjas tore me a new one. :ayos_sorry: Then I remembered: when all else fails... And it worked! So yeah, a plot twist, after all ;)
Shiro♌ 31 Oct @ 12:49pm 
Plot twist; The weirder the design of the weapon is, the better it works.. Usually. :erune: