X4: Foundations

X4: Foundations

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Boron Alliance Defense Fleet
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5 Sep @ 12:34am
7 Sep @ 9:48am
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Boron Alliance Defense Fleet

In 1 collection by EBI
26 items
Should be compatible with all mods.
If and only if the Boron Gate is open, Boron will send an expeditionary patrol fleet of carriers, light carriers, destroyers, etc. to Antigone and Argon to help their allies.
Note that this puts a lot of strain on the Boron economy and will likely cause fighting in the surrounding sectors along the way.

I recommend using it with mods that buff Split and Xenon, but it's fine without it.
This is because I think that this mod alone will make Antigone and Argon too strong for factions like Split to counter.

KE is my favorite DLC and has many good points, but there were some personal disappointments, as listed below.
-If Antigone or Argon are in danger, Boron, their former ally, will not come to Argon's aid.
-The Boron sector is far away and has limited access, so Boron has almost no economic or military influence in the universe even after the story is completed.
-Boron forces are dedicated to defending their peaceful homeland, and are rarely threatened unless arranged by the player, so there is no opportunity for combat.
-Even after the story is cleared, there is still little interaction with other universes or other factions, so unless you make a special trip, the opportunities to see Boron forces are greatly reduced.

This mod is likely to increase the number of sights of Boron ships and Boron fighting.