Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2

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Racke's Simple Necromancy Skills
Type: Add-on
Game Mode: Story
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69.260 KB
29 Aug @ 7:23am
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Racke's Simple Necromancy Skills

So this is a collection of Necromancy skills.

These are all to some level of derivation of other skills

Sanguine Skyfall: 2AP (Winterfall), creates a blood-surface and sets Decay
Necro Sparks: 1AP (SwingingSparks), give target NecroSparks, the projectiles set Bleeding
Blood Dive: 1AP (HastyRetreat), jump-skill that spawns blood-surface on landing
Bloodied Mischief: 1AP (ClearMind), +20% crit-chance +4 Scoundrel, and creates a blood-surface
Necro Spikes: 2AP (Impalement), creates a cursed-blood-surface and sets Cripple
Bone Shards: 3AP (IceFan), creates blood-surfaces and sets Bleeding
Explosive Hail: 3AP (IceHail), creates blood-surface and sets Delayed Explosion (a smaller version of Necrotic Bomb, that requires Physical-armor to break before it works)
Necrotic Bomb: 1AP (FlamingCrescendo), sets a bomb that explodes after the targeted person's turn finishes, creates a blood-surface and sets Bleeding
Necrotic Quake: 3AP, 1SP (Earthquake), Source-spell that creates cursed-blood-surfaces and sets Knock-down

(Modder's personal note: Delayed Explosion should trigger at the start of the effected person's turn, and the very simple script I received wonderful help with writing seems to work. But if it doesn't, then it should just fire at the end of their turn regardless. So, not a very important distinction.)

Since I don't want to deal with the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that is the treasure-tables in this game (you can't simply add a new skillbook to a "skillbook vendor"-list but instead need to change the loadout of that specific vendor, so every vendor in all of the Acts) the only way to get these is to craft them.

(I will mention that if you're willing to use the .pak unpacker-tool? You can find a vendor-mod and just add these skillbooks to their loadout. But again, not touching that.)

The recipes all require a Necromancy skillbook (low-level) and are:
SharpRock -> NecroSparks
FishBone -> ExplosiveHail
RepairHammer -> NecroticQuake
BrokenBottle -> NecroSpikes
Feather -> BoneShards
Needle -> SanguineSkyfall
Thread -> NecroticBomb
Rope -> BloodDive
Nails -> BloodiedMischief