Rytmik Studio
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Nekomancer's Rytmik Studio Discord
Автор: Doctor Timbrwulf
This guide simply exists for Rytmik Studio users to quickly find the invite to join Silky's/Nekomancer's fan-made server, where we share MP3 versions of our tunes, as well as works from other DAWs.
До улюбленого
В улюблених
Before you join...
There are no rules in the server itself, so I'm gonna lay down some here.

  • Don't be a troll. Trolling ain't nice.
  • Don't talk about politics or religion.
  • Limit cussing, and don't share NSFW stuff.
  • Respect the server owner and any moderators.
  • Feel free to share your music directly, but please don't share links to shady sites or bare video URLs.
  • Don't spam the channels.
  • Don't self-promote or advertise.
What Do I Use This Server For?
Right now, it's pretty bare bones. We share our creations mainly in the #general channel, although it's also where we talk about other stuff.

You can use #tech-center to share your music making techniques.

Ask your questions in #general, for now.

There are some voice channels where you can share your streams. Stream Room is recommended for video.

That's pretty much it!