Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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Dibuat oleh kuluopai󰀍
🔎原版模组传送门:全球定位-Global Positions 🔍 🔎全球定位-汉化新版🔍 🔎模组ID:2199027653598521242🔍 自用,仅供学习与参考(原mod来源steam;后续更新mod来源WeGame) mod介绍 帮你找到小伙伴的位置! 这个模组能够将所有在同一世界探索地图在玩家的地图共享给所有人,并且能够用ALT+鼠标左键在地图上标记给其他人看(当然,这是可以配置的) @@@按住TAB键,可以选择是否将自己的地图共享给队友...
Dibuat oleh LUOXIA11
你是否觉得哈比斯手持专属武器——黑光的样子超级帅,却因为在日常游玩过程中不能一直手持黑光赶路和战斗而感到苦恼? 这个mod为哈比斯添加了一把可以日常使用的替代品武器:仿制·黑光。 哈比斯可以用5个噩梦燃料制作,它的外观和真正的黑光一模一样,能够满足你日常战斗和行动的大部分需求。 仿制·黑光拥有51的物理伤害和2攻击范围,无限耐久,并且可以快速收割采集各种作物。 你可以给予约束静电使其增加24点位面伤害,给予海象牙增加25%移速,给予橙宝石解锁传送能力。 祝你玩得愉快。...
Dibuat oleh R.a.D.o.N
伊格摩斯/Igmos “星火的继承者” 饱食度250 理智50 血量300 出生自带不完整星火x2,专属武器“骨刺” ●伊格摩斯是优秀的刺客。她拥有1.5倍的攻击加成,150%的移动速度和夜视能力。 ●伊格摩斯是星火的继承者。她免疫火焰和高温的伤害,每2秒恢复1点血量。当受到致命伤害后,她的生命值不会低于1,但会进入火焰状态15秒。此状态下,伊格摩斯拥有80度温度,无法移动,持续对周围1格地皮造成150点/s群体伤害。状态结束后,伊格摩斯回复所有血量,san值归零。 ●伊格摩斯对影怪拥有2倍伤害。 ●伊格摩...
坎普斯背包爆率修改Krampus Sack Drop Rate
Dibuat oleh 落山机糊人
可以自定义修改坎普斯背包掉落几率 包括通过击杀坎普斯以及打开克劳斯的赃物带的方式 Custom Krampus Sack drop rate: include killing Krampus and opening Boundles Supplies in Loot Stash...
Dibuat oleh Neitonon
注意: 这并不是人物mod,只是汉化包,本mod需要与咩咩教主mod(the lamb)一同开启,否则将会报错。 mod详细介绍请参见原mod主页 原mod链接: 或查看B站视频: BV1MN4y1Q7pd mod的翻译有多处参照该视频 本汉化包只是简单翻译,另外把塔罗牌的效果写了进去。 由于本人没有玩过咩咩启示录原作,因此对于mod的翻译可能有不准确之处,欢迎大家在评论区讨论看...
Dibuat oleh 椰姬幼稚园
本MOD由幽冥王汉化,上传创意工坊是为了 小伙伴进房自动下载MOD方便,无需再QQ传送给别人后再放进mods目录,而且此MOD为上传者自己房专用,只与几个小伙伴玩,不外传作它用。...
Dibuat oleh 心悦卿兮
复活按钮和传送按钮 复活按钮点击复活,传送按钮点击生成传送面板。(二者均可单独开关) PS:如果你喜欢这个模组,就给作者点个免费的赞吧! 复活按钮: 1、死亡后,将会出现一个按钮,左键即可复活。 2、通过复活按钮复活后,将在人物复活点生成一个保命微光。 2、模组设置里可以设置 复活冷却时间 和 复活血量上限惩罚,默认关闭。 传送按钮: 1、进入游戏,屏幕中会出现一个按钮,左键打开面板。 2、模组设置里可以设置 传送消耗,默认关闭。 3、NEW,模组设置里可以设置 仅管理员可以进行删除操作,默认关闭。(勉强防...
我的队友——My Mate
Dibuat oleh 绯世行
Players can summon teammates in the production bar, hoping that their presence can alleviate a bit of loneliness in the game. 1. Spend two whistleblower hearts in the manufacturing column to summon a teammate 2. In addition to the original characters, mod ...
暴食灯具(Quagmire Lamp)
Dibuat oleh 夜深人静就睡
PS: If you like this module, give the author a free like! version 0.0.2 Modify the Quagmire Lamp and customize the following content: 1. Custom formula, in addition to two fixed saltpeter and one electronic component, can be customized to be built with flu...
永恒新界 (The New Constant)
Dibuat oleh 莫非则
永恒新界是致力于打造冒险与战斗的大型mod 我们对原版的boss进行了加强,也引入了许多更强大的装备和道具来助力玩家的冒险 对远古区域进行了改动与优化,增加了许多新的机制和事件 此外,我们增加了一个裂隙时期的新地形,击败天体英雄和织影者将只是冒险的起点! mod交流群255268032 mod wiki页 This MOD focuses on adventure and co...
更好的快捷操作栏(Fast Equipment)
Dibuat oleh Shino
模组功能介绍: 是客户端mod(本地mod),不能提供更多的格子。 在物品栏上方添加快捷装配栏,再也不用在格子里找半天工具辣! 鼠标点击(可以设置左键/右键)更加方便的装备上武器/工具,也可以设置快捷键。 给工具补充耐久可以直接拿起燃料点击快捷装备栏。 可以按住Shift键再点击快捷装备栏来丢弃该物品。 如习惯将背包布局设置为融合的玩家,可在mod设置里的纵向偏移处设置,以免出现遮挡的情况。 如遇问题可以创意工坊留言。 \\原作者:michi...
没有目标的饥荒(Aimless starvation)
Dibuat oleh 暨鲞寙寙
模组名:没有目标的饥荒(Aimless starvation) 感谢订阅本mod!!! 更丰富的饥荒游戏体验 增加一定难度,减少疲倦感 优化一些原版的设定 Richer gaming experience Increase the difficulty and reduce the feeling of tiredness Optimize some of the original settings 新地形: 雷电交加: 特斯拉树、雷鸟 BOSS 远古铁巨人 特殊掉落物 -- 活体装甲(机甲!!!) 修改:...
Dibuat oleh 蜻蜓队长
修改自1986758170,原作者@方块味的菠萝酱。 修复了冬天闪屏的bug,默认除雪。 有重影请在游戏设置里关闭失真! 有重影请在游戏设置里关闭失真! 有重影请在游戏设置里关闭失真! ...
Dibuat oleh sunriver
Dibuat oleh 心悦卿兮
邮箱 犬牙陷阱和荆棘陷阱自动重置 如果你觉得这个模组不错的话,请不要吝啬你的大拇指,非常感谢! 给朋友写的 犬牙陷阱 触发后 1秒 自动重置 荆棘陷阱 触发后 3秒 自动重置 关于配置项:(默认关闭) 可以设置陷阱不消耗耐久度...
Dibuat oleh fybreak
自由切换滤镜 默认按键(小键盘的+-) 生存模式也能用 ...
Dibuat oleh 缘梦
目前是通过修改生长函数实现掉落功能 石果树收获改自动掉落: 移除第四阶段,第三阶段变成第一阶段时掉落三个石果, 大理石树改自动掉落: 生长至第一阶段时掉落六个大理石,包括:种子到第一阶段,第三阶段到第一阶段 大理石树可被催熟 种子阶段不可催熟, 2.1.0:尝试修复世界中心点掉大理石的问题 ...
空崎日奈Sorasaki Hina(碧蓝档案Blue Archive)
Dibuat oleh 枭蜘蛛
空崎日奈——一个碧蓝档案の饥荒mod 受宿舍里的留声装置,风纪委员长来到了永恒大陆。 她拥有光环:强大的躯体,体现在较高的hp值上。但是,由于她的光环有着魔神的特性,在永恒大陆的生物眼中她是个怪物。 冷静沉着:比较理智,有着如同科学家般的理智值。 小个子:吃不下太多东西... 沉重的机枪:没有子弹(现在你可以用木炭修复它)(可以用齿轮升级) sensei面具:让你的朋友变成Sensei吧,制作廉价,能够放松身心,使你看起来人见人爱(不会被猪猪揍了)。 目前这个mod只是个半成品,只有一个人物立绘,一把武器,...
童话世界Fairy Tales
Dibuat oleh 󰀜谢十三󰀜
在饥荒大陆上,出现了一道时空裂缝,从这里可以传送到童话镇,在镇里的所有植物都变成了小精灵,用双腿行走,而饥荒大陆的BOSS,变成了这个世界的奴隶。。。在这片大陆到底会发生什么,等待你的探索 已更新:新岛屿、新建筑、新人物、新植物(下波更新内容正在制作中) 介绍页在群内请移步Q群: ①群-866416875 (已满)②群-979832269 可关注MOD更新进度及BUG反馈。
能力勋章 Functional Medal
Dibuat oleh 恒子while(1)
Brief Introduction Addition of the Medal System, you can use the cartographer's desk to make various medals. Functional Medal is an extended mod with the theme of "growth". It adds a new type of prop "medal" on the basis of the original game. Different med...
Dibuat oleh 皓武
基于此汉化版修改: 原版不支持对不可编织物品的分解,本优化版增加了可以分解不可编织物品的选项,默认关闭。...
Dibuat oleh 铭之所名
更新 0.3: 1.捆绑包装、礼物包装 可更改6、10、12、14、19容量 2.捆绑物资-打开(右键打开为拆开更改成打开容器) 3.骨灰盒的容量 4.骨灰盒的容器限制 版本0.2: 箱子、龙鳞箱子、冰箱、盐盒、切斯特、哈奇可选择12~60容量 普通背包、保鲜背包、厨师包可选择12、14容量...
Dibuat oleh SORA
Dibuat oleh Dladm
本模组修改自毒瘤吸血鬼的1zidongchudi模组,删去了原模组的部分功能,须配合原模组使用 犁地之后自动生产9个土坑 1.自动锄地,带九个种子孔 2.采摘、挖掘、烧都会在原位置自动生成种子孔,不用锄头...
Dibuat oleh 󰀘小苏打󰀍
功能 普通淡水鱼竿: 自动钓鱼 自动装备鱼竿 自动做鱼竿(身上有材料) 玻璃钓竿(能力勋章的内容): 自动钓鱼 自动装备鱼竿(优先级比淡水鱼竿高) 身上带有蜘蛛丝时自动补充耐久 自动根据当前钓鱼的池塘填充鱼饵 如果鱼塘里面没鱼了,则自动切换附近的鱼塘,如果附近没其他鱼塘则重新钓鱼,检测时间间隔为游戏内的半天,即半天没上钩则重新钓鱼 源代码迁移自小白客户端合集mod:
Dibuat oleh Hanging
"If I can become her, can I see it as the continuation of her life?" ———————————————————————————— Health:100 Hunger:100 Sanity:100 K_ K is essentially a robot, and she has certain technology. She is regarded as the same kind by clockwork creatures, you can...
Dibuat oleh Raiscies
这个模组抽取自不妥协模组中的一个功能: 随从(例如受雇佣的蜘蛛, 猪人, 鱼人等)可以跟随雇佣者玩家下线和上线, 就像驯养的皮弗娄牛一样. 副作用: 随从同样会跨洞穴与地面跟随雇佣者. 模组还在测试中, 建议备份存档后再使用....
Dibuat oleh 天清落
随机生物大小(Random Sized)
Dibuat oleh 萌萌哒女王Yao~
欢迎订阅随机生物大小(Random Sized)!!! 时隔多年,我们再次更新了!你还可以像之前一样使用它!,可以在模组配置页面随意调试! 从水下第一个生命的萌芽开始···到石器时代的巨型野兽···再到人类的第一次直立行走,你已经经历许多。现在,开启你最伟大的探索吧:从早期文明的摇篮到浩瀚星宇! 这次,不再有大小层次非常强烈的撕裂感,而是就像是一个生活调味料一般, 让玩家看到这个世界,即使大小有的不一样,也不会有过多的违和感。 这是我想展现的世界。 可将模组内随机生物代码调用到你自己的模组中。 重新构造整个...
Dibuat oleh 萌萌哒女王Yao~
隐藏你的装备,服务器模组!~ 你看不到你是否穿了装备~...
Dibuat oleh 子鸭
作者:鲨雕子鸭 贴图:hare 动画:老张 代码:VvvV 角色属性: 饱食度:150 精神值:200 血量:150 角色特性:独角兽天性 色彩丰富颜色的食物可额外多回20san (如糖豆,蘑菇蛋糕,苏格兰高脚鸟蛋) 技能1:魔法换位 使用鼠标双击生物可与一定范围内的生物互换位置 技能2:密度调节 右键石头类物品,如金子,石头,燧石 可增加同范围内自己和队友80%防御,但移速会减慢15%,持续240秒 物品: 收纳帽子 制作配方:两块金块+五蜘蛛丝 角色出场自带 拥有6格储物空间 女巫扫把 角色专属道具 制...
Dibuat oleh 冷青
模组说明 -----------------------------------------------------------------此版本的 Action Queue 是完全重写,著重在修复前版本所有的潜在问题,优化并最小化对于性能的影响,并添加几个新功能。 xiaoXzzz 移转 DST 版的 Action Queue 作为我的模组收藏,而在使用超过一年后,我决定要解决他的一些问题。 2014 年,DST 上原始版本的 Action Queue 是 simplex 所写,经过非常多的改版仍历久不衰...
Dibuat oleh 毒瘤吸血鬼
犁地之后自动生产9个土坑 1.自动锄地,带九个种子孔 2.采摘、挖掘、烧都会在原位置自动生成种子孔,不用锄头 3.便便能加三种肥料 4.锤子敲打重大作物产物增加20个...
Abigail Attack Shadow Creature
Dibuat oleh Sorry Late 🍉
Abigail can attack shadow creature Q : How this mod work? A : When Wendy can see shadow or shadow try to attack Wendy, Abigail will protect her. Configuration : Resist damage : increase Abigail armor while fighting shadow creature. Default is : +50% armor....
Action Queue(DST)
Dibuat oleh xiaoXzzz
Original author: simplex. I do update it for the DST.Client only mod.Allows queueing a sequence of actions (such as chopping, mining, etc.) by selecting targets within a bounding box, holding SHIFT. If after doing the select, the character loop in one acti...
Abigail Keybinds
Dibuat oleh Electroely
Lets Wendy use X to summon and return Abigail, and R to rile her up or soothe her. You need to have an Abigail's Flower to use this mod. Keybinds are configurable....
ActionQueue RB3 汉化版 自用版
Dibuat oleh 小叶子
简介 在原版的基础上移除了制作上一个配方的功能(这个功能不管用那个快捷键都会烦到我,索性移除一了百了) RB3原版汉化链接 自用,仅供学习与参考 eXiGe的列队行为学原mod: ...
AdShovel Re
Dibuat oleh Andi2
This mod makes you able to dig and place plants that cannot be dug or placed. This is a remake a famous mod AdShovel where I simply change the spacing of placement and improve the code a little. See the original mod below. ----- Items ----- Lichen Cave Ban...
Alice Margatroid
Dibuat oleh kotori~
*Alice of the Touhou (Megatron), with four different puppets, is proficient in using three different spells. This is machine translation Attributes~ -200 hunger -150 reason -150 lives Alice's initial movement speed and attack speed are both 1.2, but her sa...
Dibuat oleh 槐answer
Auto Switch Weapon and Cane(Updated)
Dibuat oleh NebulaKKK
Original Mod: Automatically switch weapon and cane from the item slot. The weapon slot can be set and marked. Hotkey start. 1. Added controller support. 2. Chat reminder when starting/closin...
auto walk
Dibuat oleh 󰀐萌萌的新󰀐
运算十分迅速的自动寻路(前提是你设置的运算次数比较高) 运算次数酌情修改,大家可以根据需求修改。 使用方法:右键目的地即可自动寻路(小恶魔需要使用中键) 适配了鹰眼下的点击,现在鹰眼下点击加载外可直接寻路。 推荐使用:
Auto-Unequip on 1%
Klei Forums: Client mod. Automatically unequips your magiluminescence upon reaching 1% durability to prevent it from breaking. Feature also applies to similar equippables such as eyebr...
Balanced Craftable Gears
Dibuat oleh RUAAAAAAAA
Craft gears with more balanced way. More: 10 flints+10 transistor+10 petals_evil = 10 gears Mid: 5 flints+5 transistor+5 petals_evil = 5 gears Few: 1 flints+1 transistor+1 petals_evil = 1 gears...
Base Projection (基地投影)
Dibuat oleh 󰀉 NoMu
2023-02-26更新介绍视频: 更新说明: - 增加了基地规划功能 - 自动工作支持按录入的角度放置 - 快捷键占用优化 - 快捷宣告支持静默宣告 - 支持材料宣告 - 优化双击选择操作 - 修复旋转的一些bug 2023-02-15更新介绍视频: 更新说明: - 优化了模组物品在模组缺失时的贴图显示 - 增加显示名称的选项 - ...
Dibuat oleh V
Mod made by star you can find the mod: I just extracted the bleeding function。。...
Boning Knife
Dibuat oleh MySora
Design & Art: Bamboo in Tang Dynasty Code: FL Welcome to click in this photo trick Mod At present, its functions are as follows: Make a boning knife, and use it to get the meat_nobone and boneshard probability. Take charge of the big man, save mengxin.jpg ...
Boss Indicators
Dibuat oleh Ryuu
Tired of chasing after bosses or want to know if they're near? Then look no further. What this mod does This mod adds a player-like indicator to bosses to know if they're lurking around, so that you can go and smack them in their face - or run away from th...
Dibuat oleh 朋也
Some carpets have been added so that the builders can have more choices...
Burning Timer
Dibuat oleh Viktor
This mod displays a timer above burning objects or any campfire telling you the exact time until the fire goes out. No Lag: This mod won't affect your ingame FPS (if it starts lagging, the server will become unplayable on its own since the lag coming from ...
Catapult Controller
Dibuat oleh Gleenus
Create a machine to control Winona's Catapults Recipe: 1 Compass, 1 Trusty Tape and 1 Boards in Winona's Engieering tab. How to use: - Just interact with to activate the targeting mode. - Press Mouse1 or Attack Button to make a target. - Press Mouse2 or Ac...
Celestial HUD
Dibuat oleh Koary
Celestial themed HUD for Don't Starve Together Current HUDs: • Crafting Tabs, Skin Container • Chests, Chester and Hutch • Sanity, Hunger, Health and Enlightenment • Wet Meter, Beaverness Meter, Boat Meter and Abigail Meter • Age Meter • Clocks, Temperatur...
Circular Placement
Dibuat oleh 󰀉 NoMu
Updated On 2023.01.12: - Add automatic placement. Press LSHIFT and middle mouse click on any anchors to active. Note that when automatically planting, you need to turn of "Geometric Placement". - Fix bugs. Note that this mod supports Chinese and English cu...
Character Keybinds
Dibuat oleh RICK
Abigail Keybind Recall/Summon Commune Apply Health Elixir Apply Other Elixir Wigfrid Keybind Sing(Any&Specific) Willow Keybind Use Lighter Use Ember/Like Gesture Wheel Flame Cast Combustion Fire Ball Burning Frenzy Lunar Flame/Shadow Fire Maxwell Keybind N...
Color Adjustments[Client]
Dibuat oleh 狐狸是狗
Press K to pop up the menu you can now turn the filters on and off at any time or customize adjust the color of the screen, with their favorite effect https...
Coloured Percent
Dibuat oleh Atobá Azul
Changes the colour of the percent text in equipment based on durability to be more visible, or simply for preference! Configureable. Hey, you! If you like what I do, please consider supporting me on Ko-fi!...
Combined Status
Dibuat oleh rezecib
Supports all versions of Don't Starve (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Hamlet, Don't Starve Together). You can also download from GitHub, although that won't auto-update for you. (code contributions also welcome via GitHub) This mod enhances the HUD...
Craft Pot [DS, ROG, SW, DST]
Dibuat oleh IvanX
Client mod that adds intuitive cook assisting interface to crock pot. Doesn't matter what server you join, modded crock pots, modded recipes, this mod serves them all on a plate and helps you cook whatever your heart desires by displaying the exact recipe....
Craftable Battle Paddle
Dibuat oleh roundRekt
Feeling regular oars too awkward but malbatross bill too difficult to obtain? This mod makes battle paddle craftable, which makes it a wonderful choice for sailing and fighting. Maintenance for this mod has been ceased. Please move to the homepage for the ...
Craftable Living Logs
Dibuat oleh OfficeCasual
So the other mod is a broke dick piece of shit drill, so use this one instead. You can synthesize the living logs under refine with at least a prestihatitator....
Dibuat oleh Out 85折代
edit mod configuration in game ...
Don't auto attack Grumble Bees
Dibuat oleh Aly
Prevents from attacking Grumble Bees when Bee Queen is present...
Don't Drop Everything
Dibuat oleh Shang
If You like this, give a thumbs up! Hint: When a player dies, The player must have amulets, A will drop. Players into a state of the soul after death, not drop all the items. ...
Display Attack Range
Dibuat oleh ClumsyNoob
Shows the attack range of mobs when they are targeting a player. The display will change color when they attack. Configuration options: Red, Green, Blue: Adjust the RGB color that shown for attack. Range appearance: Select range appearing while targeting p...
Don't Starve Alone
Dibuat oleh 老王天天写bug
Don't Starve Alone is a mod which can completely eliminate the lag of cave worlds for single player. Intro (Thanks Thobeo20vn for translation) This mod cave/surface run base of player location, if you are in the surface, cave server will stop and if you ar...
Dread Crafts
Dibuat oleh Sydney
Dread sword Crafting: 6 Dreadstone 4 Pure Horror and Dark Tatters * 1 Damage : 51 Planar damage : 17 Uses : 200 Shadow level = 3 The Rare Blueprint for the Dreadstone Sword is dropped after defeating the Nightmare werepig 4 times faster restores Dreadstone...
Durability Tweaks 调整耐久度
Dibuat oleh xpolife
Tweaks durabilities of tools, weapons, armors, boats, staffs, amulets, saddles and more. 调整工具、武器盔甲、船只、法杖、护符和鞍具等的耐久度。 你们要的中文版来了!...
Eat Shit (and die)
Dibuat oleh UndeadRyker
Manure, guano, and optionally Bucket-o-poop becomes eatable. They take away health, sanity, and can either give or take hunger! Why fill your pockets when you can fill your stomach? Reuploading this mod without modification will result in you paying child ...
Element Reaction(元素反应)
Dibuat oleh 1526606449
一个能让你在饥荒世界里使用元素反应的MOD (如果喜欢的话能点个免费的赞吗,我会继续加油哒,谢谢) A MOD which enables you to use elemental energy in the DST world (Could you please give a like to the MOD if you like it? I will carry on.Thanks!!!) 大家可以尝试一下我的新MOD——雷电将军,这是一个完全与本MOD兼容适配的原神人物MOD You can try ...
Epic Healthbar
Dibuat oleh Tykvesh
Spice up your combat experience with this stylized health bar! Epic Healthbar is a new widget which provides information about the current boss: Displa...
Equipment Slot
Dibuat oleh 朋也
Add a slot to some equipment that can be refueled or repaired. The slot will always be fresh, and when the durability is insufficient, the fuel will be automatically removed for refueling or repair Affected equipment - Miner Hat - Lantern - Moggles - Alarm...
Extended Indicators WIP
Dibuat oleh Will
The Extended Indicators mod will show a player icon on your HUD at all times no matter how far away the other players are. This will point to their direction showing you where they are in the world. Includes a config option that lets you enable / disable t...
Extra Equip Slots
Dibuat oleh NubsPixel
I stopped supporting this mod! I don't and wont update this mod anymore. I stopped playing this game a long time ago. It will break your game. ------------------------------------------------------ Adds a backpack and amulet slot to the game. Patch List v1...
Extra Equip Slots Roseate HUD fix
Dibuat oleh hosain0489
Extra Equip Slots with Roseate HUD fix *if you want use this mod , first disable Extra Equip Slots original mod next enable this mod* Link original mods: Extra Equip Slots Roseate HUD https://...
Extra Logs
Dibuat oleh Andi2
Trees(Evergreen and Birchnut) can drop more logs, fully configurable. If you don't change the configs nothing happens....
Dibuat oleh 💖gznc💖
Client side. Calculating farming pair. Press K to start. Don't forget rating me!...
Fast Travel
Dibuat oleh Isosurface
Build a fast travel network using home signs. You can travel from one home sign to any other home signs instantly. Instruction - Right click on a home sign to select destination. Right click repeatedly to cycle through all available destinations. After hav...
Full Stats Party HUD - Beta
Dibuat oleh Slayer
Full Stats Party HUD A DST mod that displays the health, hunger, and sanity statuses of other players. Also Shows their nickname and a skull for dead players. Set Position and layout in config Can be toggled with the "\" key. Works with increased max playe...
Gesture Wheel
Dibuat oleh rezecib
Adds a wheel selection interface for emotes, making it easier to emote. By default, the hotkey is set to G (but you can configure it in the mod config options). Holding G will bring up the gesture wheel, then moving your mouse in a particular direction wil...
Geometric Placement
Dibuat oleh rezecib
Compatible with all versions of the game (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Don't Starve Together-- separately listed on the Single-player workshop). You can also find it on the Klei Forums Snaps objects to a grid when placing and displays a build gri...
Dibuat oleh cuteJaven
This mod can make you open the gift automatically in Godmode 这个mod能让你以上帝模式挂机自动开礼物 The original author of this mod is @不死总会出头 , but the mod is no longer updated, and it does not work. 原作者是@不死总会出头 ,但是原作者已不再更新导致mod无法使用 I refer to the method of @qd-zxs to modi...
Geometric layout zh
Dibuat oleh 杏子熟啦
--------------------------你为什么会看见这个模组--------------------------------- 事情是这样的,有一天我自己建筑的时候发现没有网格了,搞了半天才知道 我订阅的几何布局作者删掉了,然后英文版的用不习惯,然后就自己边翻译边使用 取自最新版的汉化了一份,方便自己使用,当然别的小伙伴也可以用啦 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Global Positions
Dibuat oleh rezecib
Map sharing works again! You don't even need to be in the A New Reign beta anymore! Code contributions are welcome: Features Show other players on the map (and hover over them to see who they are). Show player in...
Dibuat oleh 丧芝
The puppet of Death has descended upon the world. ______________________________ Time: 99 Hunger: 150 Rationality: 300 ______________________________ 【Harvest of Life】 Habis does not have health, but has a time value that continuously decreases. When the t...
Hanization Mod Config options
Dibuat oleh 去码头整点薯条
本地模组 ! 本地模组 ! 本地模组 ! 本地模组 ! 包括有: 永不妥协 Heap of Food 感谢不笑猫,不明情况的白...
Hanization Uncompromising Mode
Dibuat oleh 去码头整点薯条
This Mod is only for Chinese who dont understand ENGLISH. 配置汉化请额外订阅 : 配置汉化 本MOD为汉化,请搭配开启原版不妥协MOD,并且:关闭其他不妥协汉化MOD避免冲突 Orige-Uncompromising Mode 感谢郎溪小杰哥的无私贡献,几乎所有的汉化工作都是他完成的。 Q1.为什么订阅了之后配置还是英文的? --因为汉化只做了内容汉化,进入游戏就会体验到所有。 Q2.不妥协版本较新,汉化文件不更新,不会导致游戏崩溃吧? --一般是不...
为爽而虐/暗影世界 永恒之季 Happy/Hardmode Shadow World
Dibuat oleh 繁花丶海棠
OldName: DST Patch For Happy/Shadow World Mod Introduction A hardmode mod of DST.Compatible with uncompromising mode.Support Random Season. The module idea is that game is more hard to play at first,long term survive and fight with monsters. In addition, t...
Help Me Up!
Dibuat oleh \zs
## Help Me UP When you die, you will become a corpse instead of a ghost. Just like *The Forge*, others can help you up. After a certain delay, the corpse becomes a ghost. The delay time is 1 minutes by default and can be customized. You can enter /rip to b...
Health Info
Dibuat oleh NubsPixel
v2.2.03 - Quickfix v2.2.02 - Fixed incompatibility with some mods. - Added new prefabs to white list as of October 2021. Shows exact health of creatures on mouse-over or controller auto-target. This mod is inspired by Tell Me About Health (DS) which was po...
Horror eye of terror DST
Dibuat oleh ZdanfoR
What does the mod change? The mod changes the model of the boss Eye of Terror and his minions, that’s all. Bye lol His eyes don't glow like they do in first screenshot....
Hounds attack predictor
Dibuat oleh Sperenza
Predict hounds and cave worms attacks with a displayed timer in a widget. The widget is on top left of the screen, there is a timer on the widget indicate how many time left before the next attack. Will be disabled when you use Boss Attack Predictor Idea o...
Insight Re-gainer
Dibuat oleh Runar
Descriptions Modified the Moon Rock Idol so that all Insights can be obtained (even if your character had obtained none Insight) and reset Skill Tree without inventory drops when used on youself You can set the usage and restriction of the Moon Rock Idol t...
Island Adventures - Shipwrecked
Dibuat oleh Mobbstar Embark on a tropical journey across the seas, Together! Explore a vast new world with new biomes, seasons, and creatures. Island Adventures brings the seas of Don't Starve: Shipwrecked to Don't Starve Together. Key Features ...
item info - Shang hanhua
Dibuat oleh Shang
如果你喜欢并推荐使用,请点一个让更多人发现并用上! This mod is Chinese version, please subscribe in English item info 此 mod 为中文汉化版,英文原版请点击 item info 显示项目的值和更多信息,为支持 Show Me 我做了修改且汉化了此 mod 配置界面 原作者 Ryuu,本mod由 天伤酱 界面中文翻译并微修改上传。 喜欢可关注B站 天伤酱,有问题可在下面评论区留言,或者b站私信留言。...
Keep your tools there !!!(plz read the description)
Dibuat oleh Potter_Lee
Client-side mod is here : This mod keeps your tools at the front-end of your inventory bar. When you have a tool equipped, its slot stays empty, essentially "banning/blocking" those spaces fro...
Koishi Komeiji
Dibuat oleh Hansard
Koishi Komeiji, the youkai of the Subconscious from Touhou Project! Koishi was originally a satori who could read mind of others, but she was hurt by the fear and hatred towards her species. She tried to destroy her mind-reading ability by closing her Thir...
Dibuat oleh 槐answer
Mod may still have some minor problems at present, please join the group for positive feedback. If you like this mod, please be sure to praise, subscribe, share and support the author! Mod AC group: 935957419 Mod promotional video: Version 1.0: Coco Luo In...
Local Night Vision
Dibuat oleh 喵喵
Client Mod Visual effects only, can not avoid being attacked by Charlie!!! Configurable: - Toggle hotkey(default: N) - Auto enable at night(default: Disable) - Auto enable at dusk(default: Disable) - Auto disable at day(default: Disable) WARNING: THIS MOD ...
Large boats
Dibuat oleh The Great Trololarion
Description Adds new sizes of boats: small, large and giant. Recipes Recipe: 1 Board Result: Small boat Recipe: 9 Boards Result: Large boat Recipe: 16 Boards Result: Giant boat Stats Boat: Small boat Radius: 2 Health: 50 Boat: Large boat Radius: 6 Health: ...
Loot Pump
Dibuat oleh Gleenus
Catches items from the ground and throw them in containers. (Autoloot) Recipe: 1 Gears, 1 Whirly Fan and 2 Electrical Doodads. The Loot Pump always priorise to launch the items on containers that already has that item inside. There are two placement rings,...
Dibuat oleh Mem-芒伊木
MangEM Health:200 Hunger:150 Sanity:200 「Ghost in the Shell」 MangEM has an additional soul points with a maximum limit of 500. When MangEM's health is restored beyond the maximum health limit, the excess health will be converted into soul points. When Mang...
Lureplant drop everything
Dibuat oleh MB_LSP
Lureplant will not digest/destroy anything that picks up and drop all of them when destroyed. Added setting to make the lureplant container acts like icebox. Suggested use together with Perish time adjust for best result...
Map Jump
Dibuat oleh 朋也
Open the map and right-click on the place you want to go! Note: Map Jump action can only be displayed with empty hands Enjoy!...
Minimap HUD
Dibuat oleh squeek.
Adds a minimap to the HUD The minimap is fully functional; it can be zoomed using the zoom map binds (defaulted to the mousewheel) and can be panned by clicking and dragging. The minimap can be collapsed by hovering over it and clicking the "Close Minimap"...
Marble Tools
Dibuat oleh 豌豆射手
More marble tools Include axe、pickaxe、shovel、hammer、hoe、spear Allows configuration of tool durability and weapon damage Update description Version 1.0.6:   Response to quality of life update in March;   Dumbbells also support repair (except Gembell). Versi...
More equip slots
Dibuat oleh Mpak
Allows to add extra equipment slots for armor, clothing, and amulet. See for details. Support Unfortunately, I do not receive notifications for new comments or discussions on Steam (I don't know why, ask the...
More Useful BOSS Spoils
Dibuat oleh 蛋挞
I often see people saying that they have played for hundreds of hours and have not beaten the boss several times. I think the difficulty of the boss is on the one hand, and on the other hand, the property of the boss's drops makes people not interested in ...
Nightmare phase indicator
Dibuat oleh surg
Client-side mod. Indicator shows current nightmare phase and time left. Status Announcements mod supported. In settings, you can set: 1) Position indicator on the screen. 2) Position timer relative to the indicator. 3) Position phase name relative to the i...
New Boat Shapes
Dibuat oleh Cuikui
A complete mod to craft custom and preset boats Compatible with most mod 5 new boats with unique shapes Rectangle, Caravel, Moon, Raft and Bridge https://i.imgu...
Dibuat oleh 丧芝 徘徊于冰海之下的神秘身影正在注视着. ______________________________ 生命:150 饥饿:200 理智:150 ______________________________ 【冰海异形】 宁恩免疫寒冷,并且能够下海游泳,游泳时会快速降低体温。(按shift键可开关游泳)...
No Wasted Souls
Dibuat oleh Helwdrokin
This mod makes Wortox drop their souls to the ground before reaching 20 souls this prevents you from losing your sanity due to soul overload You can customise the maximum amout of soul that wortox can carry Please do not re-upload without permision Copyrig...
Original item enhancements
Dibuat oleh 烟花巷陌
Test Mod by YC(cn) - Most mobs in DST have at least doubled their health, But the player's armor has been reduced to 70% .This is very unfriendly to The single-player who are playing DST alone. This mod can support modifying the durability of common armor ...
Object Snap 鼠标吸附物体
Dibuat oleh 川小胖
* Your cursor is able to snap to the closest game object , then show the actions you can do, which means you don't have to put your cursor exactly over the object but just moving close to it. (Notice the items with only Exaime/WalkTo actions would be ignor...
Pickle's First Person Mod
Dibuat oleh Pickleplayer
See the world in true First-Person! Move the camera with the mouse and navigate inventory with the scroll wheel. -Switch back to normal camera view at any time from the pause menu, or with Ctrl-Q! Play Don't Starve the way it was never really meant to be p...
Pocket Watch Cooldown Timer + Announcement
Dibuat oleh Electroely
This mod lets you see the cooldown time of Wanda's pocket watches. Additionally, it lets you use the Status Announcement mod to tell your friends whether your watch's ability is ready or not, and if it isn't, how much time it has left....
Post Processor Disabler
Dibuat oleh CarlZalph
Copyright 2017-2023 "CarlZalph". This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named CarlZalph. Removes the Post Processor from changing from its default values. Sister mod for Don't Starve. The Post Processor is responsi...
Quick Action
Dibuat oleh 豌豆射手
Quick action, including:   Pick Pickup Takeitem Harvest Cook on Fire Eat Repair Gardening ResetMine Give Chop Mine Dig Hammer Dig Truf Build Repair Leak Feed Shave Cast Spell Play Row Smother Dry Addcompostable Sew Heal Learn Blueprint Murder Unwarp If som...
Dibuat oleh Reforged Team
The Forge event has been ReForged! ReForged is the successor to Forged Forge; optimized for new content and modding support. This mod comes up with a bunch of new features that are not included in the Forge event or Forged Forge. To see all of the new feat...
Dibuat oleh The Gorge Team
Re-live the Reaping of the Gnaw in the brand new Re-Gorge-itated mod! (With new Re-imagined gamemodes and perks for added Re-playability!) Play how you like! Either with the original 3-player default set-up, or add some spice to the mix with extra player s...
Reliable Wortox
Dibuat oleh Беккит
Makes Wortox much more useful! + Souls limit increased to 64 + Increased distance at which Wortox can attract souls + Souls now appear at a greater distance Mod is mostly oriented for beginners. ----------UPDATED---------- + Souls better satisfy hunger + W...
Remove Insanity Vision
Dibuat oleh 💖gznc💖
It removes the darkening film of sanity loss, super useful for maxwell or wigfrid mains. Just use it and eat fresh meat! Client mod....
Repair Combine
Dibuat oleh Serp
With this mod you can repair your equipment with the same equipment. So you can combine a logsuit with 10% and a logsuit with 30% to a logsuit with 40%! This mod works for things with: finiteuses (like weapons), armor, fueled and perishable+equipable. Adde...
Revival of unpopular items
Dibuat oleh Yyyytyi_Slime_Block
This mod strengthens some relatively obscure items in the game and the items I think should be strengthened. If you have some items you want to strengthen, please leave a message. Maybe I will add them? Anyway thank you for your subscription! Sorry, but my...
Rotate Character Model
Dibuat oleh Hornet
This mod adds two little buttons beside the character model in loadout screens that lets you rotate the character model to check out other angles. I suggest you use this for checking out the different angles of a skin you might want to buy, so you can see ...
Rui Ta(芮塔)
Dibuat oleh 丧芝
bug反馈群:648358577 :新皮肤-魔花教主 , 新武器-繁花炮 , 新道具-四季花环 世界之花,即将绽放. ______________________________ 生命:90 饥饿:100 理智:200 ______________________________ : 站在花附近会缓...
Dibuat oleh CCappu
Add 2 harvest tools (scythe and golden scythe) to the game. Harvest your crop easily. Main feature: -Harvest faster -Allow area harvest -Allow area damage Other feature: -seasoning buffable -immune to thorns Extra function:(set in config options) -low chan...
Seeds Trader
Dibuat oleh Laosj
Spawn a seed Trader in the swamp. Use goldnuggets to buy seeds....
Shared Stats
Dibuat oleh zaptrap
Tired of having your own stats independent from everyone else? Then this is the mod for you! Makes health, hunger, and sanity shared across all players on the server. Wetness is shared too! (must be enabled in configs menu) You Live Together, You Die Toget...
Dibuat oleh Gleenus
Seed-O-Matic: (almost) Friendly, automatic seed planter! How It Work: First you need to craft your Seed-O-Matic in the food crafting tab close to an alchemy engine. Now place it close to farm soils. It will interact with a 3x3 tile grid, excluding itself. ...
Show Me(中文)
Dibuat oleh 傳說󰀘覺悟
For modules used by your own server, please move to the original author's module,For use and rewards, please go to: 自用,请勿搬运WeGame 就是Show Me(Origin)一样,将未能正确显示中文的修正,并兼容部分模组显示; showme v0.59.9.5 ...
Show Character Portrait[Client]
Dibuat oleh 狐狸是狗
All character mods now show their saveslot portrait...
Show Oceanfish
Dibuat oleh 豌豆射手
This is client mod The text displayed is your local language. Show the names of ocean fish. It allows to set the text size and vertical offset, and supports the setting of color text for season fish schools. It is allowed to use the hotkey to switch the di...
Dibuat oleh 烟雨无痕
Dibuat oleh 丧芝
暴风骤雨中的草偶娃娃正在歌唱. ______________________________ 生命:150 饥饿:150 理智:200 电量值:200 ______________________________ 烁玛天生自带一把电吉他.(攻击力34) 当烁玛装备电吉他时,能够使用Z键进入演奏模式,...
Simple Health Bar DST
Dibuat oleh DYC
Click for DS Version Click for OLD Version if the new one crashed A simple health bar! It will be displayed in the combat status automatically. (It will not be displayed when the game is just loaded !!!!!!!!!!!! don't tell me the mod no longer works becaus...
Dibuat oleh Pickleplayer
Say goodbye to the F key and jump into a totally new game with this platformless platform fighter! Trailer Link Please report bugs in the bug report section below, and leave any feedback you might have! Redesigned combat! Smash-inspired combat overhaul giv...
Sisturn Mourning Glory
Dibuat oleh Sorry Late 🍉
Sisturn will drop mourning glory when it's fueled When sisturn full of flower, it's will drop mourning glory. default is 1/2 day to drop This is server mod, so everyone need download it Configuration : Drop Time : set drop time for each mourning glory (mou...
Storeroom (New)
Dibuat oleh 傳說󰀘覺悟
Update from original mod The fix no longer affects SaltBox and Tin FishBox. remove collision. 2.7.0 Update: 1. Support chestupgrade_stacksize upgrade, after upgrade, the SortOut function will...
Terrarium Targets Closest Player
Dibuat oleh KoreanWaffles
The Terrarium will target the closest player instead of a random one when activated....
The Black Death (The Blighted Bogs Update)
Dibuat oleh Nikmik
A new, mysterious and terrifying disease has taken over the Constant! Do you have what it takes to survive in a withering world? Creatures you encounter will have a chance of being infected with this disease which they can s...
The Centennial Festival for Magical Girls as Menu Theme | 魔法少女们的百年祭主页音乐
Dibuat oleh Kyee
This is just a replacement music in DST for the menu theme, which replace the main theme to Touhou Gouyoku Ibun(Touhou SHoSS) version of The Centennial Festival for Magical Girls. 这是一个只会替换游戏主页的音乐的MOD,替换成刚欲异闻里的魔法少女们的百年祭。 Where I get the idea? some random co...
The Lunar HUD
Dibuat oleh 󰀣POWD3d4󰀣
Changes the Don't Starve Together HUD to a Lunar theme Changed: -Crafting Tabs, Skin Container -Chests, Chester, Woby and Hutch -Sanity, Hunger, Health and Enlightenment -Wet Meter, Beaverness Meter, Boat Meter, Inspiration Meter and Abigail Meter -Clocks,...
Town Portal Scroll
Dibuat oleh 口吐芬芳
Add a TP item in TOOLS, The board or the gate or the PigKing as the Destination, when it in the Inventory : right click to select Destination In order, when you take it up : left click to use it for Select Destination In order, right click to use it for Se...
Tree and Flowers
Dibuat oleh 酥签
【Versions】 A whale falls, all things live 【Introduction】 This module is made by a single person, so the update speed is slow. QQ group:983428467 【Update list】 You can get the latest updates by checking the 【Matters Need Attention】 If you find bugs, ...
UI Drag Zoom MirrorFlip[Client]
Dibuat oleh 繁花丶海棠
You can drag,zoom or mirrorflip the righttop UI and the container UI.Mirrorflip now main support craftmenu and wx78 ui. If your ui is lost,you can set mod config not remember ui location and open game to drag/resize the lost ui,then set config remember ui ...
Dibuat oleh 萝北
Version 1.6.0 has been updated. At present, most of the contents of mod have been translated into English, and the untranslated contents will continue to be improved in the future, and the subsequent contents will also be translated into English. New BOSS:...
Uncompromising Mode (Under The Weather - Part 1!)
Dibuat oleh Scrimbles Uncompromising Mode increases the risk and reward for Don't Starve Together. Uncompromising Mode (often shortened to "Uncomp" or "UM") was created with the goal of revitalizing the difficulty of DST. The mod adds randomness,...
Unhappy Cheating
Dibuat oleh 󰀈Aer_Ordo󰀊
走A,但是游戏内更改参数有提示!请不要在不适合的场合使用该模组。 此模组能提高一定程度的攻速,本地和云服的参数不一,请在游戏内模组界面查看信息。 如你所见这次兔年更新之后对旺达的表和牛牛是无效了,而且sad cheating的作者也下架了他的模组。 我在对模组进一步优化的途中代码丢失了,且我现在处于半退坑状态(跑去打喷射战士3了), 所以之后如果有官方更新导致模组不能使用,那我大概率不会再回来修复, 希望到时有能人力士来完成这一项艰巨使命:),祝好运。 Happy cheating, but there a...
Use Main Menu In Game[Client]
Dibuat oleh 繁花丶海棠
Main functions 1. Fast goback game without exit when client/server error 2. Pause menu Use main menu in Game (exit will save game) 3. Fast save world/mod change exclude server info change Mod Options Interface scroll bar add subtitle node 4. Generate virtu...
Wagstaff Tool Info
Dibuat oleh winder bear
Have trouble collecting Restrained Statics? Be tired of figure out every tool' name? This mod will help you. This is a client mod.When Wagstaff need a tool, its' picture will appear above him. (This mod show tools' picture depending on what Wagstaff says i...
Wortox Plus
V1.0 增强Wortox;V 可配置携带的灵魂数量; 可配置在怪物旁边掉san值的速度; 可配置吸收灵魂的范围; 可配置食物的属性(默认只恢复食物的一半属性); 可配置wortox的伤害值; 可配置抵消受到的伤害比例。 Enhance Wortox; Configurable number of souls carried; Configurable speed of dropping san value beside monsters; Configurable range for absorbing ...
Dibuat oleh 丧芝
I’m lost… will you take me home? Health:100 Hunger:100 Presence:100 ______________________________ Wuma’s sanity bar has been replaced with a presence bar. They have the same mechanics, effects that affect sanity will affect presence. However, low presence...
WX Automation
Dibuat oleh 雪燕羽
WX Automation This mod allows players to construct WX automatons. They will work for players pretty automatically, which can greatly save time on farming and logging, and get solo players out of grinding. New Items (in SCIENCE tab) WX automaton A multi-pur...
Weakling Monster
Dibuat oleh Leal丶
Reduce monster health ----------------------------------------------------------------- 自定义调整boss血量 , 适合没队友的朋友...
[API] Gem Core
Dibuat oleh Zarklord
Version 5.1.45 Library of powerful modding tools for mod developers. Visit Gem Core Wiki for API info For bug reports and feature requests go to the Gem Core Issues Page page and create a issue documenting your bug/feature request. Contribute to this mod o...
[DST] Legion
Dibuat oleh ti_Tout
Mod encyclopedia This mod's exclusive introduction website, which details all aspects of it. address: Author's words If you find a bug, I hope you can tell me in detail, I'll fix it as soon ...
[DST] Deerclops in Terraria
Dibuat oleh 亚丹
New skills of Deerclops: 1. Throw snowballs at nearby players 2. Release 3 to 5 ghostly hands around nearby players Drop 4 additional sapphires...
[DST] Nautical HUD
Dibuat oleh vampy.reD
Please, if you are going to use any drawing or anything from the art of this HUD, credits the real artists who made it!! Version 2.2 - added the CunningFox's HUD Skins library and Wilson's Refresh beard morsel icon!! Version 2.1 - Crafting Menu updated, Wa...
[DST] Roseate HUD
Dibuat oleh vampy.reD
Please, if you are going to use any drawing or anything from the art of this HUD, credits the real artists who made it!! HUD Updated Guys!! Enjoy!! Using now HUD Skins library by CunningFox! Version 1.6 - Updated to CunningFox HUD Skin Library, added Wilso...
[DST] Nightmare HUD
Dibuat oleh vampy.reD
Please, if you are going to use any drawing or anything from the art of this HUD, credits the real artists who made it!! HUD Updated Guys!! Enjoy!! Fast Equipament COMPATIBILITY Using now HUD Skins library by CunningFox! Re-skins the entire HUD of Don't St...
[DST] Show Bundle
Dibuat oleh 忧郁小鸭鸭
Show what's in bundles or gifts, better view. *** Quite different from this MOD: Show Me Character in Preview Pic: Mio the Nightmare Eater...
[DST] twin of terror remake
Dibuat oleh 亚丹
Remake the twin magic eye boss war! Added 7 new skills Mod introduction:
[DST] Storeroom
Dibuat oleh MrM
If You like this, give a thumbs up! Slots Count - 80, 60, 40, 20 Craft 80 slots: • Easy - 11 Cut Stone, 4 Marble, 11 Boards • Normal - 20 Cut Stone, 4 Marble, 20 Boards • Hard - 30 Cut Stone, 10 Marble, 30 Boards 60 slots: •...
[Gorge] Victorian HUD
Dibuat oleh vampy.reD
Please, if you are going to use any drawing or anything from the art of this HUD, credits the real artists who made it!! 18/03/2023 - HUD UPDATED GUYS, ENJOY!! Version 7.2 - Added CunningFox HUD Skins library, Missing textures and Wilson's Beard Morsel Ico...
[DST]Celestial HUD[FIX]
Dibuat oleh 哥布零
自用HUD 兼容了制作栏!!!! 等原作者更新期间自用的!!!! 原作者更新后此mod会下架!!!! 原mod链接:
Dibuat oleh WIGFRID
Summon a magic sword to fight for you. The following contents are machine translation. Please forgive me if the expression is inaccurate. The introduction of the English version is not updated in time. You can experience it directly in the game. usage: 1. ...
[Tips]Show attack time for hounds and bosses
Dibuat oleh
function To prompt the attack time of the hound (worm) and the Boss. The coordinates will be displayed when the Boss already exist. If not, it indicates that the Boss doesn’t fit the conditions for generation. To display the attack time of the hound and th...
[TMIP]Too Many Items Plus
Dibuat oleh Tendy
Stop maintenance 2021.12.10 Git repo: Too Many Items Plus Version: Allows you to spawn any item you want and more powerful features. You must be a Admin to use this. Press (T) to open spawn menu. Left Cli...
{Shields} 2.0
Dibuat oleh Eusong
Hate kiting? Wish there was more to battles? Add some flavor to your combat with the Shields mod! Features: 12 different types of shields with various strengths and effects ! Tons of configuration options to help tune your experience! A separate shield slo...