Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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Items (107)
佩奇的神奇手杖(Peppa's Super Cane)
Created by 󰀉Peppa󰀉
" 一个全能且好玩的步行手杖! (万能工具+功能合集)" English Translation by Guthy__ →Click Here← 该模组内容未经允许请勿搬运、提取至任何公开页面! 不过一般只要找我,我都会同意搬运滴~ 注明作者就好!(目前WeGame平台已有) 模组介绍:在原版的步行手杖上添加亿点点功能, 可挖、可砍、可锤、可万能,而且大力士拿在手里(移动中)力量值不会掉噢~ 当在地下远古科技塔升级为懒人魔杖之后, 部分功能会得到继承! 已有功能: 镐子,斧子,锤子,铲子,锄头,暗影收割者镰...
Created by 妖鹅子
【璇儿】Xuaner 吾乃小妖道,叫吾璇儿就好了 QQ群:摆烂群:714580460 注:如开启三合一,樱花林,永不妥协等大型模组,本作者因为技术不足原因很难做到兼容! 此产品仅授权在 Steam 和WeGame平台指定账户下 Steam平台:【璇儿】Xuaner 模组ID:workshop-3014076942 WeGame平台: 【璇儿】Xuaner 模组ID:workshop-2199027653598532975 禁止一切搬运!二次发布!自用!尤其是自用! 本mod内贴图、动画相关文件禁止挪用。 本...
Created by rabrat
中文汉化版本 原版: 仅修改替换英文为中文单词,已有问题请联系原版作者 服务器 mod. 介绍: 输入指令来重新选择人物 / 复活 / 自杀。 可以通过设置冷却时间防止有些玩家不停的使用指令。 可以设置是否在重生时掉落全身物品。 可配置选项。 指令及功能: #重生 - (重生换角色) ##重生 - (重生并掉落物品) #复活 - (复活自己) #自杀 (自杀)...
【星之卡比】Kirby-Asistance of Another Dimension
About the detailed description and latest news of this mod Please subscribe my bilibili account:灭吟弄月(Destroymoon) Tips:There are options to solve some common bugs in Configure Mod. Please check the mods introduction before reporting bugs, if your problem i...
Created by 奇怪的萌新
特别鸣谢 陈寿 罗贯中 声明 本mod禁止任何个人或组织搬运和转载、除自用外的修改发布、或其他任何形式的盗用行为。 简介 天下大势,分久必合,合久必分,永恒领域,风云再起。 在麦斯威尔和查理的影响下,三国群雄穿越到永恒领域,开始了他们新的征程。 “三国—黄巾篇”是以三国演义故事为背景,以饥荒联机版游戏为基础制作的mod。 角色
Created by 金曦沐晨 ----------------------------------------提醒---------------------------------------------------- 本次更新为2.0...
Created by 幻海铃兰
Created by 幻海铃兰
梦想总是要有的,说不定啥时候就是大型mod了 神风岚是量子属性迅攻类角色,他的战斗方式多与位移与疾风骤雨的攻击相关 同时,作为外宇宙投影而来的追猎者,神风岚在这个世界并不存在生命值,而是被另一种特殊的谐振值替代,代表了神风岚与这个世界的切合度,而当这个契合度约低,神风岚的攻击力就会越高,且当谐振值归零的时候,他会失去对这个世界的联系,以旁观者视角官网这个世界,当然,通过一些契机,他仍旧能够重新干涉这个世界。 在这个开采石头能够获得铁矿制作铁制工具,开采月矿和玻璃能够获得能量块和注魔石,甚至怪物的血量摇摆不定...
建家党狂喜(more items)
Created by 橙子
mod introduction: 0.4.9 Farm notice : Kill the corresponding animals to drop blueprints and souls. You need to build the incubator within the range of the farm (the default range of the farm is 2x2)...
掉落堆叠(Drop & Stack)
Created by 凉时白开
新模式: 真正的全堆叠. 旧模式兼容项: 标准掉落(砍树,挖矿,鸟笼,杀怪,等等); 交易(猪王,鱼王,蚁狮,神话聚宝盆); 猪人便便; 石果开采; 熊大毛丛;邪天翁羽毛;格罗姆黏液; 灰烬; 风滚草采集;包裹拆解; 地皮挖掘; 食物腐烂; 刮剃(牛毛人须). New Mode: The Really All Stacking. The list of supported drops by Old Mode: Standard drops(Chop, Mine, Birdcage, Kill, etc.);...
更好的快捷操作栏(Fast Equipment)
Created by Shino
模组功能介绍: 是客户端mod(本地mod),不能提供更多的格子。 在物品栏上方添加快捷装配栏,再也不用在格子里找半天工具辣! 鼠标点击(可以设置左键/右键)更加方便的装备上武器/工具,也可以设置快捷键。 给工具补充耐久可以直接拿起燃料点击快捷装备栏。 可以按住Shift键再点击快捷装备栏来丢弃该物品。 如习惯将背包布局设置为融合的玩家,可在mod设置里的纵向偏移处设置,以免出现遮挡的情况。 如遇问题可以创意工坊留言。 \\原作者:michi...
Created by 老蘑菇
击杀各类齿轮生物有5%概率掉落永动组件蓝图,永动组件可以为雪球机或各个小宠物升级;使雪球机升级为永动智能雪球机,不需要添加燃料,不会打灭人工火堆;使小宠物升级为钢铁机甲小宠物,获得新外观,无需喂食,不会隔一段时间就乱叫。 感谢画师:PP,忆阳 更新修复: 2024.2.13 version:1.0.4 修复雪球机射速较慢的问题,现在可以噗噗噗噗噗连发啦! 2024.5.31 version:1.0.5 修复与insight的冲突,修复自动存档时会崩溃的BUG,增加了为小宠物升级的功能 2024.5.31 v...
Created by 蜻蜓队长
修改自1986758170,原作者@方块味的菠萝酱。 修复了冬天闪屏的bug,默认除雪。 有重影请在游戏设置里关闭失真! 有重影请在游戏设置里关闭失真! 有重影请在游戏设置里关闭失真! ...
灵魂携带/Soul carrying
Created by fybreak
死亡和溺水不会掉落物品,死亡只掉落告密的心,重生护符,第二次机会表. 死亡和溺水不掉落物体 Death and drowning do not drop objects 玩家身上没有空位也可以使用 进行复活 Players can resurrect with "reviver" even if they have no free slots on their person. ...
Created by 拾玖
更新公告: 神话:傲来神仙境 0.0.11版本更新。 现在水井可以打水了,现在的石灯(建造的配饭进行了修改)可以直接照亮了! 血蔓花丛: 绚丽之门或天体传送门,或正在维修的门,10%产出1噩梦燃料 远古大门。10%产出1纯粹恐惧。 钰兰花: 绿洲附近,10%产出1沙之石。 冰川等有冰的地方,10%产出1冰块。 九轩雕像,轩鹤楼,10%产出1傲来通宝, 三句半附近,20%产出2个傲来通宝。 月台附近,10%产出1月石 玻璃绿洲附近,10%产出1玻璃。 垃圾堆,摇摇欲坠的垃圾堆附近,10%产出垃圾。 摇摇欲坠的...
Created by 拾玖
更新内容: 新增了圣诞节的相关皮肤。 四个人物每个人物添加了一套圣诞节皮肤可选~ --------------------------------------------------- 神话:傲来神仙境(人物篇) 大家可以订阅 神话:傲来神仙境(第一章) 会有联动内容,增加人物法术。 新增了四个人物: 猴小生,至尊宝,白晶晶,紫霞仙子。 至尊宝: 出生自带一个绣球,玩家可以制作(防止熊孩子给你扔了。) 带着绣球去牛魔岛,给与那边的石台,即可看到石台上出现了紧箍和金箍棒(了却红尘) 所有人的技能都需要从月光宝...
给岛屿冒险加一些棱镜和原版道具的获取方式-Add something in legion and DST into island adventure
Created by 柳漾
It's weird that without using "~" you can't get some good thing like Tourmaline and siving tech, so I make this mod. 不开控制台弄不到电气石科技、子圭科技这样的好东西也太难受了,于是有了这个mod。 English is machine translated. mod相关:增加配方(合成DST两种树种子、大理石)、额外的一些宝藏、抽奖、世界生成。 Mod related: Added reci...
童话世界Fairy Tales
Created by 󰀜谢十三󰀜
在饥荒大陆上,出现了一道时空裂缝,从这里可以传送到童话镇,在镇里的所有植物都变成了小精灵,用双腿行走,而饥荒大陆的BOSS,变成了这个世界的奴隶。。。在这片大陆到底会发生什么,等待你的探索 已更新:新岛屿、新建筑、新人物、新植物(下波更新内容正在制作中) 介绍页在群内请移步Q群: ①群-866416875 (已满)②群-979832269 可关注MOD更新进度及BUG反馈。
能力勋章 Functional Medal
Created by 恒子while(1)
Brief Introduction Addition of the Medal System, you can use the cartographer's desk to make various medals. Functional Medal is an extended mod with the theme of "growth". It adds a new type of prop "medal" on the basis of the original game. Different med...
花样风滚草 Interesting Tumbleweed
Created by 恒子while(1)
花样风滚草,也可以叫作“四次元风滚草”,为风滚草增加了更多的可能性。 推荐玩法:少资源模式,除了风滚草外,将其他资源均调成无,一切资源均靠风滚草,考验人品的时候到啦~ -----新增属性----- 幸运值: 1.每个人在加入世界时都会获得50点初始幸运值,幸运值将决定你从风滚草中开出好东西或者坏东西的概率。 2.幸运值的上限为100,下限为0。幸运值越高,开出好东西的几率越大;幸运值越低,开出怪物的几率越大。 3.默认情况下,每开一个风滚草,幸运值会下降一点,当然也可以通过mod设置界面设置游戏难度来控制下...
Created by 尼给鲁哒哟
details of this mod(I believe your browser can translate Chinese )-> (Cuz it's too trouble to upload pictures to workshop, content after update will in the url too. my English is poor, so, you know…… https://steamuse...
Created by YangCheanHuanie
改编同人小说道诡异仙,融入了部分恐怖诡异元素 本模组的开始初衷是按照恐怖风格去做的,第一章的内容过半了才开始进行道诡的内容,所以第一章道诡的内容并不是很多,后期的更新全是贴着道诡进行的。 问题意见反馈/920116739
Created by 十三
功能: 1. 掉落物自动堆叠:新增更多堆叠对象和触发操作,同时兼容个人锁mod,加锁物品不会和无锁物品,其他人锁物品堆叠 2. 定期清理服务器: 定期清理地上的物品,清理名单可以设置 3. 批量给予:给与鸟笼、猪王、蚁狮物品能够批量给予,而不用一个一个给了 清理机制:以腐烂食物为例:假设整个世界有5组腐烂食物,他们各自的堆叠数量为(1,6,18,40,40),清理过程会将5组腐烂食物清理至2组,至于删除哪3组,随机。 所以服务器会清理的东西如果想不被清理掉:一定要放箱子里或者随手做个背包扔地上放背包里!!!...
随机生物大小(Random Sized)
Created by 萌萌哒女王Yao~
欢迎订阅随机生物大小(Random Sized)!!! 时隔多年,我们再次更新了!你还可以像之前一样使用它!,可以在模组配置页面随意调试! 从水下第一个生命的萌芽开始···到石器时代的巨型野兽···再到人类的第一次直立行走,你已经经历许多。现在,开启你最伟大的探索吧:从早期文明的摇篮到浩瀚星宇! 这次,不再有大小层次非常强烈的撕裂感,而是就像是一个生活调味料一般, 让玩家看到这个世界,即使大小有的不一样,也不会有过多的违和感。 这是我想展现的世界。 可将模组内随机生物代码调用到你自己的模组中。 重新构造整个...
Created by 墨雨乘舟
MOD正式从:机原巧合 改名为 食纪元 !!!!与三合一不兼容!!!! 此MOD新增了60道菜谱,喜欢菜谱的小伙伴们踊跃订阅呀! !!!!需要查询介绍的最好是加入频道或者是群聊会有最新资讯!!!! MOD网页版介绍: *********************网页还没有更新建议加群直接问群主********************* *********************QQ群号在下边********************...
Created by 奇怪的萌新
3维显示错误 是 “显示bug”药水 的效果,是buff不是bug...
Created by 奇怪的萌新
部分内容被搬迁到龙蝇客栈扩展包 药水,卷轴,法术等 扩展包可以单独运行 旧档生成龙岛的方法 打开控制台 到海上,找个空的地方 控制台输入 require "debugcommands"d_spawnlayout("龙岛") 这时候没有地皮,站上去会掉海里 保存,读档,地皮就有了 可能会导致岛上的传送岩浆池无法使用 mod介绍页面
🌍【中文】姿态轮盘-Gesture Wheel
Created by kuluopai󰀍
🔎 原作者模组传送门:《Gesture Wheel》 🔍 手势轮盘”“姿态轮盘”《Super Gesture》《快捷表情》《快捷轮盘》《动作表情》《表情代码》《快捷键》《表情键》 原作者模组传送门: 自用,仅供学习与参考【汉化者:zhonger】 模组介绍:添加了一个用于表情的轮盘选择界面,使发送表情更容易。 更多介绍请点击右下角【更多信息】 🌍模组介绍 “快捷键”【你需要按住以调...
🌍组合状态[最新/中文]-Combined Status
Created by kuluopai󰀍
🔎 原作者模组传送门:《Combined Status 》🔍 🔎 淘气值必须搭配Insight使用:《Insight (Show Me+)》 🔍 “组合状态”“综合状态”“状态显示”《Combined Status》《显示三维》《三维显示》《三维》《季节时钟》《显示季节》《季节》《更多状态》《状态栏》 原作者模组传送门:/n 自用,仅供学习与参考【汉化者:zhonger】 模组介绍...
Created by 薪人小黄
—<登仙>交流以及mod反馈请加群<<登仙>MOD饥友群>:391089150 为 饥荒联机版 世界增加 修仙体系 ,妖兽会变得更加强大,你也会逐渐从一个小小炼气修士成长为元婴大能,最终将化身圣人! 全新人物龙太子、苏妲己可选择! 所有角色拥有 灵技、神通 ,以及本命法宝! 手持专属法宝按 <z> 键即可释放神通! 专属法宝通过吞食普通武器恢复耐久。 全新角色苏妲己已更新!
ActionQueue RB3 (New action compatible)
Created by Cutlass
This mod is an updated version of ActionQueue RB2 Added actions related to "Reap what you sow" Fixed Tall Palmcone trees compatible Fixed a snazzy pitchfork compatible Added Erase paper action Added Ocean trawler raise action Added Ocean trawler lower acti...
Adventure Experiences [Client Pack]
Created by Zero Two (CW)
Contains Stuff that might come in making the IA experience better. Thanks to longshot for testing the HD stuff! Currently Updated: Items Tiles Inventory Icons Map Icons ...
Bug tracker
Created by 老王天天写bug
More detailed crash logs. This mod is fully localized, but now I haven't finished writing the English version of the document, please wait patiently. What Bug tracker does? This mod helps you quickly locate the crash point.
Burning Timer
Created by Viktor
This mod displays a timer above burning objects or any campfire telling you the exact time until the fire goes out. No Lag: This mod won't affect your ingame FPS (if it starts lagging, the server will become unplayable on its own since the lag coming from ...
Chinese++ Pro
Created by 冰冰羊
汉化你的客户端/服务器 MOD名称、MOD介绍、MOD设置 甚至MOD内容! MOD内 含中文高清字体(思源黑体)与中文翻译优化:修改了一些令人不爽的汉化内容,可与【中文语言包】同时开启~ 新增煤式猪人语言包(默认关闭),开启后能让猪人的台词变得和哔哩哔哩·踏雪寻梅3124的猪人一样骚~ 注意:开启该MOD的高清字体功能后请不要再开其它含有修改字体功能的MOD,容易导致崩溃! 第三方MOD汉化情况 请查看 这个贴子 如有其他需要汉化的MOD,可以在这个帖子中发mod ID或名称(最好ID,名称容易重复)。需...
Cherry Forest
Created by ADM Enjoying the mod or newcomer ? Join our Discord Get notified for big updates and see early spoilers / sketches Ask your questions, suggestions and share your stuff Build community translations and report evil bugs Or just to...
Craft Pot [DS, ROG, SW, DST]
Created by IvanX
Client mod that adds intuitive cook assisting interface to crock pot. Doesn't matter what server you join, modded crock pots, modded recipes, this mod serves them all on a plate and helps you cook whatever your heart desires by displaying the exact recipe....
Don't Starve Alone
Created by 老王天天写bug
Don't Starve Alone is a mod which can completely eliminate the lag of cave worlds for single player. Intro (Thanks Thobeo20vn for translation) This mod cave/surface run base of player location, if you are in the surface, cave server will stop and if you ar...
Don't Starve: Dehydrated
Created by bum0303
PLEASE NOTICE Please DO NOT REUPLOAD this mod WITHOUT PERMISSION, regardless of whether they are modified or not. For any modification such as translation, tweak, and/or re-balancing, unless permitted, you must make an add-on with dependency for this mod. ...
DST A3.5.077
Created by AI
杀戮-成就 详情游戏里成就界面点问号有你想知道的 如果有问题先排除确定是不是这个MOD的问题 开个房间只加这个MOD,进去开T试试,就这么简单的排除法 最后编辑时间2024-08-26 ...
Epic Healthbar
Created by Tykvesh
Spice up your combat experience with this stylized health bar! Epic Healthbar is a new widget which provides information about the current boss: Displa...
Created by MySora
修改过的官方人物动画包 主要是调整了hair和hair_hat图层的顺序 已知bug:加入游戏后再返回主页面时 会导致皮肤界面人物不显示...
Extra Equip Slots+3
Created by 郗水
This Mod is currently maintained by me, and the update frequency is about 2-3 months. If you need a faster maintenance frequency, please use the Beta below! Tencent QQ communication group:75...
Created by 💖gznc💖
Client side. Calculating farming pair. Press K to start. Don't forget rating me!...
Created by modding
Highlights nearby containers that contain necessary items. Helps to manage storages of two and more chests and other containers without burden to search items manually or remember them. This mod is also available for Don't Starve (Vanilla/RoG/SW) here. Chi...
Created by <default>
Automate gathering resources! G10MM-3R is a drone version of Glommer. Design inspired by Drones from Slime Rancher. It can: - Pick up various inventory items (uncooked food and resources), - Pick resources like Grass, Saplin...
为人物添加额外的服装栏、护符栏、背包栏。 已兼容   能力勋章 Functional Medal  已兼容   虚空异界(泰拉)  已兼容   45 Inventory Slots 整合版  说明: 1、因为是在原版3格的基础上额外添加的格子(4/5/6格),所以只有部分物品会分配到新装备栏,没有分配的会按照原有继续装备在第2格。 2、给每个格子加了设置,你可以任意开关这三个格子(不支持调整顺序,这个需求应该不大吧)。 3、新增智能识别背包栏、智能识别护符栏(识别力度很苛刻,所以部分模组物品可能没有顾及到)...
Geometric Placement
Created by rezecib
Compatible with all versions of the game (Vanilla, Reign of Giants, Shipwrecked, Don't Starve Together-- separately listed on the Single-player workshop). You can also find it on the Klei Forums Snaps objects to a grid when placing and displays a build gri...
Global Positions
Created by rezecib
Map sharing works again! You don't even need to be in the A New Reign beta anymore! Code contributions are welcome: Features Show other players on the map (and hover over them to see who they are). Show player in...
Hanization Heap of Foods
This mod is made for those Chinese who don't understand English. 配置汉化请额外订阅 : 配置汉化 Heap of foods 汉化Mod,原版添加了118道食谱,搭配原mod一起开启使用。 Orige: Heap of foods 此MOD请看原版说明,请开启智能锅体验到全部游戏内容 PS:本mod是由群友Vayne所托帮忙制作的,由于缺少实际体验;部分翻译名称不准确,还请反馈修改,见谅。 ...
Hanization Uncompromising Mode
This Mod is only for Chinese who dont understand ENGLISH. 配置汉化请额外订阅 : 配置汉化 本MOD为汉化,请搭配开启原版不妥协MOD,并且:关闭其他不妥协汉化MOD避免冲突 Orige-Uncompromising Mode 感谢郎溪小杰哥的无私贡献,几乎所有的汉化工作都是他完成的。 Q1.为什么订阅了之后配置还是英文的? --因为汉化只做了内容汉化,进入游戏就会体验到所有。 Q2.不妥协版本较新,汉化文件不更新,不会导致游戏崩溃吧? --一般是不...
为爽而虐/暗影世界 永恒之季 Happy/Hardmode Shadow World
Created by 繁花丶海棠
OldName: DST Patch For Happy/Shadow World Mod Introduction A hardmode mod of DST.Compatible with uncompromising mode.Support Random Season. The module idea is that game is more hard to play at first,long term survive and fight with monsters. In addition, t...
Glassic API
Created by 忧郁小鸭鸭
PROHIBIT REPRODUCE TO WeGame -> Github Glaasic API is a utility that helps you create a mod easier, or create an official-like skin. Try it now! Credits: slaxml ...
Created by 凌子
声明 本mod为个人爱好所做,禁止任何个人或组织搬运和转载、除自用外的修改发布、或其他任何形式的盗用行为。 简介 修改了不老泉的激活方式详细请看世界书下小钻石wiki 创世纪mod是希腊神话故事为背景,以剧情小说为引导,由人物,生态,食物等相关内容合成。其中众创世神经历发生过的温情和悲惨的故事,作者希望能通过mod后续的更新将他们的故事讲完展现给众人... mod详细介绍: ht...
IceBox Refresh Food unlimited Day
Created by 傳說󰀘覺悟
It can restore freshness items for tens of thousands of days, or make them rot immediately. v1.4.3 Update 1.IceBox and SaltBox can be upgraded via chestupgrade_stacksize. Tips: After the upgrade, the tidying feature will be disabled v1.3.6 Update 1.Compati...
Heap of Foods
Created by Kyno This mod is purely about Grinding and Cooking foods! With tons of new content about it, you will surely lose your mind when it comes to using the Crock Pot! Featuring foods from Shipwrecked, Hamlet, The Gorge, Unimplemented ...
Infinite Tent Uses
Created by Mucker
Simple mod that makes tents infinitely durable (aka sets the amount of uses to an unreasonably high number). Configure how many uses your tents have if you so wish, default setting is infinite. Now with Siestas, too. ...
Insight (Show Me+)
Created by penguin0616
Thank you for 600k subscribers! I never would have expected Insight to gain so many subscribers. Thank you for your support! Background Information Inspired by Show Me. Because I like to know everything about everything. Show me was nice, but it was inaccu...
Island Adventures - Ancient Island
Created by NebulaKKK
Add ancient island in Island Adventures.Killing quacken or dragonfly will reset the statues. Note: 1.This mod is intended to be played with the "Shipwrecked" preset. 2.This mod doesn't include other additional islands. If needed, please subscribe: https://...
Island Adventures - Content ​Expansion
Created by 青鳐
Add original new content expansion to island adventures and enrich your tropical ocean travel. Update details in change notes Featured updates ● Collect treasures to discover the lost Celestial Sanctum. ● Explore various online featured islands. ● Challeng...
Island Adventures - DST Islands
Created by Terra B Welch
Note: This mod is intended to be played with the "Shipwrecked" preset. An optional add-on for Island Adventures. This mod adds a style of SW Worldgen that includes some "DST Essentials", these include the following below, all configurable via config option...
Island Adventures - Essential Islands Addon2
Created by 天涯共此时
Pigking island, Monkey island! Have fun ! Note: 1. This mod needs to enable the shipwreck Island Adventures mod. 2. Does not include the islands in the mod, please subscribe if needed: id=1780226102 Vers...
Island Adventures: Deluxe Addon
Created by 忧郁小鸭鸭
Island Adventures: Deluxe Addon -> Github An add-on for Island Adventures, include some new features and skins different from vanilla SW. Dragonfly spawns in the Volcano! Kill the Dragonfly to get gems, gold, obsidian and gradoon heart! Star Staff become t...
Island Adventures - Shipwrecked
Created by Mobbstar Embark on a tropical journey across the seas, Together! Explore a vast new world with new biomes, seasons, and creatures. Island Adventures brings the seas of Don't Starve: Shipwrecked to Don't Starve Together. Key Features ...
Island Adventures: HD Pack
Created by 0.0
A High Resolution Retexture mod for use with Island Adventures. Enjoy the textures from Shipwrecked, upscaled with AI to high-res with a crisp new coat of paint! With this client mod, you can join any server running Island Adventures and still enjoy the hi...
Lag Remover
Created by 天涯共此时 Update: you can clear the world any time during the game by use code. (only for manager) ❤️This mod has multiple functions to help your game lower pine and fix lag. All functions can be turn on individu...
Minimap HUD
Created by squeek.
Adds a minimap to the HUD The minimap is fully functional; it can be zoomed using the zoom map binds (defaulted to the mousewheel) and can be panned by clicking and dragging. The minimap can be collapsed by hovering over it and clicking the "Close Minimap"...
Level and Achievement By Chasni (2023)
Created by 大挖能量
Original mod by Lavax: Chinese description here Copyright 2023 Chasni and Lavax. This item is not authorized for posting, changed, or reuploaded, except under the Steam account named Chasni ...
More Foods Pack 汉化包(Hanization)(更多的料理食物)
Created by Cutlass
This mod is made for those Chinese who don't understand English. 这个模组可以汉化more foods pack这个模组,需要两个模组同时勾选运行即可。 原主体模组链接: 这个模组添加大量食谱,食物和作物,支持种植计算器。 食谱请查看评论区上方的讨论区。 季节性农作物 树液只有在春天才能提取。 10种新的巨型作物。 ...
More Foods Pack
Created by Cutlass
New foods and Crops! Food information is in the Discussion It's good for using with "Craft Pot Mod" Seasonal crops The sap can only be extracted in spring. 10 New giant crops. (Coffee, Aloe, Fennel, Sweet potato, Radish, Turnip, Parsnip, Wheat, Orange, Str...
Mute Noise
All options need to be turned on manually to take effect. Compatibility Most Annoying Flies Friendly Fruit Fly Glommer Menu Pets Hunger Cry Sawhorse Ambience Bird Trap Celestial Orb Craft Menu Dwarf Star & Polar Light Fire Consuming Shadow Hand Insane & En...
Myth Characters-神话人物
Characters here! Welcome to the Myth Characters mod. Hello survivors, welcome to our world, may the spirits be with you… For our world is filled with many dangers, many challenges, all waiting for you. Will you choose to enjoy the beautiful sights, lounge ...
No Danger No Rich
Created by 某幻想家
简介 当鼠标上出现了什么奇怪的动作时,此时危险离你已经很近了,也意味着机遇的来临 声明 模组发布获得原作者完整授权,所上传的版本为原4.2.1中除“心情”设定以外的全部内容。 现上传者曾主要负责介绍页内容的维护,没什么模组经验,后面模组的更新和维护还需要经过学习和磨练,还望海涵。 意见反馈 新建了模组交流群(QQ:701291170),欢迎反馈意见或建议。 相关内容  介绍页 :网页由 朋也 搭建,内容由 某幻想家 维护(火鸡看了都说好)  DST-MOD Wiki :写在风铃的wiki上,请维护者联系我一...
Created by
oceanfishingrod 一、模组描述 玩家出生在海岛世界,只能通过海钓竿来获取物资。海钓竿不需要饵、不需要上钩,就能钓各种物品、生物以及特殊事件。 二、模组机制 海钓奖励:累计海钓次数200次,即奖励黄金一个。可以通过【Esc】键,服务器指令来查看当前次数。 三、原版机制增修 月兽不溺水、无视海岸线; 瓶中信可以查看其他岛屿; 小切和星空无视海岸船体限制; 启迪陷阱不会生成月亮碎片; 被击败的天体英雄被挖解时,清理当前世界其他召唤天体英雄的组件; 奇异的骨架在赋予暗影心房时,判断晚上则为森林守护者,...
Old Lureplant
Make lureplant can stuck bosses again...
One Day One Year
Created by 朋也
Eternal life has become my goal! Age Added age attribute to characters and creatures (exclude wanda, wx78, wortox, wormwood and boss) and mod characters are 20 years old at the beginning and 100 years old at the highest The movement speed, work efficiency ...
Quick Work
Created by 柴阿文
This mod has toggles to remove animations for various tasks. This makes doing said tasks faster. No reproduction without permission. I'm not good at English, so please forgive me for any mistakes. If you have any questions or feedback, please post a commen...
Range Indicator
Created by takaoinari
Show ranges by clicking, deploying or hovering. Features By default, use middle mouse button to click object to show/hide its range. (Change to left/right/side button and/or bind modifier key if any conflict.) By default, press F5 to quickly hide all range...
Created by The Gorge Team
Re-live the Reaping of the Gnaw in the brand new Re-Gorge-itated mod! (With new Re-imagined gamemodes and perks for added Re-playability!) Play how you like! Either with the original 3-player default set-up, or add some spice to the mix with extra player s...
Created by Reforged Team
The Forge event has been ReForged! ReForged is the successor to Forged Forge; optimized for new content and modding support. This mod comes up with a bunch of new features that are not included in the Forge event or Forged Forge. To see all of the new feat...
See Spools & Skins
Created by RICK
Purchase Unit Switcher Let you switch purchased items' unit from currency to unravelled spools, spools for unit price, unravelled spools for unit price. Purchase Item Sorter Let you sort items by release, price, spools and spools for unit price. Show Hidde...
Sea2land Fork
Created by 󰀉 NoMu
2022年6月2日更新(Update on 2022/06/02) - 修改填海叉的贴图和动画为金色叉子 - Change the images of the sea2land fork. - 增加地皮选项,可以根据需要填出虚空、浅海、中海、深海等。注意!更换海洋地皮需要应用填海造陆重新载入后才能看得出来! - Add a spinner for users to change the turf. =======================================================...
Show Me(中文)
Created by 傳說󰀘覺悟
For modules used by your own server, please move to the original author's module,For use and rewards, please go to: 自用,请勿搬运WeGame 就是Show Me(Origin)一样,将未能正确显示中文的修正,并兼容部分模组显示; showme v0.59.9.5 ...
Show Nicknames (Client)
Created by star
It shows nicknames over players. CLIENT mod! Forge compatible. Gorge compatible....
Simple Health Bar DST
Created by DYC
Click for DS Version Click for OLD Version if the new one crashed A simple health bar! It will be displayed in the combat status automatically. (It will not be displayed when the game is just loaded !!!!!!!!!!!! don't tell me the mod no longer works becaus...
Smaller World[Complete World]
Description: This mod allows you to create smaller worlds than the configurable map areas, including forests and caves. How to use? Enable the mod - Forest/Cave - World Generation - Select the default style - Select "Smaller World/Smaller Cave" to start th...
Smaller world[Tiny world]
Description: This mod allows you to create smaller worlds than the configurable map areas, including forests and caves. How to use? enable the mod - Forest/Cave - World Generation - Select a preset style - Select "Smaller World/Smaller Cave" to start the g...
Smart Minisign
救救孩子的英语吧 go die! You have to learn to draw by yourself! 1.1.4 Support Skin (Can be disabled in the settings) 1.1.1 Update Now can draw spiced foods. 1....
Snapping tills
Created by surg
Aligns plowing to the grid. LeftShift + RightMouseClick: Launch auto tilling on tile. Key "L": Toggle snap modes, off/optimized/4x4/3x3/2x2/hexagon. Optimized mode checks for an adjacent soil tile, if not found adjacent soil tile then uses 4x4 else uses 3x...
Status Announce
Created by 傳說󰀘覺悟
Released for compatibility with Chinese language, Please go to the original author Status Announcements mods to subscribe, rewards please go to:
Super AFK
Created by Ná Nà ツ
Beta version here: This mod have all for you need to drop yours skins! You will not need to customize anything, you just need to turn this mod on and the world will be setup to take up as li...
Created by 萝北
Version 1.6.0 has been updated. At present, most of the contents of mod have been translated into English, and the untranslated contents will continue to be improved in the future, and the subsequent contents will also be translated into English. New BOSS:...
Too Many Items Revisited
Created by Aly
You can spawn anything. Search for items and server control. 28 different categories of items. You can do anything now! Usage: General: Press ( T ) to open the menu. (this can be changed in the options) CTRL + Click health, sanity, hunger, wetness, tempera...
Tropical Adventures(Portable Shipwrecked and Hamlet): Ride the Wave!
Created by Peng
The main content of this mod comes from "Tropical Experience." We are grateful to the original author for their selfless contribution. With the original author's permission, we have retained only the Shipwrecked and Hamlet sections. A true three-in-one! Gi...
Tropical Experience | SW HAM Biomes : From Beyond
Created by vagnerdarochasantos
join our discord: Join Now THIS MOD NOT NEED MORE COMPLEMENTS AND THIS MOD IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH OTHERS MODS. The Tropical Experience mod adds content from every DLC ever released on Don't Starve to Don't Starve Together, as well as adding event content a...
Tumbleweed Tournament
Created by 白起43
Tumbleweed Elimination Tournament Welcome to the exciting new Don't Starve mod - "Tumbleweed Elimination Tournament". In this mod, players will be randomly grouped and placed on a tiny piece of land, kicking off a thrilling survival competition. You need t...
Uncompromising Mode
Created by Scrimbles Uncompromising Mode increases the risk and reward for Don't Starve Together. Uncompromising Mode (often shortened to "Uncomp" or "UM") was created with the goal of revitalizing the difficulty of DST. The mod adds randomness,...
Wirlywings - Cherry Forest Client
Created by ADM
This is a client mod to improve your experience while playing as Wirlywings or enjoy Cherry Forest themes and more, directly from the menu ! Wirly will be in the Compendium and Collection in the menu, including her different skins :
Wormhole Marks [DST]
Created by Black Mirror
Changes wormholes icons on mini map to colored icons. Every pair of worlmholes get its color icons after you use one of the wormhole. Can support up to 22 pairs of wormholes. If colors of the icons are not visible enough you can enable Draw over FoW in mod...
[API] Gem Core
Created by Zarklord
Version 5.1.45 Library of powerful modding tools for mod developers. Visit Gem Core Wiki for API info For bug reports and feature requests go to the Gem Core Issues Page page and create a issue documenting your bug/feature request. Contribute to this mod o...
Performance Pack
Created by coco
Introduction Used to improve game smoothness,Greatly alleviates the increasing lag that occurs as the number of in-game days increases Can be enabled for local host and cloud servers, including local host without caves enabled Is it necessary to enable oth...
[DST] Legion
Created by ti_Tout
Mod encyclopedia This mod's exclusive introduction website, which details all aspects of it. address: Author's words If you find a bug, I hope you can tell me in detail, I'll fix it as soon ...
[DST]海洋传说-Legend and sea
Created by 鱼仔master
感谢订阅本mod! 我们正在筹备一些令人热血沸腾的更新,相信很快就能与大家见面了! 模组介绍页: 当前版本: 海洋【域外文明】【航海新征程】【美食盛宴】【生根发芽】 传说【山海绘卷】【通天符箓】【十二祖巫】【侠客行】【天火来袭】 我想,慢慢将模组完善,是一个极具色彩的过程... 希望我们在从未见面的地方继续见证成长 如果各位能是见证者,那我十分开心 mod作者的话 如果你发生了bug,希望可以告知我,我会尽快修复 如果你遇到无法解决的问题或者对本模组...