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Stormworks: Build and Rescue

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[Rythena] F-103E Mirage IIIDE "Demeter"
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16 Jul @ 5:23pm
7 Sep @ 12:56pm
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[Rythena] F-103E Mirage IIIDE "Demeter"

In 2 collections by Cailean.Coleman
Rythena Marines
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[Rythena] Real Military Trinkets!
66 items
F-103E Mirage IIIDE
The speedy Dorito

Service in RYAF (1981-2002)
The Mirage IIIDE was introduced to the RYAF in the 1980s as a replacement for the aging fleet of F-107As and other aircraft of a lost age. The mirage IIIDE fought as a frontline fighter and strike platform that turned the tide of conflicts involving ground and air assets. “Demeter” as it was known by its pilots; would defend RYAF territory from an invasion force, the aircraft would earn the callsign because of its involvement in defending the agricultural centers of the homeland from strike aircraft that were involved in the 1994 bombing campaign of the arid archipelago. Many of the Demeter’s kills would come from the belly mounted Matra Magic R.530F Medium range SARH guided missile, scoring 67 kills against opposing forces. The remainer of the air-air kills during the war would be attained using the Magic II infrared guided AA missile. The Magic IIs rarely saw usage during the war, this can be attributed to the large network of SAM sites along the coastline limiting close quarters combat to the dead zone between invasion forces and RYAF bases in the archipelago. The Demeter would also see conflict in the 2002 invasion of the North islands, but much of that info is classified.
Equipped Armament
Super Matra R.530F
-The R.530 is a medium range SARH missile. The missile hits lvl 6 in optimal conditions (limited for accuracy) and uses the jets onboard radar to guide towards its target before its terminal radar takes care of the rest. The missile is very sensitive to loss of lock which can mess up your entire shot at an aircraft, so attempt to maintain lock for as long as possible without trying to turn away from the target. (Btw this has a lock tone that can be turned on!)
Magic II A-A Missiles
-The Magic II is a very capable missile platform, hitting lvl 11 in testing. The Magic II is a short-range dogfighting missile with a very fast off the rail speed and very fast turn time allowing it to wipe out anything that it manages to get a lock on. Selecting the missile will turn on a missile lock tone that will get louder and higher pitch when the missile has managed to obtain a weapons grade lock.
Cyrano II Radar
The Cyrano II in the mirage IIIDE is simulated using Palkia’s C-scope radar. The radar has multiple modes that will be listed below: -“Scan Mode”- Standard when the radar is activated, the scan mode has a high y axis, low x axis scan range that can detect targets across great distances (40km Max). This mode cannot send data to SARH missiles and is only used for battlespace awareness or for predetermining a target. -“Track Mode”- Track mode is the secondary mode and can be activated using the “Track” button on the RCP (Radar control Panel). Track mode can send data to SARH missiles and will give data to the Analog target dashboard when a target has been locked. -“Narrowband (NSM) ”- “Narrowband” is a nickname given to the radars narrow scan mode, and is not a true electromagnetic narrowband setup. The narrow scan mode is essentially a low FOV radar setting that takes scanning data from a smaller area in front of the jet. This scan mode will have a moving scan bar no matter what mode you are on. I have personally noticed that this mode has a higher “refresh rate” than the normal scan mode, but loses lock more than track mode (this could just be a coincidence though) -“+0.12 deg”- This mode essentially takes the scan mode and points it upward. When using this mode the radar will have a bias upwards and will be looking up into the sky (reference diagram in screenshots to see what it does)
Startup stuffs
-Jet to ON
-Pump to ON
-Regulator to ON
-External pump ON
{Breaker Panel}
-Hydraulic to ON
-Main Breaker to ON
-External to ON
-Avionic to ON
-Radar to ON (Off if PWR is low)
{Forward Warning and RCP}
-Navi to ON
-Warning Power to ON
-Parking brakes off (Hotkey 5)
-Hold starter for 3 sec or however much required
-Throttle to 0.25 to kickstart
(Adjust throttle to comfortable amount in taxi)
!Takeoff max power!

Stats and Features
-Mach 0.7 Loaded (non RATO max)
-Extrame altitude limits
-Pretty good turn time for a little 50s delta lol
-20km Lock range
-3 Hardpoints
-JATO capability! (Can be activated after start in cockpit)
- -Supersonic- Mach 1.41 Max speed using RATO
-Tandem Seat

The IFF and Radio are linked under the same frequency and can be cycled from 1-9 using the IFF Panel. The IFF will send allied aircraft a warning if they have locked you or vice versa. The radio will run on the same frequency as the IFF and will automatically send data over the selected frequency that you have cycled to!

RATO (Rocket Assisted TakeOff) usage requires unloading the aircraft of external fuel and turning on the "RATO Stability" switch, you can then press 4 to boost the aircraft to mach speeds on takeoff or in the air
JATO is a seperate workshop iten that can be installed to the hardpoints if you want!


Palkia's C-scope

Rythena Discord -

No reupload
Tag crap-
Mirage 3, F-103, French, Dassault, Mirage, Mirage III, III, 3, fighter, supersonic
Cailean.Coleman  [author] 3 Sep @ 8:35am 
Update 1.2 - Canopy extended, Central canopy brace slimmed down.
Cailean.Coleman  [author] 20 Aug @ 11:49am 
It’s a bit odd, sorry for the inconvenience
kostizplayz 20 Aug @ 10:02am 
ok il try it again, i looked for one but il search the logic link
Cailean.Coleman  [author] 19 Aug @ 1:53pm 
The valve is a simple decoration,the real canopy button is an XMLed button that can be found in the vehicles screenshots. hope this helped
kostizplayz 19 Aug @ 10:45am 
how do i close the canopy???
the lever does nothing
Cailean.Coleman  [author] 23 Jul @ 5:50pm 
No shut
VolishTenis 23 Jul @ 5:49pm 
WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little boy called Joey, he was ten-years-old and he lived in a mental hospital because he posted a shitty copypasta onto a People Playground mod's comment section . He got so bad he went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the Feds decided that best idea was to get rid of him so they set up a special room to kill him, as inhumane as possible. And he sat there in agony for hours until he died. Now every week on the day of his death he returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00 a.m. He creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by pegging you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other profiles on this one site, and he will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. apparently if u copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes nothing will happen: sorry man i am not taking the risk
Cailean.Coleman  [author] 23 Jul @ 4:27pm 
Its realistic to the number of hardpoints on the real mirage IIIDE
DavidBOSS21 23 Jul @ 4:25pm 
nice jet but not enough hardpoints
Cailean.Coleman  [author] 23 Jul @ 12:55pm 
What do you mean it went everywhere?