Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

fusion's "realistic" collection
項目 (97)
[MW Base] Custom Muzzleflashes Project
建立者 YanKy03
Description: A Unofficial Active Project thats done to replace MW Base Nuzzlesflashes with Custom ones, this Addon will be evolving with the time. To Install just Download this before MW Base or Descompile in your Garry's Mod Addon Folder. Reworked: Pistol...
[MWB] Frutiger Aero UI SFX
建立者 delta_bionic
A UI sound replacement for Modern Warfare Base, inspired by late 2000's Frutiger Aero aesthetic Includes sounds from Nintendo Wii, PlayStation Vita and Windows 7 If the addon doesn't work: Download the archive using the Google Drive link
[TFA/MWB] Aiming FX
建立者 GroveZ
TFA/MWB Aiming FX Optional aiming FX for use with TFA or MW Base ConVars: cl_aimingfx_enabled (1 by default) - Toggle aiming FX cl_aimingfx_vignette_enabled (1 by default) - Toggle vignette cl_aimingfx_vignette_intensity_initially_multiplier (0.75 by defau...
[VManip] Contextual Animations
建立者 datæ
Adds flavor animations for some events. Requires VManip Use animation Swimming Choked by barnacle Hurt by explosion Voicechat animation (cl_vmanip_voicechat 0 to disable) ...
[VMAnip] Flashlight
建立者 WebKnight
Tacti - cool flashlight that you can carry with any weapon thanks to VMAnip. Features: Vmanip flashlight (obviously) Custom led texture Compatible with any weapon and has adjusted FOV You can now attach flashlight on yor shoulder. Distance of the light wil...
[VManip] Manual Pickup
建立者 datæ
Adds picking stuff up manually, including base entities and any weapon Side note: The yellow halo effect is off by default. See below if you want to enable it Requires VManip sv_vmanip_pickups - 0 to disable the addon, 1 to enable it cl_vmanip_pickups_halo...
[VManip] Vaulting
建立者 datæ
Vault over things like Call of Duty or Battlefield. Hold forward while in the air and you will automatically climb or hop over obstacles. This is an improved version of an old addon. This version is predicted (no lag in multiplayer) and works better overal...
[VManip]Door Interaction Animation
建立者 YongLi
a simple door interaction animation the conflict issue with Contextual Animations has been fixed commands for hybrid animation: vmanip_dooranim_hybridanim 1(default 1) commands for camera bob: vmanip_dooranim_screenbob 1(default 1) map: https://steamcommun...
[Vmanip]Entity Drag/Pull
建立者 YongLi
simple entity/prop pick up addon og codes from Jmod Walk key(Alt as default) + E to pick up Entity you can customize pull force, reach distance and viewbob in the options menu you can enable Walk + E only mode in the options menu so you wont grab entity ju...
Combine Tracers Rework
/////////NON CLIENTSIDE///////// Replaces default combine's tracers to more cinematic ones. You can hide energy ball effect by "cmb_tracers_energyball 0" and restart map. If you experience FPS issues, you can try lower bullet tracer frequency by Bullet Ove...
Combine Voice Replacement MMOD
建立者 EvanZ99
(IMPORTANT!!!) The sounds were not created by me! This is just a reupload of a voice replacement I found off of YouTube for MMOD... This addon will REPLACE the default sounds for both Combine Soldiers and their variants & Zombines. To restore default sound...
Custom Chat
建立者 StyledStrike
But people like to talk, don't they? A simple and customizable chat box that can format text, display images and emojis. Features Customizable Has built-in emojis Has a direct message/chat channels system Supports text forma...
Custom Taunt
建立者 dewobedil ● 60 FPS! Custom taunt or dances ● Commands for use specific dance/emote ● 26 full mmd/anime dances with music ● 45 mmd short dances ● 277 original fortnite emotes ● Garry's Mod female skeleton & male skeleton supported ● Pro...
Custom Taunt (Music)
建立者 dewobedil
This addon only for custom taunt ! Adding music/sound to make it more fun I didn't own any music or sound in this addon All credits goes to its original owner !...
EcoUI - Frutiger Aero looking UI
建立者 ELuminumG24
EcoUI - Frutiger Aero looking UI The Garry's Mod UI has been looking bland since 2006 you know. Therefore, ELuminumG24 has made a solution! This is EcoUI, a Derma Skin based Frutiger Aero looking User Interface for Garry's Mod. It looks fresh, green just l...
Empty Hands Swep
建立者 Tatrabbit
Hands by your side for roleplaying, movie making, and when you just gotta put your crowbar away! The functionality is pretty minimalist by necessity, but I've tried very hard to have a nice icon for the swep and everything, to match the theme of the HL2 we...
Enhanced PlayerModel Selector
建立者 LibertyForce
It's the playermodel selector from Sandbox... but better! And available everywhere! Like your playermodel? Want to easily use it in all gamemodes? Annoyed that nowadays even maps overwrite it and block the spawnmenu? Then stop reading, you're in the right ...
Extended Properties
建立者 Rubat
This addon adds a lot of properties to Half-Life 2 and Garry's Mod entites such as turrets, rollermines, suit chargers, flashlights, dynamites, NPCs and anti-antlion thumpers. There are over 72 different actions for different entites and NPCs. UsageHold C ...
Extended Spawnmenu
建立者 Rubat
A small script that extends abilities of your spawnmenu: * Allows you to browse through Garry's Mod 12 / Legacy addon models * Allows you to browse through Game, Addon, Legacy Addon materials and sounds * Gives you detailed information on installed Worksho...
建立者 chunchengchai
gm_filthy_chinatown is expanded version of my old map named gm_dirty_chinatown. The map is bigger now. Also new rooms were added. Includes version without rain. Doesn't require any content. Tracks: October Tide - Losing Tomorrow Opeth - Madrigal Testers: S...
建立者 bean
backroms lvl 1 (no it's not stop commenting and spreading rumors it was not intended to be actual backrooms) Features: • working elevator • built cubemaps and navmesh • a lot of space to explore MEGA UPLOAD UPDATE (sorry for releasing this after more than ...
建立者 Stub@
DAY VERSION: HERE This map is commissioned by Gentoi. Large open liminal neighborhood with many houses and places to explore. If you have map request feel free to add me on steam :). SUPPORT : If you like my work, consider supporting me here: https://ko-fi...
Gmod Legs 3
建立者 Valkyrie
Gmod Legs Works with most custom playermodels Actively maintained since 2012 Like this addon? Award it! and checkout my GmodRPG im working on This will allow you to see your legs in first person, just like in Left 4 Dead or any modern FPS Info: Hold you co...
Half-Life 2: MMod - Weapon Replacements Redux
建立者 c4sual
Improved Half-Life 2: MMod Weapons Pack RESTART YOUR GAME AFTER INSTALLING THE ADDON! This addon replaces every default Garry's Mod weapon with improved high-quality weapons on Half-Life 2: MMod animations. It also includes sounds from this mod as well. Th...
Instant death screen
建立者 󠀡𝅵󠀡𝅷
The death experience now feels more authentic. truedeath4 changelog Another code optimizations New features: -- now you can switch between several extra options: turn off muffled sound or blackout screen on death -- please die (with the mode switched) TO-D...
Modern Coalfare Base
建立者 Viper
Join the Discord server! Join the steam group to follow development! This base addon includes all shared things across the weapons. credits: Activision, Infinity Ward, Ben Garnell, Peter Chen, Ben Turner, Mike Velasquez, Jeremy Thurman, Alexandr Khaliman, ...
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPs - 3 Line Rifle
建立者 Viper
The 3-Line-Rifle from Call of Duty: Vanguard, containing custom sounds, animations and attachments....
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPS - Assault Rifles
建立者 Viper
Join the Discord server! Join the steam group to follow development! A comprehensive weapon pack highlighting the assault rifles of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019, bundled with customization options and fast paced gunpla...
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPs - Assault Rifles Blueprints
建立者 Viper
The included blueprints are: Weapon Blueprint(s) AK-47 War Saw Freedom Fighter Resonant Revolution M4A1 XRK Zip-Tie Task Force FAL Smooth Dominator The Aristocrat M13 Slaying Moon FN SCAR-H Black Adder
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPs - DLC Assault Rifles
建立者 Viper
Join the Discord server! Join the steam group to follow development! A comprehensive weapon pack highlighting the DLC assault rifles of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019, bundled with customization options and fast paced gu...
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPs - DLC Marksman Rifles
建立者 Viper
Join the Discord server! Join the steam group to follow development! A comprehensive weapon pack highlighting the DLC Marksman Rifles of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019, bundled with customization options and fast paced g...
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPs - DLC Shotguns
建立者 Viper
Join the Discord server! Join the steam group to follow development! A comprehensive weapon pack highlighting the DLC shotguns of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019, bundled with customization options and fast paced gunplay....
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPS - DLC Submachine Guns
建立者 Viper
Join the Discord server! Join the steam group to follow development! A comprehensive weapon pack highlighting the DLC Submachine Guns of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019, bundled with customization options and fast paced g...
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPs - G3A3
建立者 Viper
Join the Discord server! Join the steam group to follow development! A custom animated G3A3 on the Modern Warfare base. CONTROLS To edit your controls open the spawnmenu then go to options, under options you will see Modern Warfare. Open the controls tab. ...
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPS - Lightmachine Guns
建立者 Viper
Join the Discord server! Join the steam group to follow development! A comprehensive weapon pack highlighting the Lightmachine Guns of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019, bundled with customization options and fast paced gun...
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPs - Lightmachine Guns Blueprints
建立者 Viper
The included blueprints are: Weapon Blueprint(s) Holger-26 Necrosis
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPs - MAC-10
建立者 Viper
The MAC-10 from Call of Duty: Cold War, containing custom sounds, animations and attachments....
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPs - Marksman Rifles
建立者 Viper
Join the Discord server! Join the steam group to follow development! A comprehensive weapon pack highlighting the Marksman Rifles of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019, bundled with customization options and fast paced gunpl...
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPs - Minigun
建立者 Viper
Join the Discord server! Join the steam group to follow development! A singular weapon highlighting the Minigun of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019. This weapon has been kinda finished for the past few months now. Instead ...
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPs - MP-40
建立者 Viper
The MP-40 from Call of Duty: Vanguard, containing custom sounds, animations and attachments....
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPS - Pistols
建立者 Viper
Join the Discord server! Join the steam group to follow development! A comprehensive weapon pack highlighting the sidearms of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019, bundled with customization options and fast paced gunplay. htt...
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPs - Pistols Blueprints
建立者 Viper
The included blueprints are: Weapon Blueprint(s) .50 GS Royal Decree .357 High Noon X16 Impossible Task Urban Defiler M9 Guard One Boq 1911 Slipshod Javelina Marching Orders M19 Heavy Silence Slick Steel
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPs - Shotguns
建立者 Viper
Join the Discord server! Join the steam group to follow development! A comprehensive weapon pack highlighting the shotguns of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019, bundled with customization options and fast paced gunplay. htt...
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPs - Shotguns Blueprints
建立者 Viper
The included blueprints are: Weapon Blueprint(s) Model 680 The Ejector
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPs - Sniper Rifles
建立者 Viper
Join the Discord server! Join the steam group to follow development! A comprehensive weapon pack highlighting the Sniper Rifles of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019, bundled with customization options and fast paced gunplay...
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPs - Snipers Blueprints
建立者 Viper
The included blueprints are: Weapon Blueprint(s) HDR Grassy Knoll Dragunov Plague Sore
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPS - Submachine Guns
建立者 Viper
Join the Discord server! Join the steam group to follow development! A comprehensive weapon pack highlighting the Submachine Guns of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019, bundled with customization options and fast paced gunpl...
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPs - Submachine Guns Blueprints
建立者 Viper
The included blueprints are: Weapon Blueprint(s) MP5 Strapped P90 Area 51 Uzi Blowback
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPs - Submachine Guns DLC Blueprints
建立者 Viper
The included blueprints are: Weapon Blueprint(s) Striker-45 Undertaker
建立者 Nefertari
Streetlights cast long shadows over this town. Echoes of the world around you ring through the empty streets. Not many are awake at this hour. There's nothing here for you, yet you stay... Large sandbox map depicting the typical low-income American east co...
NPC No Weapon Drops
建立者 Zaktak
A Simple addon that prevents weapon drops from NPCs. - If enabled(enabled by default) NPCs will not drop their weapon after dying. - This will improve server's performance. - This is quite simple code and therefore will not ...
Player Status Icons
建立者 Haaax
What is this? This addon will show what players are doing in the form of an icon above their heads. Features Only the server is required to have this addon, it will work properly for any player that joins - Contains no additional models or sounds, it's jus...
PS2 Bios Menu Sounds
建立者 Dashie
Replaces the menu sounds with the menu sounds of the PS2 Bios...
Quick Slide
建立者 datæ
Just a simple sliding mod. No bs, just crouch while sprinting. If you have VManip you'll see your hand move but it's not required sv_qslide_duration - Slide duration in seconds (default: 0.75) sv_qslide_speedmult - Slide speed multiplier (default: 1) cl_qs...
Quick Slide With Legs [VManip]
建立者 MrSlonik
Adds legs animation for Quick Slide (that is somehow still present in VManip files) Also adds camera angles limit when sliding so you don't have to look at stretched playermodel copy Commands: cl_qslide_legs 0-1 (default 1) - Legs animation toggle sv_qslid...
Realistic Motion Camera
Information This addon is designed to improve immersion through (realistic) camera movements and weapon animations. Whether you're running across the map, dodging or jumping, the camera will move to mimic (realistic) movements for a more intense experience...
SCP: 5K - D-Class [PM/NPC]
建立者 dayflare
Models Contained 6 Playermodels and 12 NPCs (It’s in “SCP:5K” NPC category) Viewmodel Hands Features Bodygroups Finger posing Seperated PMs (Standard & ARC9 Compatible) Special Thanks All these assets belong to: Affray Interactive We also just want to than...
SCP: 5K - Security Guard [PM/NPC]
建立者 dayflare
Models Contained 4 Playermodels and 8 NPCs (It’s in “SCP:5K” NPC category) Viewmodel Hands Features Bodygroups Finger posing Seperated PMs (Standard & ARC9 Compatible) Special Thanks All these assets belong to: Affray Interactive We also just want to thank...
Tda Hatsune Miku (v2)
建立者 CaptainBigButt
Tda Hatsune Miku - Version 2 Revision 1 December 26, 2014 Credits: Tda: Original model Kanekoran: Original Miku classic edit CaptainBigButt: Porting, rigging, editing Satariia: Miku v3 skin variant Sculp: Posing (Images 1 and 2) Get the optional features h...
建立者 YuRaNnNzZZ
TFA-VOX is a framework for player callouts played on certain actions. It works on a pack-per-player basis, which means each playermodel needs to have a VOX pack installed and assigned for it to play the voice lines. TFA-VOX is modular and every module can ...
The Sit Anywhere Script!
建立者 Xerasin
This script allows you to sit on nearly every flat ledge or simply on the ground! Just press Alt (or the key you have 'Walk (Move Slowly)' bound to) + e (or the key you have 'Use' bound to) on the place you want to sit. Great for RP servers for that touch ...
vFire - Dynamic Fire for Garry's Mod
建立者 Vioxtar
64 Bit Branch Support Fixed! Apologies for the month late fix. Thank you for bringing the issue to my attention in the comments/discussions, and thank you Ickycoolboy for making a fix available. vFire development is dormant. Still, efforts will be made to ...
Viewmodel Stains
建立者 Krede
Description One thing I've always wanted out of Black Mesa (which they have since removed) was the ability to stain your weapons in different ways. It's a subtle but immersive way of showing damage and other effects that bring the world to life. Shoot some...
VIGNN3TIK: Atmospheric Heads Up Display
建立者 DyaMetR
In 2017, inspired by games like Mirror's Edge I made this HUD. Although now in retrospective I've got to admit that so much could be done to it. So I've remade it VIGNN3TIK is a minimalistic/atmospheric heads up display which discretely display health, arm...
VManip (Base)
建立者 datæ
A small clientside library for left hand animations, with slight support for legs animation as a bonus. For first person view only. This only includes the base code and some models! This only supports c_hand weapons! Features: Straightforward way to play l...
[MW Base] Black Ops: Cold War - Streetsweeper
建立者 easy
"Full-auto shotgun. Superior fire rate with reliable damage and the largest ammo pool in class. Hand loaded with slower reload speeds." -Ingame description The Streetsweeper is a fully automatic shotgun featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. https://...
【MW Base】MW2022 Lockwood 300
建立者 Sa-Daniels
Original mod author: 勿忘地球人 Preview video by: This GFL Kriss Vector this is an unofficial mod that is not perfect. 勿忘地球人:The thing was made last year, only add the inspect. Due to frequent reloading, the playability was not high, so the project was abandone...
【MW Base】Signalis Nitro Express Rifle Blueprint
建立者 Sa-Daniels
This is a blueprint skin atts pack mod for MW22 Lockwood 300. Original mod author: 勿忘地球人 Original mod link: 【MW Base】MW2022 Lockwood 300 Note: You are not allowed to modify, use parts of and create deriative works from contents of this addon without permis...
Angel from TWHL (PM / Ragdoll)
建立者 Overbrutalized
From floor 17 to the bottom of the tower, she got down to see the world around her. Angel (or the TWHL Tower Girl) Is the character, that appears in TWHL Tower : Source Floor 17. Includes Playermodel Ragdoll Custom Viewarms Features Fingerposing Jigglebone...
Armor & Health Regeneration
建立者 Kairos
(PM&NPC)Fragments PMC Combine Replacement
建立者 YongLi
Fragments PMC Combine Replacement this addon only replace combine models and metro police model, it wont replace any weapon models or effects this mod replace combine soldier and metro police, spawn combine soldier to see the effect npcs'll drop fragments/...
Alt Blood For "Viewmodel Stains"
建立者 Froggo0645
Features -1024x1024 decals -No green squares -Normal blood -Zombie blood -Alien blood -No performance drop Map -Atmospheric House Required Items Contact Me If you have any questions, please contact me on Discord: -frog0645 h...
Better Movement V2
建立者 relaxtakenotes
Floaty movement for gmod omg Features: - Configurable speed (run, walk, slowwalk, inside, crouch) - Slowdown features (on slope/staircase, on turn, on land, on jump, no air strafe, non forward, general weakness) - Smooth speed transitions - Rebuilt footste...
Custom Loadout
建立者 StyledStrike
You know those games you play, where someone gets out a rocket launcher, and people go, "Where was he keeping that? It's so unrealistic"? I say to them, "You've clearly not spent much time in the US prison system". A loadout customization addon. Features S...
ENA[Joel G] Playermodel
Notes to be updated Add every character Models from Extinction Party and Temptation Stairway salutations, sir! may i PLEASE Enter? ENA is a Character from Joel Guerra's animation, Extinction Party and Auction day she looks very abstract, and she got two ty...
Enemy Healthbars - Call of Duty Modern Warfare Zombies Inspired
建立者 Froze
---------------------------------- BO6 HEALTHBARS ---------------------------------- Enemy healthbar addon inspired by Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Zombies (not an accurate recreation). Compatible with Armored Combine NPCS addon also has barebones compati...
Heartbeat On Low Health
建立者 Defrektif
i've never found an addon that adds this effect on its own, so i made it myself this addon adds a heartbeat sound when you're low on health (what?!), there's a different sound effect for when you're below 40, 25 or 10 hp. useful if you're going for realism...
Improved Camera SWEP
建立者 Bell
This tiny Lua file adds a panel when accessing the context menu to manually set the values of the camera SWEP when it is out so you can pick the adequate field of view and the view's roll angle for your shots. You can see the current field of view and the ...
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPs - Lienna
建立者 Viper
The Lienna from Call of Duty: Vanguard, containing custom sounds, animations and attachments....
Modern Warfare 2019 SWEPS - Rigs
建立者 Viper
These are not required. The rigs have been separated with an update to Modern Warfare Base to make these optional & to make it easier to add custom rigs.
Modern Warfare Base - MWII Rigs
建立者 Viper
Join the Discord server! A selection of rigs from Modern Warfare II. All credits go to Infinity Ward for the assets in this pack. Rest of the credits for making this even possible goes to Scobalula.
Nombat - Ambient/Combat Music
Like my work? why not checkout my standalone game Hyperwaste It's about surviving the wasteland of a long collapsed cyberpunk world. DESCRIPTION This addon will add ambient and combat based music to Garrysmod. The Ambient m...
Modern Warfare III - Takedowns & Revive System
建立者 Hari
Stay in the loop! Join our Discord for updates: fagWFHuQ9R I strongly recommend you setting GMOD -> Properties -> Betas -> Beta Participation to 'dev - Development Branch' to make this addon run more stable. Support me, if you want:
Realistic Combine Soldier AI | almost F.E.A.R. AI
Simple Horde Mode for Sandbox
建立者 Zippy
Simple Horde Mode for Sandbox A simple "horde mode" for sandbox that spawns waves of NPCs. Just go to "Horde Game" under "Zippy" in the utilities tab in the spawn menu, choose what NPCs you want and press "Start Horde Game". You can also setup your own spa...
Zippy's Library
建立者 Zippy
Also known as Convenience/CONV! 'Zippy's Library' is a GLua library required for my addons! Join the discord server (by clicking the image below) if you want to discuss my addons! Check out my new NPC Base! https://steamcomm...
[MW Base] Black Ops: Cold War - M16
建立者 easy
and no, the ACTUAL m16 is never coming out, at least from me "3-round burst tactical rifle. Excellent burst fire accuracy when aiming down sights, and high damage in short range encounters." -Ingame description https://i.img...
[MW Base] Realistic Extend Attachment
建立者 勿忘地球人
He has an old name:MWU Shared ATT Pack 2.2 list/清单 (部分/Part) Flashlight,Foregrip,Laser,Muzzles,Pistolmuzzles Pistolgrips x10(AR x5 / AK x5) Scopes(1x),Scopes(4x~),Stock 以下配件可直接写入customization使用 (不包括握把) The following attachments can be directly written into...
[MW Base] Black Ops: Cold War - Shared Content
建立者 easy
This is a mod that includes some attachments and shared content from BOCW/Warzone using the Modern Warfare Base. This is not final, and more attachments will be added as support for more weapons arrive. As just said, this addon is not completely finished. ...
[MW Base] Vanguard - M1 Garand
建立者 easy "Versatile rifle offering effective accuracy and stopping power at all ranges." -Ingame Description The M1 Garand is a marksman rifle featured in Call of Duty: Vanguard. This addon features all the attachments and animations...
[MWBU] Ultimate Glock Reskin Attachment Pack
建立者 Fritxyz
Includes 16 Slides 5 Receivers 4 Magazines Credits Odin - Fade Alfie - Mac Tonight, Sunset, Concrete, Cotton Candy, Blank Banshee UEF - Making the Black Reskins so I can steal them and make them attachments Me - I need to put myself in the credits to boost...
[VManip and SWEP] Extended Flashlight
建立者 Shaky This addon adds a flashlight which you can use for posters or animations, i originally made it for my gamemode but i think it turned out pretty cool so i made addon version of it It's the first time i made something like thi...
[wOS] DynaBase - Dynamic Animation Manager
建立者 King David™
The beauty of the ValveBiped form at your fingertips This is a wiltOS Week "Back to 2022" Item: Description The DynaBase is an animation base that gives full animation control to the player, the server, and the developers ...
[wOS] DynaBase Legacy Extensions
建立者 King David™
This addon requires the DynaBase to work! Description This adds support for the existing animation addons on the workshop that have not added integrated support for the DynaBase. It will allow you to appropriately mount and manage the animations within the...