Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Halo: The Master Chief Collection

68 คะแนน
Centered Weapons
Engine: Halo3ODST
Game Content: Campaign
3.858 GB
12 ก.ค. @ 8: 46pm
9 ส.ค. @ 4: 23am
2 หมายเหตุการเปลี่ยนแปลง ( ดู )
Play Doom style with weapons centered on the bottom!

Works with both centered and lowered crosshairs, and you can make adjustments with MCC's weapon offset settings as well!

Most weapons played nice with this but some worked better than others. In first person many projectiles are slightly off-set and casings eject in default locations.

Commissioned by Caleb
Created by Navarone
Level progression by MataPuelc0s
Tags included in mod
8 ความเห็น
Caleb  [ผู้สร้าง] 9 ต.ค. @ 5: 51am 
Hey KnightRiddler and Buzuru, unfortunately not for H2, the weapons are angled even when placing them at the center of the screen; and when looking up or down they really start switching their angles in a weird way. However we're looking into CE, not sure about that one yet.
KnightRiddler 8 ต.ค. @ 8: 23pm 
Seconded. Halo CE would be awesome to see!
Buzuru 15 ก.ย. @ 10: 21am 
any chance of this coming to ce and h2?
Caleb  [ผู้สร้าง] 9 ส.ค. @ 4: 37am 
Pushed an update so that each mission now loads the next mission instead of kicking you to main menu.
Caleb  [ผู้สร้าง] 28 ก.ค. @ 8: 59am 
Hey SubjectOmega, haha I don't think so, but sounds like a great idea XD.
SubjectOmega 27 ก.ค. @ 2: 26pm 
Any chance you could rip Eternal's demons models and make them enemies in Halo ?
ClayTX28 20 ก.ค. @ 11: 18am 
very cool
HelloHalo 16 ก.ค. @ 2: 38pm 
awsome mod and liked