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Cyborg 1.0
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12 Jul @ 12:44pm
24 Jul @ 1:29pm
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Cyborg 1.0

"Cyborg have excellent weapons across the board with more than enough energy generation to power them, and even the largest of their ships can reach extreme speeds with their powerful thrusters. However, they also rely heavily on their shields and have pitiful armor, making them unsuitable for brawling."

FEATURES: The big thing is custom generators, which strike a decent balance between interesting and complicated (I hope so, anyway). Also death ray, because every good faction needs a death ray.

BALANCE: Cyborg have great damage and speed, but they're pretty expensive overall and their armor is made of wet cardboard (about on par with Red). If you didn't install any other mods then they'd definitely be the strongest faction, but they shouldn't be completely broken. I mainly tested them with Extra Reassembly and as AI they're about on par with Infinite, which if you aren't aware is pretty much the 'final boss' faction of that mod.

One thing I haven't tested is how this faction scales with super high value ships. If anyone decides to make a 50,000 P death machine, let me know how it goes.