PlanetSide 2
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PlanetSide 2: Optimization Tweaks for "UserOptions.ini" and More
Da AyleidRuin
Optimize "UserOptions.ini" for the Best Quality and Framerate for PlanetSide 2. With Network and System Tweaks. Along with Non Native Resolution Arguments. And more?...
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See Section "Game, System Tweaks and AntiAliasing" For Best Tweaks
For the Best Tweaks see section 3 "Game, System Tweaks and AntiAliasing". At the bottom of that section is my personal .ini file. The Rest is TL;DR :)

The Tweaks in this Guide are SAFE.
You will remain Safe if you Do Not Use Mods.

Here's a Quote from a Developer[]:

"The above does not apply to user initiated *.INI changes, those Are Allowed, although setting your own options incorrectly can result in bugs."

First Let me reference two links on where I found these tweaks along with More Information:

Thank You ACJCLIGHTNING =Original Steam Thread Post.
This has more Information than the Original Post, but referenced to the OP[]
UserOptions.ini Arguments
As the Title says these tweaks pertain to the file "UserOptions.ini". so go here:
C:\Steam\SteamApps\common\PlanetSide 2
OR go to your PlanetSide 2 Install folder and open up the file "UserOptions.ini"

1. BACKUP your "UserOptions.ini". Rename it with the extension ".backup" OR Copy and Paste "\UserOptions.ini" to another folder. Eg: G:\Games\Game Patches\Backups

2. Open "UserOptions.ini"

(Date of Making this Guide: October 17, 2014)
EDIT: UPDATE ini : November 10, 2014

Update: 2020.7.23 for Max Settings See below for Minimum Sets w/ FPS in mind.

3. Go to Section "[Rendering]" and copy and paste this OR Compare and Fill in these Arguments:
[Rendering] OverallQuality=-1 GraphicsQuality=5 TextureQuality=0 ShadowQuality=0 LightingQuality=2 EffectsQuality=2 TerrainQuality=5 FloraQuality=5 ModelQuality=5 RenderDistance=-1 Gamma=0.000000 VerticalFOV=55 ParticleLOD=2 ParticleDistanceScale=2.000000 FogShadowsEnable=1 VSync=1 AO=1 MaximumFPS=60 UseLod0a=0 BloomEnabled=1 MotionBlur=0
4. Save and Exit.
Wiki on Arguments[]
The links I provide Contain More Info on the customized .ini options provided. (And a Lot More)
For example: "TextureQuality=0. This is ultra, and screws people up because it is the opposite of other settings. This wont help FPS though, but it is almost required for this game since it already has some bad textures."
ShadowQuality=2 For me this is fine. But changing it to "ShadowQuality=5" is Max. ShadowQuality=3 is a safe bet too. 2=medium
MotionBlur=0 I Don't like Motion Blur in any of my Games. Simply change it to "1" if you want Motion Blur.
Make sure you disable "Hide Known File Extension", to be able to see the ".ini" extension. Though since we are not Re-Naming should be fine. Problems? go here: file-extensions-hide / show[]

: Turn Shadows Off/Down For HUGE FPS Gain :

Shadows, in this game, are mainly CPU driven. Turn them down or off for Best Performance.
Go to: "UserOptions.ini Find "ShadowQuality=" under [Rendering]
Set it to: "ShadowQuality=0" to turn off shadows. I Recommend "ShadowQuality=2"
NOTE: Turning Shadows OFF will make the Game Look Pretty Bad. But Shadows use up a lot of Resources.

: Disable In-Game HUD / Gun for FPS Gain :

Default Keys: "Cntrl+F10" + "Cntrl+F11"
Disable HUD/Arms In-Game For added FPS. Bonus Point: Better Screen Shots :P
NOTE: If you Hide the GUN you will not be able to Fire.
The HUD is ran by Adobe Flash + Action script. Which Can Lag the game.

NOT VALID as of the Dx11 Update. GraphicsQuality=1 =Cloaks are invisible.
Absolute POTATO Mode for UserOptions.ini with Flora on High.
[Rendering] OverallQuality=-1 GraphicsQuality=1 ;2 or greater will show cloaks. TextureQuality=0 ShadowQuality=0 LightingQuality=1 EffectsQuality=1 TerrainQuality=1 FloraQuality=4 ModelQuality=1 RenderDistance=200.000000 Gamma=0.000000 VerticalFOV=80 ParticleLOD=0 ParticleDistanceScale=0.00 FogShadowsEnable=0 VSync=0 AO=0 MaximumFPS=250 UseLod0a=0 BloomEnabled=0 MotionBlur=0 Smoothing=0
NOTE: A lot of players won't like the look of this, but you will have precious FPS'sss :P
Take note of Flora, RenderDistance, VerticalFOV & ParticleDistanceScale.
Game, System Tweaks, AntiAliasing & more INI files.
: Absolute Ultra and a Little Different then the First :
Graphicsquality=5 Texturequality=0 TerrainLOD=5 Floraldistancescale=2.000000 Shadowquality=5 Renderdistance=-1.000000 Gamma=0.000000 Maximumfps=120 Uselodoa=0 Overallquality=-1 Lightingquality=5 Effectsquality=5 Terrainquality=5 Floraquality=5 Modelquality=5 Motionblurquality=5 Blurquality=5 AOQuality=5 Ambientocclusionquality=5 Particlequality=5 VerticalFOV=74 FloralLOD=5 EffectsLOD=5 ParticleLOD=5 Particledistancescale=2.000000 Effectsdistancescale=2.000000 Fogshadowsenable=0 Motionblur=1 VSync=0 AO=1

: Game Engine TXAA Temporal Anti-Aliasing :

Open "UserOptions.ini". Go to: "RenderQuality=" under [Display]
2x oversampling set: "RenderQuality=1.410000"
4x Sampling "RenderQuality=2.000000"
NOTE: These Arguments have a +50% Performance Hit.

: In Game Icons TOO small? :
Change your Windows DPI setting to above 125%
How to Change DPI Setting[]

: : : Having Problems Running on ULTRA Settings? The Following Tweaks May Help : : :

: Turn down specific settings in game :

"These are all settings that put pressure on the CPU instead of the GPU.
Shadows should always be on low, know matter how good your system.

Next, turn Particles, Effects, Flora, Ambient Occlusion, audio quality, and Fog Shadows off or lower.
These are all CPU demanding(Im pretty sure AO effects CPU and GPU). This should net you some good FPS."

NOTE: By changing In-Game Graphic Settings May Change your UserOptions.ini Tweaks. In "UserOptions.ini" set "OverallQuality=-1" for Custom Settings. Just don't touch the In-Game "Overall Quality" Graphic Drop down menu.

: CPU Parked Cores :

Forum Post On How to Un-Park CPU[]
"Un-Park your CPU Cores"

How to Verify if your CPU is Parked:
Go to Task Manager ="Cntrl+Shift+ESC"
In TM go to "Performance" Tab and open "Resource Manager".
Go to the "CPU" Tab. Check your CPUs in the right column and see if it says "Parked" for any of the Cores.

IF They are Parked then read the Forum Post[] or Watch the Video on how to "Un-Park" your cores.
NOTE: "This either will have no effect, or a HUGE effect. AMD processors could see a huge difference. Where some Intel CPUs may not. This Could give you +FPS=5-40." I don't use it.

Lower Render Distance

Go to your UserOptions.ini and find where it says "RenderDistance"
Change it from 300.00000 to 1000.00000 or if you plan on flying, 2000.00000.
Please note that this does not in any way effect the render distance of enemys, only objects. It is currently impossible to change the render distance of enemy troops and vehichles."
-1.000000 =Max Possible Render Distance that will dynamically change pending on situation.

: Disable Aero / Desktop Composition[/b] :

Go to PS2 Install folder. (C:\Steam\SteamApps\common\PlanetSide 2)
"Right Click" "Planetside2_x64.exe" and select "Properties" from the Context Menu.
Select "Compatibility" Tab and Under "Settings", Enable (x) "Disable Desktop Composition".
Repeat for "Planetside2_x86.exe

NOTE: "Aero Transparancy" and "Aero Special Effects" take +50MB GPU RAM to run. BUT Disabling it will hit the CPU more and "Alt+Tab" (switching windows) will respond slower.
Especially if you have a lot of Windows open.

I encourage you to Read This Link[].
Read this on why to "Disable Desktop Comp..." instead of "Disable Visual Themes"[]
Read This to do the above and Make PS2 to a "High Priority" Program under Windows 7.[]

Updated: 2020.7.23
This ini is my personal and current "UserOptions.ini" file.
: : : Minimum Graphics INI Arguments for Huge Frame Rate Gains : : :
[Rendering] OverallQuality=-1 GraphicsQuality=2 TextureQuality=0 ShadowQuality=0 LightingQuality=1 EffectsQuality=1 TerrainQuality=1 FloraQuality=4 ModelQuality=1 RenderDistance=-1.000000 Gamma=0.500000 VerticalFOV=74 ParticleLOD=2 ParticleDistanceScale=0.650000 FogShadowsEnable=0 MotionBlur=0 VSync=0 AO=0 MaximumFPS=250 UseLod0a=0 BloomEnabled=0 UseAspectFOV=0 Smoothing=0
[Terrain] RenderFlora=Off
Save & Close. Right click "UserOptions.ini" and check the box for "Read Only". Hit Apply & Close.
TBH "RenderFlora=" is always turned on now even if you change this to off and set .ini to read-only.
NON - Native Resolutions and Relative Render Quality Arguments
: NON-Native Resolutions :
See this Sony Forum OP[]
1920x1080= "VerticalFOV=55"

In Depth Steps For Non Native Resolutions:
"Check your desktop resolution. It’s most likely 1920×1080 if you’re using a widescreen monitor.

Choose a desired resolution to run Planetside 2 in with the same aspect ratio as your native resolution. For most of you who’ve figured out what your systems are capable of, this is probably your current Resolution setting under Options.

Take the width and multiply it by your current “Render Quality” slider. Note down this value. This is the width of the resolution at which the engine is rendering 3d content.

Take this number and divide it by the width of your native screen resolution. This will provide you with a decimal fraction. (that is hopefully not below 0.5, if it is, I cannot help you, your computer is not capable of running the UI at native resolution)

Set your PS2 render quality slider to a value equal to that decimal fraction, e.g. 0.642 -> 64%. If you know how to edit your .ini files, do it there, but there’s no real need.

Set your game resolution to your native resolution."

Examples of other Resolutions and their respective UserOptions.ini "RenderQuality=" Arguments:
3 sets. 1st is Your Resolution. 2nd is the "UserOptions.ini" value. 3rd is In Game Menu Slider.

3D Resolution---|---"RenderQuality="---|---Render Quality Slider (In-Game)
: 16:9 : 1600×900 | 0.833333 | 83% 1366×768 | 0.7114583333333333 | 71% 1280×720 | 0.66666 | 66% 960×544 | 0.5 | 50% : 16:10 : 1920×1200 | 0.75 | 75% 1680×1050 | 0.65625 | 65% 1440×900 | 0.5625 | 56% 1280×800 | 0.5 | 50% : 4:3 : 1600×1200 | 0.78125 | 78% 1280×960 | 0.625 | 62% 1152×864 | 0.5625 | 56% 1024×768 | 0.5 | 50%
QoS and Open Network Ports
Better Planetside 2 Network Performance[]

QoS=Quality of Service

QoS by Router Port:

"QOS by Router Port lets you select a physical port on the router and prioritize all traffic going to or from it over all other network traffic. On a standard home router you’ll have typically 4 ports on the back to connect a computer to with a hard wire connection using a Category 5 or 6 cable.

In your router’s QOS configuration simply select the port that your computer that you play Planetside 2 is on and give it the highest priority and you are done. Be warned that this isn’t precise and it prioritizes everything – so if you are downloading something with the same computer that you play Planetside 2 on, you will essentially have no effect. It only gets priority in relation to other computers on the network."

Some Routers offer this. Others do not. I suggest a minimum of 200kbs down If you have the bandwidth. MAC QoS is offered in this Link[]

Planetside 2 Outbound Port Ranges:

UDP 20040 – 20199 =Used for Login, Character select, and World/Zone data.

UDP 5062 – Used for ingame voice, however this port number changes dynamically making it hard to nail down in the event that the game decides to use a different and random port. Although I have very rarely seen it change.
Credits and Extras
The links provided is where these tweaks come from and I encourage you to say Thank You to the Authors of the Tweaks that have made this Guide Possible.

Links Referenced in this Guide In Order:

Thank You ACJCLIGHTNING :) =The Original Steam Thread and the one I Quoted.

Important Mod Info from Developer[]
Forum Post on Turning off Parking CPU Cores[]
HUD/UI=FPS Problems. Disable It[]
Un-Park Cores[]
Video on Un-Park Cores
Disabling Aero Work?[]
What Does "Disable Comp..."[]
Article on Disable Aero[]
Non Native Resolution Thread[]
Better PS2 Network Article[]
PS2 Explains No Mod Policy
IMPORTANT: Client Modifications[]=PS2 Official Thread by GM.
RadeonPRO Download[]
Nvidia Tweak Guide[]
Part 1[]
Part 2 Ban Resolved[]
Article on PS2 Banning 4 Modding in Any Way[]
Official SOE "Code of Conduct"[]

EXTRA Links for PS2:

WiKi for Planetside 2[]
World Population Chart[]
Compilation of Tips/Guides/Reviews/Tutorials []
Change Crosshairs by using Mumble Overlay
PlanetSide 2 Alerts Tracker[]
Useful Links for PS2[]
New Player Tips and Hints
Attlas's Vids for New Leaders and Vets alike
Recursion Stat Tracker to Replace In-Game Stat Overlay[]

Contains Info on using RadeonMod and Other tweaks not listed here

Great Guide for New Planetmans on how NOT to get Burned

Thank You for Reading this Guide and I hope to see you on Auraxis :D
58 commenti
Jimmon 18 giu 2021, ore 5:32 
also if you're not sure what multipier to use in the sqrt(x) function you can find out what to use by the following
( (desired resolution width) * (desired resolution height) ) / ( (current resolution width) * (current resolution height) )
so in their example for 960x544 we have
(960*544) / (1920*1080)
which turns into
522240 / 2073600
which is
or when rounded down could be shown as
Jimmon 9 giu 2021, ore 10:45 
to calculate the proper value for (RenderQuality=x)
you need to find
sqrt(multiple of total number of pixels over your native resolution, so 2 for 2x, or 4 for 4x etc)
what most people assume is 2x is 2x each side, or 2 squared, aka 4x
which is why a multiplier of 2.0 gives 4x the total number of pixels
and why ~1.414214 is 2x
Dyno0311 5 set 2020, ore 0:34 
A Little trouble, the options i changed didnt do ANYTHING
i lowered the resolution to 800x600
But when i launched the game, my resolution didnt change at all
AyleidRuin  [autore] 23 lug 2020, ore 8:03 
I updated the guide some but should remove the 4 ini and make it clear which to choose. Anyways if you come for FPS check out my ini / Last ini in guide. Under "Game, System Tweaks... section. Or Control+F = personal
AyleidRuin  [autore] 6 giu 2019, ore 6:50 
Low/Potato settings will be updated later on today. According to the new patch notes, Cloaks will be seen again on low settings. We'll see if it really does fix them.
AyleidRuin  [autore] 4 giu 2019, ore 23:47 
Done. Check bottom of "Game,System Tweaks & AA" for my personal ini. Also made note of the Potato Ini Not Working right now. Will update when Cloaks are Fixed.
AyleidRuin  [autore] 4 giu 2019, ore 23:08 
I updated back in the late winter. Yes. The ini's need updated But Infils are bug'd right now on Low "GraphicSettings". Wrel made a comment about it and maybe in the next major update we'll have that Fix. I'll update the Section that contains My InI that I'm using for the Best FPS & Graphics. But BUT its My ini... so it won't be the potato ini. Sort of a best of both worlds?
Alan 4 giu 2019, ore 3:34 
Very good info - But do people really need that now so much after the update.
malarkey 3 giu 2019, ore 19:24 
update for 2019 dx11?
AyleidRuin  [autore] 22 ago 2018, ore 9:35 
@Mink Makes sence :) I use the "-1.x" so it will bring it in if needed. I never noticed it bringing the LOD/Distant Land down. AFAIK my render distance is always at max. A lot of good players turn their render distance down to even 200. For me, that's immersion breaking xD and I would rather see more of the Continent even at the cost of a few frames. Sorry for the late reply. Have fun :D