Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut

Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut

172 人が評価
Darkness Falls Part 1
28.673 MB
2014年10月15日 1時01分
2015年11月28日 18時00分
16 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Darkness Falls Part 1

molefixer 作成の 1 件のコレクション
The warrior code
4 アイテム
A job to extract a scientist from Ares sounds like an easy check, but when Ares takes the assault on them personally you find your team captured and Ares breathing down your neck. Now you have to find a way to save your team and get Ares off your back. [( I recommend a character of 200 karma.Game is designed for characters continuing from my Desert Wars campaign so weaker characters will find this challenging to say the least. Please let me know if it works properly. Thanks) A special thank you to our prop makers who have added extra vehicles/props/art to help decorate our scenes!.]

No longer supported
人気スレッド 全て表示 (3)
2015年1月3日 19時38分
a place to put all the notes i get while i play
2015年8月31日 9時18分
bug report (hacking ♥♥♥♥♥)
2016年3月1日 2時00分
Hacking ♥♥♥♥♥ Mission Bug, different than prior discussed
88 件のコメント
bertpeal 2021年10月16日 17時33分 
Just finished chapter 1 and I have to say, you have my attention. So much so that I stopped paying attention to Star Trek Next gen playing on the boob tube in the back ground. I think I would have to give it a 4 out of 5 stars because there seems to be a bug stopping a pistol specialist decker from using a couple of the trick shots. Other than that though, the story is excellent so far, kudos on the traveling the astral plane segment as well. That was a first for me and quite enjoyable.
artemitavik 2020年6月23日 21時32分 
I would just like to mention that I enjoyed these mods. Yeah, it was a bit off probably lore-wise, but I think they were good fun. I'm working through chapter 3 right now, still interesting. Well done.
Ashtero 2020年2月6日 22時04分 
I'm thinking about replaying this campaign. I vaguely remember that you need some very specific skills (drone combat 8 ?) to get the best ending. Is this correct?
Vorpal Spoon 2019年8月29日 22時24分 
I did not hold it to AAA standards and I am (was) calm when writing this last year. I only provided an overview and suggested that there are good Shadowrun mods available. More importantly was that time is valuable whether a fan made it or not, and it was a waste of time.
Submaachiene 2019年8月29日 2時43分 
Vorpal Spoon calm down it's a free mod made by a fan. Don't hold it to AAA standards
shadowsmile29 2019年5月26日 17時20分 
Anyupdate for part 2 ?
Vorpal Spoon 2018年10月9日 11時41分 
Seriously, your time is better spent playing other Shadowrun mods. This gets 2.3/5 at best.

Part 1). The story will arc into a serious "WTF?!" moment, a moment where any sane normal person would not do if you're familiar with the Shadowrun universe. This poor nonsensical decision is what dissappointly carries you over into part 2.

Overview): Poor stage designs. Shitty dialogue with meaningless options. Disconnected dialogue that takes place when events never occured. Stages that don't mesh well in transistion. Linear plot arc with meaningless outcomes. The author gives you the impression that he has an extensive vocabulary, but falls short by constantly misspelling these words, making the dialogue appear vacous (I would expect that to be spelled "vacoose" it were in this series. Please don't waste your time, there are better, WAY BETTER mods for this.
N1njaM4ster255 2018年7月23日 20時57分 
do you have to play this after the desert wars or can i import my character from the main story
Briggs 2017年5月25日 14時45分 
One Spring Break, I accidentally wipde my MBR. I really paniced since that drive had the only recent copy of my grade book. Also the NTFS partition with Windows 7 got completely nuked. However I got my grade book, and the rest of my Ext4 partition recovered using TestDisk/PhotoRec {リンクが削除されました}. Might want to try that if you haven't already. Don't know the nature of the failure, so it may not be useful at all.

Ever since then I've been the "my back ups have backups" sort.
molefixer  [作成者] 2017年4月1日 11時35分 
Sorryfor delayed answer TheAgarrar. My computer suffered a catastrophic failure and was not recoverable. I just got a new one and am trying to get everything reloaded. As to your question I was not planning on adapting it for HK. I was working on 3 new modules, but they are all toast now having gone down with my computer. Not sure where I will go from here. I had been working on those since HK came out so kind of bummed now. That was a lot of work. I do plan on making content again just not sure where I will go from here.