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We'z Speshul - Da Howlerz
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13 Jun, 2024 @ 5:25am
2 Feb @ 1:23pm
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We'z Speshul - Da Howlerz

In 1 collection by Lost2Insanity
We'z Speshul - Total Waaagh Collection
4 items
We'z Speshul - Da Howlerz
This is a campaign expansion mod for the Greenskins that includes Da Howlerz faction and Legendary Lord Gitilla Da Hunter based on The Orcs & Goblins army book.

  • Playable Da Howlerz in Realms of Chaos & Immortal Empires. (Requires: Mixer)
  • Playable Da Howlerz in Immortal Empires Expanded. (Requires: Mixer & IEE)
  • Playable Da Howlerz in The Old World. (Requires: Mixer & Old World)
  • Victory Conditions for all of the above campaigns.
  • New Da Howlerz faction symbol.
  • (Legendary Lord) Gitilla Da Hunter.
  • (Mount) Ulda.
  • Faction unique Scrap Upgrade - Deff-whistle arrows for Goblin Wolf Rider Archers.

We'z Speshul - Core is supported but not required.
Mixer is required or the faction pack will not function.
Goblin Zepplin included in starting army when active.

We'z Speshul : Da Howlerz - On sommes spchial : Lé Zurleurs [FR]

Special Thanks & Credits
Creative Assembly - Supporting and enabling mod creation.
Da Modding Den[] - Essential Hub for Modding Total War.
Frodo - Rusted Pack File Manager (RPFM).
Phazer - Rigid Model Editor (RMEditor).
Ole - Asset Editor.
Mod User Support - Thanks for playing with my mods.
Lost2Insanity - Database, Art, Model.
Mixu - Database, Scripting, Art, UI Creation.
Partypus - Faction Icon.

Contact & Feedback
The best way to reach me is via the comment section below or joining Da Modding Den discord server listed above and use the #wez_speshul channel.
Ichneumon 3 Mar @ 9:22am 
Great mod! I think its little bit pitty that you have to take settlements in order to get some troops and to stop your waaagh from dying. I think it would be great to make for Gitilla simple horde system just like it is made in Blackskullz Horde by Mortrau. According to lore Gitilla never stayed for too long on one place so I think being just nomad, raiding and killing without taking care whats left behind is more fitting.
Lost2Insanity  [author] 18 Feb @ 3:33pm 
Normal raiding stance should be on Gitilla, we fixed that.
Encampment Stance does not work on Gitilla however this cannot be fixed but it is on other armies.
LeXx 18 Feb @ 2:52am 
Raiding still seems broken. The encamp has no raiding and there is no normal raiding stance. Am I missing something?
Lost2Insanity  [author] 5 Feb @ 4:12pm 
I don't know what that means, make sure you have the Mixer too?
Or steam could just be having issues.
makarena for peace 5 Feb @ 12:02pm 
Hey, it wont download the mod, becouse its missing file privilege, never happened with any other mod. Does anyone have a solution?
Lost2Insanity  [author] 2 Feb @ 1:22pm 
This should be resolved momentarily.
parry82 2 Feb @ 6:30am 
Anyone else had an issue where waaagh points don't accumulate so you never can use it? (maybe some other mod is blocking it but can't see which it could be?!)
Lost2Insanity  [author] 28 Jan @ 1:24pm 
We fixed the Raiding Stance on Gitilla, we really tried to get the normal Encamp Raiding stance working while in Horde mode but it does not function with the setup we have used.
Your Mother 26 Dec, 2024 @ 11:43am 
Thank you for the reply.

I do hope you give Skarsnik's Waaagh a comparative look. I think Da Howlerz would benefit from a more range focused ability.

I can also assure you there are many who whisper of a terror from the East. A great host of riders under the banner of the Hobgoblin Khan. (The game needs a not-Mongol faction in world. I am sure it would be popular).
Lost2Insanity  [author] 26 Dec, 2024 @ 11:35am 
1. I'll have a look at it.
2. Not without doing it the Wood Elf way, the changes to Scrap Upgrades mean we can't do the multiple ammo types through it anymore because they overwrite each other and making them exclusive locks out all the other upgrades.
3. When it comes to Greenskins and their adjacent cousins if you can think it you can bet I have, time is a premium though so who can say, every project I have worked on with Mixu has been born from a random comment.