Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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Items (11)
Created by kuluopai󰀍
🔎 初版MOD传送门:ActionQueue Reborn 🔍 🔎 改版MOD传送门:ActionQueue RB2 (RWYS supported) 🔍 🔎 二更MOD传送门:ActionQueue RB2 (RWYS supported) 🔍 🔎列队行为RB2🔍 🔎模组ID:2199027653598535560🔍 自用,仅供学习与参考(原mod来源steam;后续更新mod来源WeGame) mod介绍 搬运自Steam,原mod名《ActionQueueRB2》,原Steam模组地址:https://...
Base Projection (基地投影)
Created by 󰀉 NoMu
2023-02-26更新介绍视频: 更新说明: - 增加了基地规划功能 - 自动工作支持按录入的角度放置 - 快捷键占用优化 - 快捷宣告支持静默宣告 - 支持材料宣告 - 优化双击选择操作 - 修复旋转的一些bug 2023-02-15更新介绍视频: 更新说明: - 优化了模组物品在模组缺失时的贴图显示 - 增加显示名称的选项 - ...
Boss Indicators
Created by Ryuu
Tired of chasing after bosses or want to know if they're near? Then look no further. What this mod does This mod adds a player-like indicator to bosses to know if they're lurking around, so that you can go and smack them in their face - or run away from th...
Drop your lantern on the ground by pressing k
Created by 󰀛Baku
Immediately drop a lantern from your inventory. Configuration Options: •Drop Key - Key to press to drop lantern (Default Key: K)...
Created by modding
Highlights nearby containers that contain necessary items. Helps to manage storages of two and more chests and other containers without burden to search items manually or remember them. This mod is also available for Don't Starve (Vanilla/RoG/SW) here. Chi...
Observer Camera
Created by Super Jump
A pure English version have been uploaded here: Besides all the functions from Aerial View mod, this mod add a new feature: As long as you hover the mouse over any entity or any position you...
Show Nicknames (Client)
Created by star
It shows nicknames over players. CLIENT mod! Forge compatible. Gorge compatible....
Show Oceanfish
Created by 豌豆射手
This is client mod The text displayed is your local language. Show the names of ocean fish. It allows to set the text size and vertical offset, and supports the setting of color text for season fish schools. It is allowed to use the hotkey to switch the di...
Sort Tool
Created by Skull
Sort Tool - a client-side mod to sort your inventory and open chests. Usage: Press ']' Key(Default) to Sort Your Inventory! Press Ctrl + ']' Key(Default) to Sort Your Inventory except Backpack! Press Shift + ']' Key(Default) to Sort Your open Chests! Press...
Status Announce
Created by 傳說󰀘覺悟
Released for compatibility with Chinese language, Please go to the original author Status Announcements mods to subscribe, rewards please go to: