Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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How to be a good webber main
By Moon
Webber is a underated character that gets shadowed by other other characters and aoe attacks but with the right setup it's possible to kill even most raid bosses (excluding twins and Klaus since those 2 are hard counters)

In this guide I'll explain on how to use him effectively through his use of tools, ability to control his army effectively, and to effectively use techniques that would make u a better webber


  • webber whistle - the important tool to control your spiders, you may know its ability to stop spiders and call them our of their dens. but did u know it can do one other thing, it can stop spiders from eating food off the ground and go into a defensive stance, this stance is temporary but it makes the spiders passive until we break it off by attacking something else (this is only your loyal spiders any wild ones will not listen to that command)

  • den decoration kit - pacifies spiders in a radius and stops growing (this stops them from attacking walls which ill explain later)

  • healing glop - heals spiders and webber in a radius

  • shoebox - untames loyal spiders and de aggro spiders that are aggro on to you

  • Switcherdoodles - allows a spider When fed to switch to the corresponding spider type u fed them with

  • Razor - used to shave your beard and downgrade a den by 1 tier

  • Boomerang - just like the whistle it's a important item to initiate a attack from a distance by fake attacking u can start the attack with your spider army


  • These information are used amongst webber that are skilled enough.
    Webber should start by upgrading tier 2 dens instead of tier 1 dens for the investment in silk gives u 6 once u destroy the tier 3 den making it better than upgrading from a tier 1 since it would take 4 away each time, you can do this part by having spiders kill the dens for u or have them fight the spiders in that den (or tame them).

  • There's a technique thats used to get a nurse spiders easily and its by killing ur self and haunting a tier 3 den (it's a 10% chance but it's repeatable) u can do this near a touchstone and u can tame spiders to fight against the queen using the fake attack method which is u attacking but cancel mid animation before the attack is launched.

  • This one is used pretty often and it's cheaper than making bundle wraps as the investment is insanely good compared to wasting a few fiber and paper for a bundle wrap which is making a similar method to the pig farm but instead u do this with a decorated den and a pig skin and when u Shoe ur tamed spiders they won't be hurting the walls since they are pacified so they walk to the pigskin just like we're pigs and regular pigs (pro tip, don't put the area near base and put it far from the area to prevent hound attacks, it should not be near any den that is considered a farming area for spider wars and such, it should also be in a safe area where they aren't gonna get attacked like sinkholes,the swamp, etc).

  • This one is useful if u don't got a Wendy or any aoe attacking character (or wormwood) that can farm monster meat, silk, and glands which is called the spider war method which is taming one spider (and the other 2 nearby) and have them fight eachother which nearby spiders will awill start join in the fight and a war will break out.

  • here's a useful tip instead of worrying so much about danglers u can try this tactic which is to wait until dusk and attack the dens which spawns 3 spider warriors then use Shoe box to de aggro (only do this at dusk and when it recently turned dusk since if u tried to at a later time u end up with nothing cuz it converts spiders which is why none would spawn if u used a whistle)

Spider tier list

This list will indicate on what you should use as in your army

  • spider 1/10 - ain't ever really useful for any army and should be used only in early development in assisting you in less death treating situations or to use when ur mm is spoiling (mm means monster meat) other than that pick them up and murder them like how u do with rabbits and such

  • Warrior/dangler 8/10 - the useful spiders as they have 400 hp, jump to a target and act as a meatshield for spitters these should be used to tame for your army

  • strider 4/10 - only used for ck or on a boat ride for a extended period of time since these guys walk on water

  • nurse 10/10 - the most important spider to have as it heals for a great amount and having 9 would essentially make your army very strong and can live for a long time during a fight,they hral webber for 8 hp (the beefalo that you ride isn't affected by this tho)

  • spitter 8/10 - these guys have the highest dps in the spider faction when spitting so u should use this to your advantage

  • cave spider 6/10 - these guys aren't very good as warrior spiders but can tank a lot of damage when hiding so its useful if one is targeted but the bosses have aoe so this probes to be almost obsolete other than ones with single target damage (the reason for this rsnk and not in a lower rank cuz since the nurse spiders heal its basically gonna stay alive for a while)

  • shattered 7/10 - these guys are similar to spitters with a aoe attack but they aren't spamable and the dps is slightly decreased along with the hp too being half of a Warrior spider

  • spider queen 10/10 you think it's not possible? Yes it quite is thx to someone in the dst community this opened multiple options but this only works if u are alone or in a webber only world (that spider queen mask messes with the taming code of webber and will remove webber loyalty so it's advised to not messbwith that if there's a webber in your world)

The links below would further demonstrate and that one video that u should watch since he's the one that included spider queens though each boss are in his unique way, also there's a guide as well to how be a s tier webber but in a rushing format
by Poxartxe
by Lardee 137
by Jankeyosaurus
also by Jankeyosaurus
By Ameslarii (this is 40 seconds of boss time against toadstool)

Originally posted by author:
i forgot to mention this but head gear like football helments are useful but the worth of using them depends on how much resources u are getting often theres a guy i saw thay beat dragon fly using only nurse spiders to heal him, as for the headgear it depends as i said the resources but also the importanceof certain spiders like spitters and shattered which those will have a increased longitvity while warriors and danglers can tank there will be a scale for this too in the future

Originally posted by author:
also another mention ill be updating this guide and if u find this guide helpful please send this guide to your friends this link here can be copy and pasted

How to make a spider storage system

You need 7 walls and a gate door ( the walls can be any type)
Then make the walls surrounding 1 space and place the gate down
Then grab a pigskin and place it in the box close it too, grab your den and place just outside the wall but can be touching those walls
After that grab your decorating kit and pacify the den and u got a spider storage system judt Shoe your spiders here (make sure they are trying get to the pigskin) then you can keep these guys here without every having them around u 24/7

This is what it should look like
Synergies that work in both parties

U maybe wondering why I'm including this section and this is because there are synergies that aren't very great like wurt and wigfrig but are as decent In this one ill explain the synergies that have good reasons to come back not reasons that would be one sided or mostly common


  • Wendy/webber - Wendy can provide the honey needed for nurse spiders and webber can give dens to collect spider drops

  • wurt/webber - wurt provides with merms to use as a workforce and webber can provide monster meat for eggs

  • wortox/webber - this one should be obvious but if not wortox gains souls from spider wars while webber can get heals

  • warly/webber - warly has a monster food recipe that is better monster lasagna which feeds more and webber just provides monster meat

  • woodie/webber - similar synergies is wurt and Wendy and this is one of those similar synergies in which he is the workforce/Abigail so he can collect monster meat, grab resources, make hard hats and walking canes this is the most of the synergy u can get out of and webber gives monster meat and silk (the piggy back doesn't affect wereforms)

  • WIGFRIG/WEBBER - this was taken note very recently as I couldn't find a actual useful way until now thx to the songs but I'll explain this so apparently wigfrig can buff loyal spiders with songs making them able to have life steal which is the only other thing that can make the army do more other than the songs for lunar and shadow which those 2 are absolutely insane along with thay armor and weapons and for webber its just monster meat cuz wigfrig struggles with food and since it's a synergy that would never come cross to mind this would be a insane pull (this is the beat synergy you could get with this since this raises the combat level to the most powerful while there's Wolfgang and his whistle skill that ain't very useful due to the time it gives for the buff which isn't very long unless it can cancel)

These are the synergies that felt unique enough to provide for each character duo the rest of these characters have no special function that could relate to webber like wormwood or wx which wx can do every job but as a filler and wormwood while he provides armor there's no special function that webber has that could potentially help wormwood since he can generst3 living logs and kill bees once he gets stingers
A farming guide that u should check

This guide I read some of it and it's a pretty legit guide since this focuses on the farming aspec which us something I haven't explored so much with (since the whole reason with this guide bring focused on combat attributes is so u don't have to be a farming character instead of a combat character)
mishka.us29 11 Jun @ 10:49am 
Moon  [author] 5 Jun @ 10:45pm 
If you find any miscorrections or typos please tell me as this is run on a Samsung phone so the touchscreen is a bit sensitive making the keys not go where I pressed the key at
Moon  [author] 2 Jun @ 2:41pm 
Monster tartare is a dish that can use all 4 monster meat to make into this unhealthy dish but requires 4 monster meat this is also perfect as a situational use for both food wise and warlies together
Moon  [author] 2 Jun @ 2:38pm 
btw these synergies come from personal experience with me having 1k hours into this game I also had some other people who were better with these characters than me which I took that information as well since this was gonna help make you more productive with eachother instea btw that special recipe is monster tartare which is a treat for webber but not much for everyone else tho the upside is the hunger value being 62.5 at the cost of 20 hp and 20 sanity
Moon  [author] 31 May @ 5:26pm 
Where Dan is, its supposed to be can
Moon  [author] 31 May @ 5:23pm 
BTW I should clarify that the reason the twins and Klaus are a hard counters is 1. Klaus causes fire and ice debuffs which can panic your spiders and split them up, 2. the twins deal high damage that would other wise make your warriors obsolete these counters Dan be nullified if you know how to deal with these 2 issues as there's a guide on how to beat Klaus and there's one in the video that's shown how the twins are defeated but I don't remember which ones so u would need to search them yourself sadly, if u give me the links to those videos I'll post them in this comment section