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蜘蛛坦克与自走机枪_中文 Spider_tank&Machinegun_walker CN
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30 May, 2024 @ 7:10pm
15 Jun, 2024 @ 10:10pm
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蜘蛛坦克与自走机枪_中文 Spider_tank&Machinegun_walker CN

In 1 collection by Cokonov
Kantanas&Firelocks_Collection 剑与铳系列合集
2 items
Spider tanks and self-propelled machine guns have been added, and merchants can be found selling them in the Trader's Edge City.

These two types of creatures attack at a long distance and are very dangerous!

Because of the consideration of its usage in mods such as "End Poem" or "Empire Storm", it is very unbalanced and optional in Vanilla numerical value.

"End Poem"
"Empire Storm"
wow993 28 Oct, 2024 @ 3:55am 
Freyja Jewell 19 Aug, 2024 @ 3:07pm 
even guns took a while before they were developed past the point of armoring humans, unfortunately for us, these are quaddrapedal walking spider tanks, thier ordnance is probably more akin to siege weapons than an anti-personell weapon... so, yeah i wouldnt try killing it with a sword, running directly at a machinegun makes you die... 99.9% of the time, 100% if they're already aimed at you
Galaxy Brain 12 Aug, 2024 @ 1:56pm 
@FaceFisted bro get outside and touch some grass... for real. You are probably an autist that has never felt the touch of a women. You are complaining about the balancing of an optional MOD... The intensity of your worthless opinion proves my point.
Cokonov  [author] 13 Jul, 2024 @ 6:14pm 
@ggthe01 我懒得去分版本,会用fcs的欢迎随便提取出单独的版本
ggthe01 13 Jul, 2024 @ 5:45pm 
Lord Archadeas 12 Jul, 2024 @ 12:05pm 
If you don't like the mod, maybe don't use it? A mod is optional, saying something is OP that is 100% optional is like complaining your leg hurts because you decided to shoot yourself in the leg. There is also the other option, learn to mod, mod it so only 1 spawns at a time, and then have more fun. :D
Visari 8 Jul, 2024 @ 5:56pm 
he's got a point though lol, guns pretty much were made to render everything else obsolete. the problem of them spawning in groups can easily be remedied using FCS and just changing a couple variables.
WariousGaming 30 Jun, 2024 @ 1:34pm 
@FaceFisted - ur nickname already explained ur problem rn with ur head.... get the hell out of here with this %^%^#$%$ statement - it is not balanced for game where there can be 8 or 6 of them spawned and walking together.
FaceFisted 30 Jun, 2024 @ 1:06am 
'THIS MOD is so unbalanced - OP units that can erradicate anything in their path - balance it so it won't multi shot so when there are multiple of that units it just stunlock any character that is trying to kill them.'

Wait, mean to tell me that guns, {literally invented to render all other weapons obsolete}, are doing EXACTLY what they are designed to do?
Have you by chance tried shooting the bots? with like guns or something, or have you just been sending hordes of weeaboos to their death armed with weebsticks?

Here, this is a clip from an educational video by jontron:

hopefully it serves as a reality check.
WariousGaming 30 Jun, 2024 @ 12:15am 
THIS MOD is so unbalanced - OP units that can erradicate anything in their path - balance it so it won't multi shot so when there are multiple of that units it just stunlock any character that is trying to kill them.