211 个评价
Random Start
Mod, 1.5
317.556 KB
5 月 29 日 上午 10:53
7 月 4 日 上午 2:30
13 项改动说明 ( 查看 )

Random Start

Add a Random Colony Button to the Main Menu.

"Setbacks, losses, failure and recovery are where the spiky delicious drama comes in" - Tynan Sylvester.

Relinquish control. Embrace failure. Overcome terrible odds. Losing is fun.

Have you ever found yourself mashing the re-roll button over and over waiting for that perfect pawn to appear? Do you always play the default Crashlanded scenario? Do you have multiple modded storytellers installed but haven't ever tried them out?

This mod adds a button to the main menu that instantly drops you into a completely random scenario, drawing from your choice of base game or modded content.

There's also an options menu that lets you configure exactly how random you want it to be.

With the press of one button:
  • Generate a randomised planet
  • Randomly select factions from a configurable pool
  • Randomise Faction Goodwill
  • Randomly select a storyteller from a configurable pool
  • Select a configurable difficulty setting
    • Including custom difficulty settings
    • Disable Anomaly if desired
  • Randomly pick a scenario from a configurable pool
    • Or generate a completely random one
    • Remove or randomise starting research, limited to a configurable max tech level
    • Remove or randomise starting items, limited to a configurable max tech level and max total cost
  • Disable Ideology, Randomly generate a fluid or fixed Ideoligion or load a saved one
  • Randomly select starting pawns
    • With random Xenotypes or Genes if desired, limited to a configurable minimum metabolic efficiency

  • remove log spam
  • fix randomiseFactionGoodwill setting being overriden
  • ability to remove and / or randomise starting research
  • ability to set a maximum tier for random research
  • ability to disable unlocking pre-requisite research for random research
  • ability to remove and / or randomise starting items
  • ability to set a maximum value limit and tier for starting items
  • ability to set a metabolic efficiency minimum for randomising genes
  • ability to build a completely random scenario rather than choosing from pre-existing
  • ability to randomise starting faction goodwill
  • stop editing settings factions when creating unique factions
  • fix ideoligion deep save
  • add range sliders for all world generation parameters
  • fix SOS2 compatibility when loading custom scenarios
  • fix Vehicle Framework compatibility
  • fix tutorial not being ignored correctly
  • make mod detection more robust
  • add ability to override Ideoligion with custom one
  • No Pause Challenge compatibility
  • Real Ruins compatibility
  • Add setting to customise random faction count range
  • Add 'Unique' toggle for factions to avoid duplicate faction types
  • Add setting to customise random gene count range
  • Update Scenario selection to be more robust re: custom / workshop files
  • Properly store My Little Planet size selection in settings file
  • Patch for Realistic Planets Continued
  • Fixed scenario selection to pick from custom and workshop files
  • Added option to generate fluid Ideoligions
  • Added a patch to be able to edit My Little Planet size from Random Start settings
  • Added option to respect player faction Xenotypes. scenarios like VFE Androids will now be only androids for example
  • Don't randomly generate genes that are marked as canGenerateInGeneSet=false
  • Insert Random button after Continue Button in main menu
  • Added option to disable Ideology System
  • Added option to randomise Xenotypes
  • Added option to randomise Genes
  • Initial Release

How is this different to Dev Mode quick start?
The short answer:
This actually randomises everything, quick start is hardcoded to a specific scenario.

The long answer:
The dev quick start is hardcoded to the Crashlanded Scenario, with the Cassandra storyteller, on Rough difficulty. It also only generates a very small game map on a planet with 5% coverage, and doesn't randomise any generation parameters.

Random Start gives you the ability to randomise or set all of those things and more such as which factions you want to spawn or randomising genes and xenotypes.

It also pulls from your custom/workshop Scenarios as well as modded ones.

  • The Rimworld Discord, Especially @Taranchuk
  • NARC for massive amounts of help with testing, support and suggestions
  • kotobike, ferny, q308744928, [Apply_Meme], sebo2203, sam1373, Darknote, sleepy, The Big Toot, LiliPili, JoeOwnage, Simmin, TerrorFormer for suggestions and bug reports
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144 条留言
Iceobeasty 10 月 9 日 下午 10:05 
Please allow higher faction limit
Alastor 10 月 7 日 上午 11:05 
The mod ignores the Scenario settings i choose. I only want naked brutality but as the option but it jsut randoms any scenario possible.
Luv N Hugz |UwU| 9 月 17 日 上午 9:38 
I don't know if I'm lucky. But is there compatibility (or more like incompatibility) with Biomes! Caverns? I haven't seen any caves generate with a random start, which is a tad saddening.
huevo grande 9 月 12 日 上午 9:41 
Can you add posibility to disable randomization of reputation or rep range for selected factions?
Got this hillarios start with VFE empire
Empire is hostile
AngryCarp 9 月 3 日 上午 10:56 
So in the options under the Misc Tab under Ideology there is an option to load a saved ideoligon. I added saved ideoligon but my pawns get a random religion anyways. It it supposed to give your starting pawns that religion or is it just supposed to add it to the game or what? I'm not sure how it's supposed to work so I can't tell if it's working or not.
Jpeg 9 月 2 日 下午 12:53 
If you're having issues with map not generating, I've found deleting your mod configs resolves this issue for a couple days.
Cheesex 8 月 31 日 下午 2:41 
cool mod, but starting items random scenarios are rlly strange. Also this problem that Jpeg mentioned is annoying. It seems better to use random existing scenarios
huevo grande 8 月 31 日 上午 11:15 
The problem may only occur by pressing random button with random gear enabled
There is no signs of problem in vanilla starts with different bunch of scenarios (I tried all vanilla scenarios and VE scenarios)
huevo grande 8 月 31 日 上午 11:11 
The mod is great but there is problem with dev version of Combat Extendend
Some time I try to start scenario with random gear it randomly causes map generation error
Logs spam lots of attempts to place ammo around map. I suspect them as raisers.
For sure it's a dev version of CE but something tells me that this issue may persist on CE next version
I don't really know who can provide more information about this issue - @bogknight or CE team?
Jpeg 8 月 26 日 下午 8:12 
Question on starting items, I set a wealth limit to the starting items, but that wealth is never maintained due to the random scenario adding a bunch of scattered items around the map.. Is there any way around this? Or could you incorporate the limit to include scattered items/make a separate option based on scattered item wealth?