Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Empyrion - Galactic Survival

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Airship CV: The Spirit of Grungni
Blueprint: Capital Vessel
Custom: Airtight
Tags: Blueprint
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28 May @ 9:11am
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Airship CV: The Spirit of Grungni

Ever wanted to pilot an airship in space?

Of course you have, and you're in luck, The Spirit of Grungni - the thunderbarge of the dwarf Slayer-Engineer Malakai Makaisson - has flown through a Chaos rift from the world of Warhammer Fantasy straight into the Andromeda Galaxy and awaits your command. How does an airship function in space you ask? Don't worry about it!

This airship CV is based on the Warhammer Fantasy airship of the same name, but would be equally appealing to someone with no interest in Warhammer but an understandable appreciation of airships. The exterior of the airship is based on the model found in Total War: Warhammer III and I've endeavoured to make it as close a replica as possible, within the limits of Empyrion (see some of the photos at the end for references).

The airship is fully functional in space and planetside, and features:
-Two huge cargo holds with room for more in the balloon.
-An engineering area including an advanced constructor and repair bay
-A full medical suite
-Cooking and food storage facilities in the top deck beer-hall
-A captain's cabin equipped with a local map
-Options for piloting the airship from the top deck like a proper captain, or when in hostile environments or battle, from an enclosed bridge in the lower deck (coward).
-Access to the balloon (containing most of the core systems and cargo storage) and two crows nests via ladders on the rigging

The Spirit of Grungni does not have agricultural facilities, but you could probably find room for this in the airship's balloon, where there is still quite a lot of free space.

The airship is not intended for significant conflicts against other CVs, but can withstand minor skirmishes - the hull and balloon are made of combat steel, and the airship comes equipped with three artillery cannons. Furthermore, before it's unfortunate misadventure into the world of Empyrion Malakai had adapted some dubious (perhaps even Tzeentchian) artefacts to give the airship a shield.

At present there are no turrets as this would not fit the aesthetic, but you could certainly modify the crows nests to be turrets instead, and add others wherever you see fit.
It does have deck guns (sentry guns), which are mainly for appearances, but would also be helpful in fending off ground based enemies (hostile fauna or locals) when landed.

Since no true Dawi would forsake an opportunity to do some mining, the two bow "cannons" are actually laser mining drills.

There are a few visual deviations from the Warhammer design, namely:
-No shields strapped to the hull - I couldn't find a way to make it look good without impacting the overall design.
-The portholes in bow are not quite in right position, but necessary to provide sheltered option for piloting
-Added glowing eyes to the figurehead because it looks cool
-Lacks the decorative Dwarvern face on the front of the balloon - I tried but couldn't do it justice with the blocks available in Empyrion.
-No proper helm, as again I couldn't find a way to replicate this using Empyrion's blocks.

Access to the airship from the ground is via a slightly sketchy series of ladders on the right rear side of the ship (as I couldn't find an alternative that didn't mess with the appearance of the ship).

[Made for and in Reforged Eden - not tested in vanilla but would probably work fine, CPU might need adjusting]
spyroqueen 6 Jun @ 10:59pm 
very cool
NiWi-AlexM 4 Jun @ 7:01am 
Love it!
Kerdas5 1 Jun @ 7:59am 
I am glad we have some warhammer players on here!