Transport Fever 2

Transport Fever 2

92 ratings
(DEPRECATED) Railbed Ballast with Sleepers
Track/Street: Track
File Size
4.879 MB
20 May @ 8:59pm
11 Jul @ 5:57pm
7 Change Notes ( view )

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(DEPRECATED) Railbed Ballast with Sleepers

Deprecated Version
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Railbed Ballast with Sleepers

(My very first mod!! 🥳 ...since SimCity 3000 Unlimited! 😂 )

This mod adds 9 rail-less tracks to the menu (Misc category):
  • 3 railbed ballast only
  • 3 railbed with wooden sleepers
  • 3 railbed with concrete sleepers (new v1.3!)

  • 3 age/overgrowth/neglect versions.
  • Catenary versions for all 9.
  • All have station track modules.
  • No end-of-track buffers/bumpers.
  • Supports JK's Track Improvements mod if loaded (optional) for better appearance of track ends.

Great for old/abandoned rail lines, new lines under construction, or general unused railbed along in-service tracks. A track can be abandoned or put into service again using the game's track upgrade tool.

The 3 age flavours:
  • normal (same as standard track)
  • overgrown (grasses etc poke through the railbed)
  • old overgrown (dirty ballast, extra vegetation, aged sleepers, rusty catenary masts without cables)
Note the overgrowth comes from your terrain, so bare ground gives nothing. You can paint grasses etc under them.

This mod began as a fix for the other ballast-only mods that have had some bugs / rendering issues for a long time, however it evolved with new features into a full mod. It can replace the other mods, but it can also coexist with them if they are already on your map.

  • Parallel tracks share the same ballast and catenary masts (a well-known game limitation).
  • Junctions/switches/crossings with active tracks are messy (also a game limitation). Work around by dragging the railbed track up to (or across) the active track while holding C for precision to blend together reasonably well without forming a junction. The Build With Collision mod helps too.

  • v1.3 Added concrete sleepers!
  • v1.2 Additional update for Shader Enhancement mod compatibility.
  • v1.1 Early fix for Shader Enhancement mod.

Greets go out to @Jones for the early help in the modding forum.
Additional shout out to @doug for helping with the v1.2 update solution! Cheers!
RadiKyle  [author] 1 hour ago 
Deprecated Version
This mod version is no longer updated.
You may keep using it, but for the latest version please re-subscribe using, either by:

- the in-game Mod Browser (main menu > Mod Browser > tab > Subscribe)
- or at .

Then just disable this old Steam version in your savegame and enable the new version.
RadiKyle  [author] 12 Jul @ 11:52am 
Haha yes you did, thanks! 😎
Mr Tarakan 12 Jul @ 7:51am 
Wow i actually contributed 😭, lets goooo
RadiKyle  [author] 11 Jul @ 6:01pm 
v1.3 released with concrete sleepers, cheers! 😊
stanislaw.polanski 11 Jul @ 2:27am 
This is a great mod!:steamthis:
Mr Tarakan 3 Jul @ 10:08am 
@RadiKyle if you want i could provide some pictures somehow
RadiKyle  [author] 1 Jul @ 6:17am 
@Mr Tarakan oh wow interesting! (Concrete ties/sleepers still seem relatively rare around here...) I googled for some reference examples and there were not very many but I did find a few photos of neglected/abandoned lines with concrete sleepers (including one with catenary, altho it's possibly fake image or a film set). I'll give it some thought. If you have links to some ref photos that would help.
Mr Tarakan 30 Jun @ 9:33pm 
@RadiKyle of course! where i live theres plenty of abandoned track with concrete sleepers, and generally its not only wooden ones that get abandoned ;P
RadiKyle  [author] 28 Jun @ 7:27am 
@Mr Tarakan when I made the mod I considered concrete, but it didn't seem to have any use in the old / abandoned tracks theme. Do you think there's a use for concrete ones?
Mr Tarakan 28 Jun @ 1:46am 
some concrete sleepers would be nice too ;0