Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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Items (27)
Epic Healthbar
Created by Tykvesh
Spice up your combat experience with this stylized health bar! Epic Healthbar is a new widget which provides information about the current boss: Displa...
Show Me (Origin)
Created by star
It's Tell Me mod but it shows hint ON MOUSE OVER. And this is server mod. Recommended ShowMe (this mod) + Health Info I have to enable only 2 mods? Yes. Actually you can disable all other interface mods and enable only Show Me. But it's better to enable He...
Created by 橙之刃
常用的mod整合包,可在设置中自定义开关,共包含以下信息: 1.死亡不掉落。(若开启这个,重生掉落物品指令失效,需手动丢掉东西然后再重生) 2.六格装备栏。 3.二本科技垃圾桶。 4.掉落物自动堆叠。 5.物品堆叠上限修改。 6.更多可堆叠(生物、远古牛角等) 7.帐篷、夏凉棚耐久修改。 8.箱子自动整理。 9.木牌传送全汉化(加快传送速度)。 10.添加死亡复活按钮。 11.重生。 12.冰箱返鲜(背包、小偷背包、猪皮背包、鸟笼、蘑菇灯等)。 13.快速工作。 14.陷阱增强(可配置狗牙、海星、荆棘陷阱的...
Smart Minisign
救救孩子的英语吧 go die! You have to learn to draw by yourself! 1.1.4 Support Skin (Can be disabled in the settings) 1.1.1 Update Now can draw spiced foods. 1....
Global Positions
Created by rezecib
Map sharing works again! You don't even need to be in the A New Reign beta anymore! Code contributions are welcome: Features Show other players on the map (and hover over them to see who they are). Show player in...
Simple Health Bar DST
Created by DYC
Click for DS Version Click for OLD Version if the new one crashed A simple health bar! It will be displayed in the combat status automatically. (It will not be displayed when the game is just loaded !!!!!!!!!!!! don't tell me the mod no longer works becaus...
Status Announcements (NoMu)
Created by 󰀉 NoMu
2023/03/25更新说明 介绍视频: - 常用语 - Show Me模组和智能锅模组联动 - 更多细致和有趣的宣告 - 自定义宣告 - 修改自“快捷宣告 - Shang 完美汉化”( - 兼容新版本的制作栏 - 只保留简体中文 - 对于同Prefab但显示名称不同的物品,宣告数量时分别计算...
能力勋章 Functional Medal
Created by 恒子while(1)
Brief Introduction Addition of the Medal System, you can use the cartographer's desk to make various medals. Functional Medal is an extended mod with the theme of "growth". It adds a new type of prop "medal" on the basis of the original game. Different med...
Created by 冷青
模组说明 -----------------------------------------------------------------此版本的 Action Queue 是完全重写,著重在修复前版本所有的潜在问题,优化并最小化对于性能的影响,并添加几个新功能。 xiaoXzzz 移转 DST 版的 Action Queue 作为我的模组收藏,而在使用超过一年后,我决定要解决他的一些问题。 2014 年,DST 上原始版本的 Action Queue 是 simplex 所写,经过非常多的改版仍历久不衰...
😶‍🌫️几何布局 服务端 Geometric Placement Server
Created by SYXDlsj大爷
同步更新:8 月 2 日 - v:3.2.0 原作者:Geometric Placement (客户端) ~~独乐乐不如众乐乐~~ 娱乐至上本地化完善: 模组名称、描述、配置语言自适应、游戏内选项切换、 让没订阅的路人或朋友也能摆放得整整齐齐多棒!对吧哈?! 03更新: 同步原作者更新、重构翻译、重新调...
🌍组合状态[最新/中文]-Combined Status
Created by kuluopai󰀍
🔎 原作者模组传送门:《Combined Status 》🔍 🔎 淘气值必须搭配Insight使用:《Insight (Show Me+)》 🔍 “组合状态”“综合状态”“状态显示”《Combined Status》《显示三维》《三维显示》《三维》《季节时钟》《显示季节》《季节》《更多状态》《状态栏》 原作者模组传送门:/n 自用,仅供学习与参考【汉化者:zhonger】 模组介绍...
Craft Pot [DS, ROG, SW, DST]
Created by IvanX
Client mod that adds intuitive cook assisting interface to crock pot. Doesn't matter what server you join, modded crock pots, modded recipes, this mod serves them all on a plate and helps you cook whatever your heart desires by displaying the exact recipe....
Display Attack Range
Created by ClumsyNoob
Shows the attack range of mobs when they are targeting a player. The display will change color when they attack. Configuration options: Red, Green, Blue: Adjust the RGB color that shown for attack. Range appearance: Select range appearing while targeting p...
Created by 💖gznc💖
Client side. Calculating farming pair. Press K to start. Don't forget rating me!...
Created by 心悦卿兮
复活按钮和传送按钮 复活按钮点击复活,传送按钮点击生成传送面板。(二者均可单独开关) PS:如果你喜欢这个模组,就给作者点个免费的赞吧! 复活按钮: 1、死亡后,将会出现一个按钮,左键即可复活。 2、通过复活按钮复活后,将在人物复活点生成一个保命微光。 2、模组设置里可以设置 复活冷却时间 和 复活血量上限惩罚,默认关闭。 传送按钮: 1、进入游戏,屏幕中会出现一个按钮,左键打开面板。 2、模组设置里可以设置 传送消耗,默认关闭。 3、NEW,模组设置里可以设置 仅管理员可以进行删除操作,默认关闭。(勉强防...
Created by rabrat
中文汉化版本 原版: 仅修改替换英文为中文单词,已有问题请联系原版作者 服务器 mod. 介绍: 输入指令来重新选择人物 / 复活 / 自杀。 可以通过设置冷却时间防止有些玩家不停的使用指令。 可以设置是否在重生时掉落全身物品。 可配置选项。 指令及功能: #重生 - (重生换角色) ##重生 - (重生并掉落物品) #复活 - (复活自己) #自杀 (自杀)...
Show Oceanfish
Created by 豌豆射手
This is client mod The text displayed is your local language. Show the names of ocean fish. It allows to set the text size and vertical offset, and supports the setting of color text for season fish schools. It is allowed to use the hotkey to switch the di...
Created by 阮糖面包
Muelsyse. *Ecologist Blood 150, Hunger 150, Sanity 300. Initial Carry ① Ecological Wand ② Leaf Umbrella ③ Flow Form *1 ④ MiuMiu's Backpack ⑤ 5 Random Miu-Style Dishes Abilities: Pure Water is Life: Muelsyse can use Ecological Adaptation to create a Flow Fo...
Created by 咸鱼八
人物属性: 生命值:150(+34.5) san值:200 饱食度:150 攻击系数:1.5 防御系数:0 人物物品 初始根据皮肤不同带有皮肤不同的帽子与武器。 1.帽子: 头部装备,无耐久 初始40%减伤,给予木甲/影甲/铥矿护甲分别可以使减伤提升至50%/60%/70% 给予巨鹿眼球可获得100%防水 +20%移速 穿戴时可以在水上行走,且每秒增加一点潮湿度。 穿戴该帽子时,即使潮湿度过高工具也不会脱手。 2.唱片: 手部装备,无耐久,攻击速度略慢 攻击力:51/59.5/68/100(可在模组配置界面...
Created by 绯月蝶影
基础属性 生命值100 饥饿值100 理智200 移速0.8 攻击倍率0.7 自带一本科技 免疫火焰 寒冷时不损失生命值损失等量的san值 初始自带法杖和助听器 法杖属性:攻击距离8 伤害37 助听器属性:60%防御 10%加速 可使用源石碎片维修 角色专精 精一:魔法一本解锁 属性变化:生命上限+30 饥饿上限+30 移速0.9 攻击倍率0.9 法杖攻击距离+1 伤害57 获得小范围照明功能 解锁技能点燃 精二:魔法二本解锁 属性变化:生命上限+30 饥饿上限+30 理智上限+40 移速1.1 攻击倍率1...
[ArkNights] Mudrock
Created by sirco
This mod cease updating because i have to prepare for an exam.New contents will probably be added in 2024(summer?) Before you stands, The Sarkaz mercenary, The former friends of the fertile earth and the rock, And our youthful and beautiful Sarkaz big girl...
Created by Kazehaya
————不期而遇的详细介绍在讨论区———— 水月-明日方舟同人mod Mizuki-ArkNights 目前仅发布于Steam平台创意工坊,禁止二传二改 作者:风早Zanoku 贴图:词秫 代码:六花 特别鸣谢:六花在代码方面的支持与各位mod作者的联动授权 水聊交流群/赞助途径(万星园修复计划):364906225 点赞摩多摩多,我真的很需要这个—— mod介绍视频: ①
Cloud Strife, the Ex-SOLDIER
Created by miz
Let's Mosey! Adds Cloud Strife, the Ex-SOLDIER, into the world of DST. He is a combat-based character that comes equipped with numerous items and abilities that will help him and his fellow survivors survive in the Constant. Comes with a unique voice (an e...
[API] Modded Skins
Created by Hornet
A new revamped version of the Modded Skins API comes to you. Bringing the ability for other mods to add their own skins for their custom characters and custom items! Even bringing along its own custom skin unlockable system for these modded skins. For your...
Asakiri the Cyborg
Created by 早雾 (Trailer) Chapter 1, Titanium Will. Detailed descriptions on the way. English version available in the mod configuration page. Thought you found it LOL Thanks for playing. Dodge & Rush, please try ALT button whi...
【明日方舟】重岳(Arknights ChongYue)
ChongYue Shuo Profile: ChongYue. He is actually a normal person who's body has high indicators , and his performance is likely to be related to his own exercise. He came to the Constant without forgetting his martial arts skills. Technically speaking, he i...
Frieren at the Funeral
Created by C
Because a fool would praise the magic I have collected. Preface I won't answer or fix any compatibility issues!!! If you encounter such problems, please solve them yourself Need to translate the text of Ubel. Click here to join discord Stats Health: 150 Hu...