No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

Look my Liege! Camelot!
"Camelot !
C a m e l o t !!
C a m e l o t !!!
It's only a model! (Na - it's only a Cadmium-Farm!)

Reference clip (Monty Python and the Holy Grail):
(Disclaimer: This is not my youtube channel)


Greetings travellers!

This is my interpretation of the Camelot model from the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
You will have many interesting things to discover there - or maybe not, after all the castle is only a model ... 😉
ALPHA  [author] 3 Jun @ 12:57am 
Yes, YES my friend, it is!
And it houses so much NipNip!!! 🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾 😛🤩
orion-007 29 May @ 9:27pm 
Actually Camelot is a weird place...
ALPHA  [author] 22 May @ 1:49am 
Oh, by the way - the planet "Avalon" is a beautiful grass planet with very special caves: Very elongated, partly open at the top so that they look like deep river beds. Interesting terrain for building a base. These caves contain little vegetation and obstacles - could be interesting to build an underground race track.

I would be happy to have neighbours. 😁
Have fun