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Star Trek Module 9 - Shuttle Kit 1.5
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Star Trek Module 9 - Shuttle Kit 1.5

I 1 samling av Qarannia
Star Trek Modules
15 artiklar

Welcome to Star Trek Module 9 - Shuttle Kit by Q-Tech. This mod contains a set of parts for building a Federation Type 9 shuttle. This mod requires WeaponCore,ToolCore, and Animation Engine to function, so make sure you have all three mods loaded in your world. They are listed as dependencies so they should load automatically but if there are issues it may help to add them manually to the mod list.

IMPORTANT: Update information for this mod can be found in the Change Notes tab.

Under no circumstances is this mod to be publicly re-uploaded by anyone for any reason! The shuttle weapons' characteristics can be modified using the WeaponCore server config file.

The other modules can be found on my workshop or in the Star Trek Modules collection.

The description of each module in the collection can be found in the Star Trek Modules Guide. Please refer to the guide for information about each mod. Please do not post questions or complaints if you have not read the guide. If you have read the guide and your question / concern has not been addressed then feel free to post it in the comments section.

This mod contains the following blocks:
  • A set of 21 parts for building a Type 9 shuttle.

It is possible to customise the damage values for the shuttle's weapons in this mod using the WeaponCore server configuration file. This file is automatically created when a world loads with WeaponCore in the mod list, and can be found at:

For convenience, clicking here[] will allow you to download a config snippet that can be inserted into the WeaponCore server configuration file. This config snippet contains overrides for the damage output of the Phasers and Photon Torpedoes that can be customised. Each <AmmoOverride> section can be copied to the config file between the <AmmoOverrides></AmmoOverrides> tags. You can then change the weapon damage output values to suit your gameplay.

  • Type 9 Shuttle - Carbon Dudeoxide

If you like this mod then please visit Qarannia's Space Engineers Workshop to check out my other mods.

If you like my work and would like to support me, then you can buy me a coffee by clicking on the image below. Any support is greatly appreciated.

65 kommentarer
Qarannia  [skapare] 24 aug @ 7:39 
@jivaii Trust me, you're not the only one who doesn't get why these things are the way they are. I remember having endless issues with sequencing weapons in WeaponCore and constantly being told by the WC devs that everything was working as intended. After weeks of trying, in desperation one day I stripped all the weapons off the ship and put new ones on. Bam, it worked! Did the same on all my grids and they worked as well. Why? Who knows; I certainly don't.

But I do feel your pain.
jivaii 23 aug @ 15:35 
I don't get it. Started up another save with the same mods, no problem.
jivaii 23 aug @ 14:22 
There was no change. still having the issue in offline SP.
jivaii 23 aug @ 14:18 
Playing on co-op, with all 15 modules, Build Info/Build Vision, Star Trek Respawn ships, Star Trek Encounters 2.6, nanobot build and repair, and aww scrap. Included are their dependencies

I'm going to try it on SP now and see if that changes anything.
Qarannia  [skapare] 23 aug @ 14:15 
@jivaii Well I haven't personally experienced this but I will go and test it once more under survival conditions to see if anything odd crops up. The only thing I can't do at the moment is test it on a server so if ToolCore or anything else is acting weirdly on a server I can't really do much about it.
jivaii 23 aug @ 14:12 
I can confirm that I also have the issue of being unable to transfer stuff from the salvager into anything other then the drill, and likewise from the drill elsewhere. The drill will still empty into other inventories though.

It also didn't stop when I deactivated it when it was full and just leaving scrap about.
ATepidCupOfTea 3 aug @ 2:52 
Yeah I suspect thats the case. Thanks for the help anyway
Qarannia  [skapare] 2 aug @ 6:19 
@ATepidCupOfTea I can't say for sure but I suspect it's something server side that's causing a weird side effect that I can't reproduce. Maybe another mod or script conflicting with ToolCore and how it uses the Sorter block type; I really don't know.
ATepidCupOfTea 1 aug @ 15:51 
Okay, done some further testing. It seems to allow item transfer initially, but then stops after using the salvage beam to scrap some blocks. Weirdly I can move items from the salvager to the drill, but not into any other cargo.
ATepidCupOfTea 1 aug @ 8:55 
Thanks for the reply! Giving it another go today, I think it might be an issue with the server tbh but I will let you know what I find