Fallout 4

Fallout 4

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Pip-Boy disappears? Pip-pad (Mod) goes bye-bye? No problem!
By doom
How to fix Pip-boy disappearing off your arm completely and when you try to use it!!1!
First of all, pip-boy disappearance
this is a pretty simple fix, but this is if the pip-boy is just completely "unequipped", i dont know if this would help with any texture glitches like stealth boy effect on your pip-boy constantly. ANYWAY!

If your pip-boy is gonezo, some goblins stole it or whatever you can try the method below.

just to check if its even there you can do player.unequipitem 00021B3B to obviously un-equip it completely (if you dont see it say in the top left corner "Pip-boy was unequipped" or didn't hear any affirmative un-equip noise then you're not wearing it, its already gone)
now you can try to re-equip it by using the command player.equipitem 00021B3B should be simple enough and should fix it!
what an unequipped pip-boy should look like
Pip-Pad (Mod) Suddenly gone? No worries!
first of all, this mod is great, but like all mods they can have issues :(
you might have searched online about how to fix your Pip-Pad after it's disappeared and you've loaded different saves after saves but to no avail. seeming like the only option was to restart on a fresh save and completely abandon the one you've lived for a long time which really sucks, ive seen genuinely no where else that offered a fix that wasn't "you're screwed buddy start a new save"
so i thought i'd just get the word out and its pretty simple, just follow these steps!
  • disable pip-pad.esp and (pip-pad_LLMC in-game mod list) - both in-game in the main menu and Vortex Mod Manager
  • reload your save - keep the pip-pad mod disabled!
  • type in player.equipitem 00021B3B into the console (~ key) - this will re-equip your original pip-boy
  • save!
  • exit the game completely
  • open vortex MM and re-enable pip-pad.esp, reload your game for a final time, re-enable pip-pad.esp & pip-pad_LLMC
  • load your save
  • Fixed!

this guide was pretty short but i hope it helped because when i was goin through this, i had mega panic i was gonna lose my save (for the 4th time because i have a mod addiction and no one can stop me)

here's the mod if you wanna try the pip-pad out for yourself, its a refreshing experience!